
14 Tips For You Who Want To Climb Mount Agung Bali

You who like the hobby of returning or climbing to Mount. Then you definitely want to try a new sensation of climbing Mount Agung in Bali. However, before you decide to climb, there are a number of important things to know. Here they are the things must not do in Bali Indonesia.

This is so that you are not surprised or become paranoid because the terrain of each mountain location is certainly different. And also you have to know when it can be done climbing and when it is forbidden to climb. Well, here are some tips for you who want to climb Mount Agung Bali that you should know:

1. Know Your Physical Condition

Before you decide to climb Mount Agung, make sure if your physical condition is strong enough. Don’t be too pushy if your physical and inner conditions are not fit. Because climbing mountains especially Mount Agung is not an easy thing. Medah area is quite steep and especially you have never climbed or know the location of Mount Agung before. So, pay attention to the physical condition so that all plans run smoothly. You must buy items when you visit Bali.

2. Find out the location of the mountain

You can also before climbing on Mount Agung, find as much information as possible. Regarding location, situation, animals around the mountain, testimonials and so on. This is intended as your preparation before climbing. It is very important to know about the location of Mount Agung, so that you are accustomed to it and are not surprised to know in full the conditions and situations there later. And also you can prepare for all the risks that will occur later.

3. Check About Some References Regarding Mount Agung

Tips for you who want to climb Mount Agung Bali the other is to find out as many references – lots about mount Agung. It can be about location, permission, guide, climbing time, route, clothes to be taken and so on. This is so you can prepare everything carefully. Because climbing a mountain is not a journey like a normal road or tour. You have to prepare yourself physically and also mentally because when climbing we will be faced with a situation and terrain that is quite heavy. So the importance of finding out all the references that you will use as information on climbing on Mount Agung, Bali. The following the best snorkeling in Bali Indonesia the exclusive locations you should visit.

4. Learn about the conditions around Mount Agung

The next thing you can prepare in climbing Mount Agung is knowing the situation there. Each mountain has a different location and conditions, maybe you are used to climbing to various mountains in Indonesia. However, you still need to know the conditions on each mountain, especially Mt. Agung. Know the weather, climbing terrain, routes or roads going to Agung mountain, resting place and so on. This is to avoid unpleasant conditions and avoid the risk of going astray in the forest.

5. Prepare Clothing Supplies for Climbing

Preparing supplies such as clothing, food and so on is a top priority when you are about to climb. This becomes a provision when you climb, erratic weather can make you must prepare the appropriate clothes. And bring only important clothes, because when climbing a mountain, every supply will be taken alone. The more supplies you carry, it can become a burden when you climb. It can also be one of the problems, if you are carrying too much weight then the climb will be difficult. So, consider bringing clothes that can be carried and lasts long as you climb.  Hence the best and things to do in Bali for young adults.

6. Prepare Food and Drug Supplies

The next tip for you who want to climb Mount Agung Bali is don’t forget to bring medical supplies. Especially medical supplies, to anticipate unexpected conditions. Weather and conditions in the forest and in the mountains require medical equipment. This is not to mention you meet forest animals or piercing cold conditions. So, the importance of preparing drug supplies as a provision for your health during climbing Mount Agung, Bali. Try to bring drugs that you commonly feel, and avoid carrying drugs that are prohibited from using them.

7. Prepare Climbing Equipment

One of the supplies that are not forgotten is climbing equipment. Such as backpacks, hiking shoes, flashlights, matches, tents, socks and so on. Make a list of the main climbing items, so you don’t forget about these important items. Climbing supplies are very necessary, because if you forget to bring them, then the risk of other things can happen. Therefore, prepare a full and mature supply. You have to try it, the things to do in Bali when it rains day.

8. Use the Guide During Climbing

Generally when doing mountain climbing, then the first thing you do is ask the committee there to provide guide services. Moreover, you are a young climber, very important role of a guide, because they know more about the route, weather, conditions and so on. Using guide services is also a calculation of risks and hazards, so you can ask for help from guides to take you on a climb while on Mount Agung. Prioritize safety, so that the risk of getting lost or lost can be anticipated.

9. Know when to climb Mount Agung

Tip for you who want to climb Mount Agung Bali is to know when is the right time to climb. Why, because this affects the risks and dangers that you will face. It is not possible in conditions of rain, storm, or extreme weather to climb. Because safety can be a challenge. So, know through information about when or the right time to be able to climb. Get to know the weather that occurs when you climb, because the weather on ordinary land and on mountains or forests is not the same and sometimes cannot be predicted. So, the importance of finding out to the local party or guide about the exact time of climbing. The recommended the things you must do in Ubud Bali.

10. Find Out the Location of Springs on Mount Agung

Another important issue is to find out about the conditions of the springs on Mount Agung. This is commonly done by climbers because springs are important when climbing. That’s why when you climb the importance of a guide officer to help you find out the location of springs that will definitely be used as a source of water and your willingness to climb on Mount Agung. If the spring is very easy to find, the climb will feel safe and soothing.

Furthermore, tips for you who want to climb Mount Agung Bali that must be considered again are as below:

  • Find out which route you will skip, the importance of knowing about which routes will be passed during the climb to make it easier for you to find your way home and leave, without getting lost. Because of that, bring a map or compass as a guide to avoid getting lost or missing from the group.
  • Find out how long you will climb on the Agung mountain, find out about how long you travel while climbing Agung Mountain, this is to predict your condition and also when it’s good to get to the top of the mountain. Also avoiding the dangers of wild animals also chasing time before nightfall. Hence the best and the most recommended hotels for honeymoon in Bali you must try it.
  • During the climb, avoid to damage or worsen the condition of the forest around the damaged mountain, such as polluting, littering and so on, keep it from being done.
  • Before climbing make sure that the weather in the location is quite bright and safe for climbing, so you don’t have to postpone time or cancel the climbing schedule.

Well, so are some examples and tips for you who want to climb Mount Agung Bali. Hopefully, you become more sensitive and know what needs to be prepared so that the climb runs successfully. See you next.

Published by
Tri Agustina

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