Socio Cultural

7 Absurd Things You Can Only Find in Typical Indonesian Soap Operas

Indonesian soap operas are well-known for the absurd things which typically exist during the shows.

It makes the audience shake their head with the unreasonable things on soap operas.

As we know, there are so many soap operas in Indonesia and from time to time the plots have never changed.

Here we have some recaps of the absurd things you can only find in typical Indonesian soap operas.

If we watch them in a different perception, it can make us laugh so hard because of it.

That also becomes one of the unique facts about Indonesia that you should know. Let’s check them out!

1. Hit-and-Run Scene

Almost in every soap opera in Indonesia, you will easily find the iconic hit-and-run scenes. The absurd thing about the scene is, actually, the actor knows if s/he will hit by a car.

Normally, s/he should run from the road, right? But no, the actor will stay on the road and only shout at the highest voice until s/he hit by the car.

While the driver, instead of hitting the brakes, he keeps driving and gets fasten the car while shouting in a high pitch from inside the car.

2. The Contrast Between the Protagonist and the Antagonist Characters

The character of the actor is so contrast between the protagonist and the antagonist. The protagonist is pictured as the nicest person ever but so poor.

The protagonist will always be bullied by the antagonist like all the time. The funny thing is the protagonist never fights back and it happens almost in every soap opera in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the antagonist is very rich but her/his attitude is so bad, cruel, and s/he will do everything that can harm the protagonist.

The antagonist will always find a way to bully the protagonist and always stand out on the right side even if under the name of the law. Such character might bring the audience into a misunderstanding of culture in Indonesia.

3. The Storyline

The storyline in every soap opera in Indonesia is mostly about inheritance issue.

The plot is extremely clear from the very beginning of the episode that the inheritance belongs to the protagonist.

Sometimes the inheritance is addressed to the protagonist who has no blood relatives so that the storyline will be unreasonable.

If the protagonist has blood relatives regarding the inheritance, then the protagonist will have a terrified stepmother or aunts/uncles who want to own the wealth for their profit.

That kind of antagonist persons will do everything to get the inheritance.

4. The Love Story

The love story in soap operas in Indonesia mostly is about a rich man who falls in love with a poor girl.

From time to time the storyline is always like that. Well, the idea is great, though, since it wants to unify the diversity in Indonesia.

By the way, their love story will be forbidden by the parents of the rich man. And the poor girl will be bullied all the time by the family.

The rich man always has a fiancee who is ready to get married, but the rich man will always avoid his fiancee.

The fiancee will always be the antagonist and the poor girl is always the protagonist.

The fiancee will bully the poor girl every time and never feeling sorry for that.

5. The Most Popular Illness: Leukemia

For typical Indonesian soap operas, leukemia should be awarded a Grammy as the best illness.

Every time the protagonist sicks, leukemia will appear as the sickness to the protagonist from nowhere. The sickness appears as if it has to be a major health problem in Indonesia.

And here is the interesting thing. Instead of looking for help such as going to the doctor, find the right medication or so, the protagonist will reject any kind of treatment.

They are not trying to make some effort or even taking some Indonesian herbal medicine to get cured.

6. Amnesia

Amnesia always happens as the protagonist or some supporting actor to the protagonist when they already have the clue for solving the issues in the drama.

They suddenly get amnesia and it is caused by a little thing such as having slipped on the floor then fall or the worst part is hit by a car.

Amnesia becomes the favorite part of every soap opera in Indonesia. It successfully brings the audience into a grumpy madness when watching the show.

7. The Monologue

Watching soap operas in Indonesia, we don’t have to struggle to guess the plot. Everything is already told during the show, and they neatly wrap the plot with the monologues.

The actor will clearly sound the monologue in a high voice with a unique expression. The iconic expressions are the widened eyes, while making an evil mimic with grinned lips.

Those are seven absurd things you can only find in typical Indonesian soap operas.

Even though most Indonesians give a bad critic about them, they still watch this kind of entertainment because they simply love it.

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