
13 Effects of Water Pollution in Indonesia

Water pollution in Indonesia is increasingly apprehensive. It can be interpreted as a change of state in a water reservoir such as lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater due to human activities. This change leads to a decrease in water quality to a dangerous level so that water can’t be used as intended. Natural phenomena such as volcanoes, storms, earthquakes, and others also result in changes of the water quality. It would give the effect of Water Pollution in Indonesia.

  1. Triggering some disease

The undeniable impact of water pollution is the emergence of various types of diseases. These diseases can affect humans and other living things, such as animals and plants. Some types of diseases can arise due to water pollution. Some of the most common diseases occur toward skin and digestion.

This is because the water is consumed. Besides it also used to clean the body and clothes that will eventually be used on the body. This disease can arise from viruses or substances present in polluted water. Usually the disease will occur massively (many people will suffer). The water consumed for the public people and e this disease will usually be contagious. (Read also: Diseases in Indonesia)

  1. The failed crops due to the lack of irrigation

When the water is polluted, it would automatically give the impact toward the irrigation system for the plant in Indonesia. Indonesia is the country that has great potential prospects in agriculture. Water pollution would cause the failed crops since the water couldn’t be used to water the plantation. It would also give impact toward the decrease of crops product in Indonesia.

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  1. The raising of monthly budget for a family

When ground water has been polluted by water, the water could not be used even though it is very much. It requires the people to find other water sources to meet their daily water needs. The easiest and effective way is to buy clean water coming from mountain springs or buy mineral water in packs. This is practical, but of course will increase the cost of monthly budget each month.

Budgets that should be used for other purposes, but instead run out to buy clean water. The price of one liter of water could be various. However, if there are more than 5 members in family, it would spend more than 30 liter per day. Thus, indirectly water pollution affects the economy in a family. (Read also: Indonesian Family Values)

  1. Degrading the ground water quality

This ground water will decrease its quality. This is very dangerous, especially if the ground water is consumed by the community. Therefore, people living around polluted water sources will consume lower water quality (although they do not consume polluted water directly) compared to communities far from polluted water sources.

  1. Dirty water

Water pollution will also have an impact on the water scene. Polluted water will look dirty and unhealthy. It is usually cloudy or also changes in color. Polluted water will no longer be clear as pure water. Water that gets polluted also will not be pleasant to the eye, because this water is polluted water  so it is less feasible to be consumed. 

  1. The lack of oxygen in the water

Water pollution will also cause the least amount of oxygen present in the water. The oxygen that is the source of breathing for the aquatic animals will be reduced so that it will cause the water to appear cloudy and unhealthy. Because the oxygen in this water is so small then this water will also be deserted from animals and aquatic plants. As a result there will be no life in this water.

  1. Many aquatic organisms are dead

Water pollution will cause a problem in the water ecosystem. Life in this water also includes the life of an organism in the water. Water contains a lot of organisms, both visible and invisible. These water organisms include phytoplankton and also zooplankton. Phytoplankton is the creatures that take an important role as a source of food for many aquatic animals.

  1. Many animals and aquatic plants are dead

Besides impacting the demise of organisms living in water, water pollution can also directly affect the death of animals and plants in the water. Animals and plants are the riches of aquatic life. The absence of animals and plant, the life in water is like nothing. Animals and plants also have many benefits for the water itself.

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  1. Lack of clean water to consume

Consuming a lot of water is very beneficial for the body. Water is important for the body since it delivers the juice of food throughout the body. Water that will be consumed on daily should be clean and free from disease-causing bacteria.

However, in recent years many sources of water that contaminated ground water. The turbid and smelly water caused by water pollution is not feasible for consumption. This makes the lack of clean water for consumption. This wetness of clean water consumption will have an impact on health.

  1. Reducing of the water for daily use

Humans can’t get out of the water when on a daily basis. Besides for consumption some household activities also need the clean water. All activities such as washing the cloth, cooking, and bathing obviously need the role of water. It is conceivable, when water is polluted by pollutants, it will be very difficult for humans to find clean water. Household activities will be disturbed.

  1. The changes of the acidity (pH) in water

Water pollution can also alter the original properties of clean water / pure water. One of the properties that will be changed by water pollution is the level of acidity or Ph. This acidity level is clearly always owned by water. Normal water or fresh water bias has an acidity level of about 5 to 7. While polluted water lower or higher pH level.

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  1. The sediment, colloids, and water-soluble ingredients

The subsequent effects of water pollution are the emergence of deposits, colloids, or soluble substances in water. Those are the material that caused pollution in the water. These objects (deposits, colloids, and other solutes) can be obtained from a variety of sources such as household, industry, and so on. Things like this will mix in the water and can be shaped or not.

The objects that cause pollution jam can also contaminate the water and change the color, smell, taste, until the content possessed by the water itself.

  1. Some foods production and industry would spend more their budget for clean water

Most industries also need water in their production processes. Tanned water can cause the production process to be inhibited because water can no longer be used. Some of the food in the process should be sterilized which certainly requires a lot of clean water. This is why then the producers will need a large cost to meet the needs of clean water

Those are the effects of water pollution in Indonesia. It is important for you to make sure that the water that you are going to use isn’t contaminated by any pollution. Once you consume or use the contaminated water, some harm effect might be harm you.

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