
30 Facts About Tsunami in Sumatra Island Indonesia

After understanding about all the kinds of quakes and tsunamis in Sumatra island of Indonesia, we want to tell you some more about another interesting facts about the disaster in Sumatra, especially for the gigantic and disastrous tsunamis.

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Everyone knows that Sumatra is located in such a dangereous area, locatd in the way of drfiting earth plate, that can cause more and more quakes in a short time. But not only that fact that is horrifying, there are other more await in the article. So, let’s just straight out to our topic for today which is the facts about Sumatra tsunami :

1. The Horrifying Quake in 2004 Happened in 9,2 magnitude

Well, let’s talking about the disatrous quake that happened in the past year of 2004, when people were way to calm because it was Sunday in the morning. Sudddenly, there was this quake that shake anything, buildings, house equipments, and even people can’t walk straight because of that.

No wonder, the quake was counted for the 9,2 magnitude, very shocking magnitude level, especialy for the coastal area like Aceh. Not long after that, the tsunami was coming down to town, hitting and killing everyone that still lingering outside.

2. 30 Meters Tsunami Created From That

As mentioned above, there was this tsunami that structed down many cities in Sumatra, especially Aceh. If you looking at some footages, the tsunami itself has like 5 meters high. That tsunami with only some meters can already destroy everything.

But, the fact tells us the horrifying truth. Looking from the coast, based on the peopl who are also the witness who see the high of the tsunami themself directly. The tsunami was estimated to have at least 30 meters high when start approaching the coast.

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3. More than 230 Thousand People Died

The tsunami in Aceh 2004 happened in the morning, it was like 10 am or more at that time. After that, the tsunami finally came. The sad truth is, many people can barely get out from their own house because of panicking.

Because of the confuse, the panic, and also still considering to bring some good with them, they didn’t have much time for to go for the save place. And because of that condition, the casualties because of that are 230 thousand people.

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4. The 9,2 Quake Is Like 23.000 Hiroshima’s Atomic Bomb

If you studied the history about the world war two, you can find in there the document about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki tragedy. Those two cities were attacked by the atomic bomb, that caused so much damage, making 85% of the city area  becoming ruins.

That atomic bomb itself is pretty dangerous. There’s more thing that caused people to get a nightmare in the night. The quake, the 9,2 magnitude quake is equal to 23 thousand of that atomic bomb. You can imagine the great explosions that came from that.

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5. That Quake Has The Longest Duration

If the quakes in Indonesia, or maybe the world has like the slighest duration of quakes, which is like 10 or twenty seconds, the quake that happened in Aceh was happening for more than 10 minutes. Because of that, many buildings were destroyed in that process.

6. The Third Horrifying Quake in The World

That 9,2 magnitude scale quake is also included in the horryfing quakes in the world. The quake placed in the third one.

7. The Tsunami Only Took Several Minutes To Destroy Everything

Like told on the paragraphs above, you know that the tsunami happened for more than an hour. But, only several minutes after the tsunami came, there are destructions that can be found everywhere in each corner.

8 . The Waves Reached Some Other Countries

The waves are not only affecting Indonesia country and the neighbors like Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam, but also some countries that located far away from Indonesia like Africa.

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9. Quake Usually Happens Because of Tectonic Activities

Yes, like said in the previous article, Sumatra island located ina  very dangerous place. Because, lookign under the land of Sumatra, there are some tectonic activities that always happen frequently in recent years.

10. Animals Start Fleeing Before Tsunami Happening

Not only from the movies, in the real life, animals like bird will start to flee away some times before the disaster happening. They usually go panicking and always go to some place higher in a group. Animals can feel the disaster way early then the humans

11 . In Several Places, There’s No Tsunami Warning

If you study the tragedy of tsunami in the Mentawai island, there was not a single tsunami warning. First, because the tsunami happend during the 00.00 hour, when the most people sleeping comfortably in their own bad. And the second, there’s not enough facility.

12. Human Error Caused The Surprise

Also looking from the event that located some where around Mentawai islands, the people don’t have much time to evacuating because of the human eror of the local goverment. At first, there was the warning, but sometimes after that, the warning was purposely erased because looking at the sea condition at that time, which is calm and not shrinking.

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13. The Disaster in 2004 Happened When People Going Out To Enjoy Sunday

People were doing some activities like enjoying the car free day, going out to have exercises together, and playing with their kids in the park. The quake itself was a big surprise for them.

14. The First Quake in Sumatra Happened In 1833

Way before the era of 90’s, there was the noticable quake that happened around the year of 1833. But sadly, there is not enough supporting documents about it or maybe some records that can tell us some story about it.

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15. There’s Always A Quake In Sumatra Every Two – Four Years

If you wan to know what years the quake always happens in Sumatra, you can see the relevance source like Wikipedia. In there, you can see that the big quakes always happen in every two up to four years. You can see some examples in there.

After understanding those fifteen facts, the list ain’t complete without the other fifteen,right? So to complete the number, we also want to tell you about the 15 left on the list. You can see them exactly in the small list provided below :

  1. The Mountain Erruption also caused Tsunami to happen
  2. There are some movies in Indonesia with the tsunami in Sumatra theme
  3. There’s one surviving mosque in Aceh, used as a cover by the people during the tsunami
  4. All the victims had the black colour skin
  5. The Sinabung Mountain has some potential of dealing tsunami
  6. There’s an Issue about the Tsunami, the most famous one is the usage of the nuclear weapon benetah the sea called HAARP
  7. Even though that issue still exist, there was no single comfirmation from the rlated countries
  8. The disaster in Aceh created some communities that really care about it
  9. In the event of Aceh tsunami, there are some valounteer
  10. There was also some valounteer included in a group that came from other countries
  11. Other islamic countries like Malaysia also helped the people to cover and collecting the victims
  12. Many people lost their love ones in the tragedy
  13. After the disaster, there was the improvement on some mangrove forest in Sumatra
  14. In 10 years, there are some quake that have a magnitude higher than 7,0
  15. Most people who live in the coast are have a higher surviving chance, if there’s a clear tsunami warning before the event

So that’s our topic for today. Hope the informations can get into you, and open your mind about what is the thing inside the Sumatran tsunami. Yes, even though there’s pro and contra everywhere, with some logical explanations, all things will be clear. Adn even thugh the island exists in such a dangerous site, the people there are stll living in peacr withouth worrying about anything. As long as they have their beliefs, it can make them stronger, even though there’s possibility about another destruction in the future.

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