
4 Facts of Wedding Ceremony of Minang Tribe – The Ultimate Guide

Have you ever wondered about the marriage procession of various tribes in Indonesia? In fact, if you follow a certain procession of certain customs, you will find that each tradition is different. Some take a long time, normal, even short. Of course, the difference in the marriage procession of each tribe makes the difference in Indonesia more beautiful, right?

One of the interesting wedding processions for you to follow is the facts of the wedding ceremony of Minang tribe. This wedding ceremony of this tribe is one of famous cultures in Indonesia. And of course, one of the most popular traditional wedding ceremonies in indonesia. You must be curious about the process of their wedding ceremony took place? Let’s see!

Marasek, Maminang, Batimbang Tando, Mahanta Siri

These four stages are the most important stages to get closer to the bride and groom’s bride. These Indonesian cultural activities are wonderful, right? This Indonesian wedding culture is attractive to know.

Marasek itself is an introductory stage that takes place several times, in which some of the oldest women in a family are sent to search for information about the young man they want to marry. This information search aims to find out whether the young man is suitable and willing to marry the girl.

The next stage, Maminang, is a stage to propose the girl. Maminang will be conducted if the results of the Marasek stage have given the green light. Maminang is similar to an engagement, which will be witnessed by parents, the extended family of potential partners, to the elders of both parties. In this process, the family of the bride and groom brings souvenirs, especially sirih pinang.

Then, it will be continued with Batimbang Tando, which is to exchange heirlooms, such as traditional cloth, keris, and others. After that, there will be a process of requesting a blessing from the groom’s parents. This process is called Mahanta Siri.

  • Babako-Babaki

This event is an event which takes place a few days before the marriage contract takes place. In this event, the bride ‘s father helped her daughter’s marriage process according to her ability. Large families will come with various kinds of offerings.

These surrenders can usually be in the form of complete betel (as customary head), yellow rice singgang ayam (traditional food), items needed by the prospective bride (a set of clothes, gold jewelery, side dishes both cooked and still raw, and etc.).

Aligning with tradition, the bride-to-be will be picked up to be given advice at the father’s family home. The next day, the bride-to-be will later be paraded back to her home and bring various kinds of offerings, along with her father’s family.

  • Bainai Night

The next stage is the Bainai Night. As the title suggests, this stage takes place at night, where the event is held before the marriage contract takes place. Usually, Bainai Night is held at the residence of the bride-to-be.

The meaning of Bainai is to stick the fine collision of red henna leaves or henna leaves into each nail of the bride.
This Bainai Night is symbolized as a symbol of affection and blessing for the elders of the bride’s family.

At Bainai Night, some equipment that can be used is needed, for example water containing the fragrance of seven kinds of flowers, crushed henna leaves, yellow umbrella, yellow rags, loops, and chairs for the bride. Hm, how interesting!

  • Manjapuik Marapulai

The next stage is the Bainai Night. As the title suggests, this stage takes place at night, where the event is held before the marriage contract takes place. Usually, Bainai Night is held at the residence of the bride-to-be.

The meaning of Bainai is to stick the fine collision of red henna leaves or henna leaves into each nail of the bride.
This Bainai Night is symbolized as a symbol of affection and blessing for the elders of the bride’s family.

At Bainai Night, some equipment that can be used is needed, for example water containing the fragrance of seven kinds of flowers, crushed henna leaves, yellow umbrella, yellow rags, loops, and chairs for the bride. Hm, how interesting!

  • Welcoming at Daro’s Children Home

The next stage is the process of welcoming the arrival of the prospective bridegroom at the prospective bride’s home, which is called welcoming at the home of the Daro child. This process is a process that is a festive and very big moment.

This process will be motivated by the sound of traditional music from Talempong when the bride’s family welcomes the bridegroom. Really very festive, isn’t it? There would be a lot of traditional food of Minang kabau.

Then, there will be a line of virgin marching neatly. The virgin will welcome the group with all the complete betel offerings. Later, the female elders will sprinkle the bridegroom with yellow rice.

Before the bridegroom will enter the house, the feet of the bridegroom will be sprinkled with water as a symbol of purification. Then, later he will walk on a white cloth to the place where the contract took place.

So, that’s all for the facts of wedding ceremony of Minang tribe. How interesting!

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