13 Reasons Why People Love Indonesian Black Chicken The Most

Indonesian black chicken is famously known as the Ayam Cemani. This kind of chicken commonly connected with the mystical things in Indonesia. Some regions even make it as the worship for their ritual as the famous culture in Indonesia

That is why the Ayam Cemani was well known by them who love mystical things the most. Not only them but for chicken lovers also make it as their collection or even special pets. That is why there is some black chicken poultry to make it their business.

Now, here we have 13 reasons why Indonesian love Black Chicken the most.

1. The Most Unique Chicken

Ayam Cemani has the most unique chicken in Indonesia specifically and mostly in the world. It has black all around its body even to its bone. The quill, the beak, the skin, the nails, and even the meat comes in black. As the chicken becomes older, the color will be more black. That is why it calls as black chicken.

2. Rare Chicken

Black chicken becomes the rarest chicken in the world such as it only available in some countries. It originally comes from Indonesia before about centuries ago some Dutch brought it to Netherland. Then it spread around Europe, but still, the amount of this chicken is in the low of quantity.

Research says that nowadays the amount of black chicken is only around 3,000 in around the world. If we don’t keep them carefully, there is no way that this chicken will exist for a long time.

3. Genetical Condition

Based on the science research, the black color comes from the genetic condition calls as the Fibromelanosis. It causes the mutation of the endothelin-3 (EDN-3) on its epidemical skin to produce the black pigment. It will growth perfectly to make a perfect black color as the chicken older.

4. The Egg Still White

The color of the black chicken’s egg is completely white or even dark yellow such as the common chicken. Even though all of their body is black, but the egg comes different. Once the egg hatch, the baby chicken is always black follow as their gen.

5. The Blood Still Red

Most Indonesian believe that the black chicken has black blood too. The blood still red, and because the red is so thick people start to assume that it is black. Research says that it is red as commonly blood color. Some people that believe it is black because use them for some ritual.

6. The Controversial Chicken

Black chicken becomes so controversial because of the myth behind it. For some people that belief in myth, having this chicken will bring some bad luck. There will be some black devil that follow you if you have it. On the other hand, if you make it like your worship in your ritual you will be lucky.

There is no proof of these kinds of things. It just some myth that some people made as to the facts about Javanese culture that still live until now.

7. Full Of History

Indonesian black chicken has famous for about 15 century in the brief history of the Majapahit kingdom. The story begins when someone calls Ki Ageng Mangkuhan made it as the medicine for the prince. He could heal the prince from his illness. That is why some Indonesian believe that black chicken can heal some illnesses until now.

8. The Most Expensive Chicken

Some people make black chicken poultry for business. The price that they offer is amazingly expensive. One black chicken can be worth as IDR4 million or even more. For people who believe in a mystical thing, they will buy this chicken whatever the price.

9. Delicious Meat

The black chicken meat can be so delicious to consume. Besides Indonesian famous main dish, you can make it as your side dish as the soup, fried black chicken, or many more. Not only has a slice of delicious meat, but also full of nutrition such as phosphor, zinc, calcium, and many more.

10. Good For Diet

Besides the incredible taste that comes from the black chicken food, any kind of cook from this chicken is good for your diet. The niacin can help you to control your cholesterol and it has low fat of calories. The high protein on it is perfect to build up your muscle so it is great to help your diet. But, still don’t forget to take some regular training!

11. Rarely Spawn

Why we should keep the black chicken properly? That because this kind of chicken rarely spawns. They only produce about as 50-60 eggs per year which are so different than the common chicken that can produce more than 200 eggs as per year.

12. Rare Breeder

Nowadays, the breeder for Indonesian black chicken becomes rare. That because some people believe with the myth on its. People say it has to contradict with their faith if they are breed the chicken. Even though it has a high business opportunity, some Indonesian are reluctant to breed them.

13. Originally From Indonesia

The black chicken originally comes from Indonesia that firstly breeds by Tjokromiharjo in 1924. Some regions in Indonesia that still exist to breed this black chicken are in Kedu, Temanggung, and Kalikalito, Magelang as one of the most beautiful cities in Indonesia.

Nowadays, you can find them not only in Indonesia but also in India and some countries in Europe.

So, there are 13 reasons why Indonesian black chicken becomes the most loveable chicken. Not only in Indonesia, but all around the world. Let’s keep them properly so they would not be extinct in the future.

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