
8 Popular Museums and Art Galleries in Jakarta

Do you love to spend your time in museums and art galleries? Then visiting some of them in Jakarta, Indonesia, could be so much fun to do. You will see some of the unique and artistic arts from the experts.

Lately, visiting museums and art galleries become so popular in tourism, specifically in Jakarta. In Indonesia, Jakarta has become one of the cities that filled up with so many people from all cultures.

The fact makes Jakarta has so many people that capable to do creative things. Whether for business or leisure, Jakarta provides all of them wrapped in some museums and art galleries.

Speaking of museums in Jakarta and the art galleries, here we have some of them that are so popular below. Let’s check them out!

1. Art: 1 Museum

The art: 1 museum has become one of the most popular museums and art galleries in Jakarta. It is located around the Center of Jakarta, specifically at Rajawali Selatan Raya street no. 3, Gn. Sahari, Sawah Besar district.

The art: 1 museum exhibit more than a thousand arts that come from so many artists from time to time. You can find the oldest art there by the most popular Indonesian artist.

Art: 1 museum is not only focused on their exhibition but also education and good management as well. They offer their place as the place for young artist education, art consultation, and many more.

The museum opens daily except for Monday, from 10 am – 6 pm. The ticket entrance starts from IDR75000 for two hours visit.

2. Indonesia Kaya Gallery

Indonesia Kaya Gallery becomes one of the most popular museums and art galleries in Jakarta. It brings the concept of modern museum typical space with most of the rich Indonesian cultures that wrapped artistically.

Indonesia Kaya Gallery is located inside the Grand Indonesia shopping mall center in Jakarta. You can see some of the tourism art, cultures and traditions, and culinary art. The place also offers a big auditorium that you can rent for free if you are an artist.

Gallery of Indonesia Kaya opens daily from 10 am – 9 pm with free ticket entrance. The location is perfect to explore if you stay in one of the most luxurious hotels in Jakarta.

3. MACAN Museum

MACAN museum becomes one of the most popular museums and art galleries in Jakarta. The MACAN stands for Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara. The place is located around the AKR area specifically at the Perjuangan street no. 5, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.

MACAN museum becomes the first museum in Indonesia that exhibit the contemporary arts. That is why this museum becomes so popular since it was officially open around 2017. So many people that love to enjoy artistic things have come there daily since then.

The MACAN museum opens daily from 10 am – 7 pm with the ticket entrance starts from IDR100000 for adults.

4. RUCI Art Space

RUCI art space becomes one of the most popular museums and art galleries in Jakarta. The museum brings the concept of pleasure and focused on the things that become the source of light.

The RUCI art space offers so many artistic things based on the evolution of typical Indonesian art. Most of them wrapped in the gallery that they wish capable of bringing pleasure to everyone who saw them.

To reach the RUCI art space, you can go around Suryo street Blk. S, Kebayoran Baru, South of Jakarta. The ticket entrance is free and it opens daily from 11 am – 7 pm.

5. Salihara Gallery

Salihara gallery has become one of the most popular museums and art galleries in Jakarta. If you exploring Jakarta, don’t forget to go to the Pasar Minggu area in South Jakarta so that you can find this gallery.

Salihara gallery not only offers an arts exhibition, but also dance, acting, theatre, and co-working space. You can enjoy them all there, which is managed properly by the Salihara community.

Salihara Gallery opens daily with the ticket entrance depends on what event you take. Over than that, the café is perfect not only for the workplace but also refreshes your mind to change ideas with your friends.

6. The National Indonesia Gallery

The National Indonesia gallery becomes another museum and art gallery in Jakarta that is worth visiting. The place becomes so popular with their 3D art creative which you can take some photos there.

The National Indonesia gallery becomes the only museum and art gallery in Indonesia that exhibits so many arts from the senior artist from time to time. Since it was officially open to the public in around 1980, people can freely enjoy the arts without any matter.

Start in August, you can also capable to enjoy some of the art collection from the Indonesian president’s archives. During the pandemic of COVID-19, they even open the virtual tour destination to Indonesia.

7. Edwin’s Gallery

Edwin’s gallery becomes one of the most popular museums and art galleries in Jakarta. It was built around 1984 which brings Edwin’s dream into the reality of his passion through art. He brings the vibe of art that mixes perfectly with Indonesian culture.

As time goes by, Edwin’s gallery shows us about his existent in art that makes people amazed with some of his creative ideas. So many exhibitions are held there so that people can enjoy them freely.

8. Hadiprana Gallery

Hadiprana gallery has become one of the most popular museums and art galleries in Jakarta. You can find the place around the Kemang area, South Jakarta.

The place brings you into the most artistic things from craft, painting, textile, jewel, sculpture, and many more. The location is easy to reach which you can stay at one of the most popular capsule hotels in Indonesia.

So, there are some of the most popular museums and art galleries in Jakarta. Most of them are worth visiting. Are you excited to explore one of them?

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