Socio Cultural

8 Bali Traditional Festivals and Celebrations

Bali becomes one of the most popular islands in Indonesia that is worth visiting. The island consists of so many traditions and custom cultures that make it becomes one of the most visited islands in Indonesia.

Like the island that consists of the biggest Hinduism community in Indonesia, it becomes more special with different vibes there. Moreover, on some occasions, such as during Bali traditional festivals and celebrations.

Speaking of it, there are so many Bali traditional festivals and celebrations that are held in Bali. Not only for their annual custom culture festivals and celebrations, but also some occasional local events.

Here we have some of those Bali traditional festivals and celebrations that you don’t want to miss. Check them out below!

1. Nyepi

Nyepi is a kind of New Year’s eve for Balinese and most of Hinduism all around the world. This kind of New Year celebration is a bit different from another common new year. In other New Year must be celebrated with a loud party, but for Nyepi, it should be celebrated with silence.

Nyepi days commonly happen within a week and that makes the whole island silent. All of the business will shut, the lights are off, and there is no activity shown during the celebration except for prays.

Most Hinduism in Bali are celebrating Nyepi day with a sacred time. They will spend their whole time for pray forwards to their deities. Commonly it happens for several days during March every year.

2. Galungan

Galungan becomes one of the most popular Bali traditional festivals and celebrations. As a part of Hinduism custom cultures, Galungan becomes one of the sacred celebrations for them.

On Galungan day, Balinese will decorate their houses, streets, and most public places with coconut leaf’s handcraft calls as a Penjor. It looks so beautiful to look around the city, which is decorated by the most beautiful handcraft with yellow color all over the place.

Hinduism believes that Galungan becomes a time for the spirit to come down to earth. During the celebration, they will pray in some of the popular temples in Bali and do the Ngelawang ritual that is symbolized by a Barong to welcome the spirit on earth with a warm vibe.

3. Kuningan

Kuningan becomes one of the most popular Bali traditional festivals and celebrations from time to time. It looks similar to Galungan, which you will see some of Barong’s attractions within some prayers.

Kuningan is the closing ceremony for Galungan which means for taking the spirits of deities to go back to heaven. The Barong which dressed wearing one of the types of Indonesian traditional mask become their symbol of warmth acceptance from Hinduism and also the one who will lead the spirits to go back to heaven again.

4. Odalan

Odalan becomes one of the most sacred Bali traditional festivals and celebrations that are so popular among tourists to watch. The ceremony of Odalan is held in the Pura or temple which is attended by Hinduism.

Every temple in Bali has its Odalan that is held by local devotees followed by the 210 days of the Pawukon calendar. Most of them are held during the new moon and full moon. Commonly it is accompanied by Balinese traditional music and traditional dances from Bali’s performances.

5. Sanur Village Festivals

Sanur village festivals become one of the most popular Bali traditional festivals and celebrations.  The festivals were held by the Bali government to reminisce the tragedy of the bomb attack in Bali in 2005.

Sanur village festivals are annually held within a week which contains so many Bali traditions and custom cultures ceremonies. From sports to entertaining activities, they have it all. Most tourists will enjoy this kind of festival which shows so many attractions.

6. Kite Festivals

Kite festivals in Bali becomes one of the most popular Bali traditional festivals and celebrations. Commonly it happens during dry seasons in July to the end of October. It was followed by both locals and foreign tourists outside the local Balinese.

Kite festivals show a beautiful performance of art that is pictured in kite form. It will be followed by so many kite flyers, which run to the biggest prizes in every event. At the festivals, you will see so many unique designs that represent Balinese cultures.

7. Bali Arts Festival

Bali arts festival becomes one of the most popular Bali traditional festivals and celebrations from time to time. It was held annually many years ago which has shown so many attractions of Balinese custom culture and traditions.

During the Bali arts festivals, you can enjoy some Bali traditional dance performances followed by Balinese traditional music instruments. It has also shown some of the art exhibitions, culinary festivals, painting exhibitions, and also puppet shadow performances.

8. Tenganan Festival

Tenganan festival becomes one of the most popular Bali traditional festivals and celebrations that you shouldn’t miss. It was held in Tenganan Pegringsingan village as one of the oldest villages in Bali and becomes one of Bali’s most popular tourist destinations.

Just like another village in Bali, every place has its traditional story and custom culture. The things the make the Tenganan festivals unique is their religion of Hinduism that comes differently to them.

Tenganan festival is commonly held during May, which happens annually. It represents the culture of Hinduism before they have known Hindu as their religion. It also pictured the Pandan war that becomes a part of Tenganan history.

So, there are some of the most popular Bali traditional festivals and celebrations that are commonly held annually in Bali. Most of them bring the richest cultures and traditions in Bali, which are shaped by the sacred ceremony from Hinduism. Have you ever attended one of those events? Which one of your favorite?

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