
9 Traditional Dances From Bali

Bali not only has a beautiful place that makes this island is so popular, but also beautiful cultures. Their unique cultures become one of the Indonesian iconic cultures that capable of risen tourism visits not only in Bali but also in Indonesia.

Bali keeps preserving their cultures from time to time from their traditional clothes, house, music, dances, and many more. Their custom culture becomes the part of their traditional cultures that attach for every Balinese.

Speaking of traditional cultures, now we have some traditional dances from Bali that you should know. Most of the Balinese dance has a strong connection with Hinduism as the most influential religion in Bali.

1. Kecak Dance

Kecak dance in Bali becomes so popular with so many tourists. This Bali’s traditional dance commonly plays by more than 50 men by sitting in a circle. They shouting the words “Cak…Cak…Cak” during the dance. Before the dance starts, the shaman will do the ritual in Hinduism way for the blessing from their God to the dance.

Kecak Dance

Among the men, in Kecak dance will be one only man that dances around them. Other dancers will move in a unified way so that it is so beautiful to see. You can see this dance in Uluwatu. You will be able to see the sunset view because the performance stage is designed facing the sunset.

2. Barong Dance

Barong dance becomes one of the most iconic traditional dances from the Bali tribe. Barong is a kind of Hinduism animal that comes from Bahruang words. This dance usually plays by two people. One will hold the head of the Barong, then the other will held the leg.

Barong Dance

Barong dance in Bali will tell you about a clash between policies against crime. Barong’s face pictures as the good ideas or attitude, then the bad symbolized as the Rangda that people should not follow.

3. Legong Dance

Legong dance is one of the most popular traditional dances from Bali that you can see the performances in most of the events in Bali. This dance used to only plays in around Keraton areas. But, as time goes by everyone can play the dance everywhere.

Legong Dance

As the kingdom’s dance, Legong dance has a flexible in a slow movement. Balinese call it the Leg that means slow, and the Gong means the Gamelan as one of the traditional music instruments in Bali. The dancer wears traditional clothes from Bali in yellow color. It completes with the crown and a Cambodia flower around the crown.

4. Trunajaya Dance

Trunajaya dance becomes of the traditional dances from Bali that tell us about the story of young men in how to date women. Trunajaya comes from the Balinese words Teruna which means as a young man.

Trunajaya Dance

One thing that so interested in the Trunajaya dance is about the dancer that always widens his eye. If you are not familiar with Bali’s dance, you will find it a bit creepy, but the meaning behind it is about the masculinity in men.

5. Pendet Dance

Pendet dance is one of the traditional dances from Bali that becomes so famous not only in Bali but Indonesia generally. This dance used to plays to welcoming some Hinduism God in Bali. But, as time goes by, this dance becomes a welcoming guest dance.

Tari Pendet

Commonly, Pendet dance plays by five people only in Pura. But, nowadays you can see the Pendet dance performance in most of the Balinese events. The amount of the dancer also can be in unlimited dancers.

6. Baris Dance

Baris dance is one of the traditional dances from Bali that usually plays by men. This dance used to plays only in the Balinese Hinduism ritual. But, in about 16 centuries, the dance becomes publicly plays by every man in so many events.

Baris Dance

In Baris dance, the dancer moves his body like a hero who is at war. You will get the story about the courage of Balinese knights who are fighting to defend the King. That is why the dancer wears traditional war clothes.

7. Puspanjali Dance

Puspanjali dance is one of the traditional dances from Bali that commonly plays by Balinese women with so many flowers with a good smell. This dance commonly plays for welcoming guests in so many important events.

Puspanjali Dance

Every dancer in Puspanjali dance is wearing traditional Balinese clothes in the red and yellow shawl. This dance usually plays by more than five women, and they bring a plate full of flowers.

8. Cendrawasih Dance

Cendrawasih dance is one of the traditions from Bali that picture about two lovers as symbolized by the Cendrawasih couple bird. Every movement plays slowly but sure with so much beauty on its.

Cendrawasih Dance

Commonly, the Cendrawasih dance plays by a couple of men and women or a couple of women with a yellow Bali’s traditional clothes. They also wear a unique crown from traditional Balinese culture.

9. Panji Semirang Dance

Panji Semirang dance is one of the traditional dance from Bali that has a folk Balinese story. This dance will tell us about the women that pretend to be a man after she lost her husband. You will see the dancer widen her eye as if she is so angry during the dance with a smile.

Panji Semirang Dance

So, there is some traditional dance from Bali that you should know. Most of them are so related to the Hinduism in Bali and becomes part of the Balinese custom culture.

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