Socio Cultural

The Existence of Chinese Indonesian Surname

Indonesia consist of so many tribes includes the Chinese, that spreads from Sabang to Merauke. They are living in Indonesia as part of the richest tribes and culture in Indonesia since a long time ago.

Such as another tribe in Indonesia, Chinese has their specific names and character that makes them different from other. Not only their unique cultures but also their Chinese surname as the most unique type of Indonesian naming traditions.

As time goes by, Chinese tribes in Indonesia has changed their Chinese Indonesian surname. That becomes Chinese Indonesian, which specifically changes for some reasons in the past of Indonesian history.

This time, we will let you know about the Chinese Indonesian surname that still exists now. Let’s check out below!

The History

Chinese history in Indonesia starts since long time ago and they have their specific naming tradition. In Chinese names, there is a specific phenomenon about their name based on their origin tribe. Commonly, Chinese in Indonesia comes from the Fujian province in China or more popular with the Hokkian province. That because the Chinese tribe in Indonesia uses the Hokkian accent.

The surname, which commonly uses among Indonesian Chinese are Cia/Tjia, Gouw/Goh, Kang/Kong, Lauw/Lau, Ong, Tio/Thio/Theo/Teo, and many more.

The Rule

There are some specific rules on how Chinese tribes giving the name to their descendants based on their surname. First, based on Xing tradition, the Chinese will choose their surname based on the mother’s lineage. For example, Ji, Jiang, Yao, and many more.

Second, based on their dynasty or state names, such as Lu, Zhao, Qi, Song, Chu, Yuan, and many more. The third, based on the area of the city which the emperor gave the nobles to whom has been charged. For example, Wei, Qin, and many more.

The fourth, based on the name of the village their life, such as Pei, Lu, Hao, and many more. The fifth, based on the position on the Kingdom such as Si Tu, Si Kong, Si Ma, and many more.

The Evolution

Based on Chinese old literature, the Chinese Indonesian surname has changed from the original into the more Indonesian since the new order under Soeharto’s presidency. The president suggested to all of the Chinese descent in Indonesia to change their name to assimilate so that becomes the part of Chinese culture in Indonesia.

It claims that no law rules the surname change, but during the G30S incident, they decided to do so. The incident to change their surname then becomes controversial in between Chinese tribes.

Year by year past, then most Chinese tribes become used to the changed surname casually. Nowadays, even though the Chinese have become a legal tribe in Indonesia, people still using their Chinese Indonesian surname for some reasons. But, some people decide to use their real Chinese surname for family occasions only such as at the Chinese new year celebration in Indonesia.

The Process

Changing your surname from your real name to be more Indonesian off course is not easy. Facing the hard social life in Indonesia with the bad stigma before the new rule legitimate in Indonesia, make some Chinese have a serious dilemmatic problem. Some people claim it because of the assimilation of the Indonesian culture, but most people also think that they have been forced to do that.

The problematic case becomes more controversial in 1966 when Indonesian nationalists such as KAMI and KAPPI organization called anti-Chinese. At that time, there was an important people, Yap Thiam Hen, a Chinese Indonesian lawyer for human right never change his name until his death.

Yap Thiam Hen called for people that there is no difference in nationalism based on their name. That is why some Chinese tribes still prefer using their origin and real Chinese surname.

New Rule in Indonesia

In Indonesia, there used to be a law written in Inpres no. 26/1998 to stop using the term Pribumi (Indonesian Native) and Non-Pribumi (Non-Native) that refers to the Chinese tribe. The law was issued by the president of B.J Habibie on 16 September 1998 to suppress the chaos during the 1998 crisis.

Since then, Indonesian obey and follow that every tribe in Indonesia has the same right under the law. Later, on May 9, 1999, the president also issued the law written in Inpres no. 4/1999. It made to revoke the SKBRI requirements and review the limitations of Chinese language courses.

Later, on January 17, 2000, during Abdurrahman Wahid’s presidency, there also a new law is written in Keppres No. 6/2000. It said that Presidential Decree (KEPPRES) concerning the Revocation of Presidential Instruction Number 14 of 1967 concerning Chinese Religion, Beliefs, and Customs.

Chinese Indonesian Surname

Nowadays, there are so many Chinese Indonesian surnames that exist in Indonesia. Whether they come from the assimilation name or origin name that become legal to use in Indonesia, their name become one of the richest cultures in Indonesian tribes.

Here we have some of the Chinese Indonesian surnames that you may hear before. The character they use commonly referring to the Chinese-traditional name based on the Pinyin and Hanzi names.

For examples:

1. 歐陽/欧阳 (Oūyáng); Auwjong = Ojong
2. 安 (Ān); An = Anadra, Andy, Anita, Ananta
3. 蔡 (Cài); Tjae, Tjoa= Cahyo, Cahyadi, Tjohara
4. 程, 成 (Chéng); Seng = Sengani
5. 陳/陈 (Chen); Tan, Tjhin = Tanto, Tanujaya, Tanuwijaya, Tanoesoedibjo

6. 鄧/邓 (Deng); Teng =  Ateng
7. 徐 (Xú); Hsu, Djie, Tjhie, Chi (Hakka), Chee, Swee, Shui (Teochew, Hokkien), Tsui (Cantonese) = Dharmadjie, Christiadjie

9. 郭 (Guo); Kuo, Kwee, Kwik = Kartawiharja, Kusuma, Kusumo, Kumala
10. 韓/韩 (Han); Han = Handjojo, Handaya, Handoyo, Handojo, Hantoro

So, there is some Chinese Indonesian surname that you may hear before and still exist until now. Have you ever have a friend with one of those names?

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