
Chinese New Year Celebration in Indonesia

Another New Year celebration is not only the actual New Year’s eve. However, there are some of them that you can find in Indonesia like Muslim New Year and also the one we’re gonna talk about, the Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year is so colorful, and also very crowded for some reason. They use elements of togetherness in this package of one night attractions. So many things you can find in there, like the Barongsai or firework show. All of them are really interesting to watch and joined. You can watch them or participating a bit by giving them this money-filled red envelope that we called “angpao”.

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Well, to be more specific about this, we actually want to tell you the best spots or the best cities that you should go during the Chinese New Year in Indonesia. Many cities we recommended, so many things you should explore. But of course, you can’t visit them one by one, so pick your favorite one and move on! So, these are the best spots/locations in this beautiful Chinese Year in Indonesia.


There are several traditions that people always do in the day of celebration. Maybe one area with another have some different activities. But, here are some common traditions that you may find in the day of Chinese New Year in Indonesia :

  1. The Cap Go Meh ceremony, you can see this activity at your nearest vihara in your own area. Basically, the ceremony is the same in all of the areas
  2. The Night Market, the people will hold the night market all night long until one or two days after the Chinese New Year
  3. The Durability Performances ( Debus), this activity is of course quite extreme to watch, especially when people tusking knifes into their stomach or chest. But not all the areas held this kind of activity. You can found one in West Borneo area.
  4. The Water War in Riau, the most fun one to enjoy
  5. The Dragon, just like Barongsai but this one is even bigger. Way long than barongsai, performed by at least 5 people for it.
  6. Parades, the people always do this thing before the actual prayer at Viharas.

Best Cities to Go During Chinese New Year in Indonesia

For those who want to celebrate Chinese new year in Indonesia, here the useful information about where is the best cities in Indonesia to celebrate Chinese New Year, as follows:

1. Jakarta

First of all of the Indonesia, Jakarta. In this busy town, you can spend more times to enjoy the things in this special event. You can visit this Chinese residential area in the small part of the city named Pecinan. On the other days except Chinese New Year, the place is also great. There many food vendors here selling the local dishes and street foods. All you can get with reasonable price. Even though the place is already great in everyday, but something change during the Chinese New Year.

People will decorate the place with the attracting lanterns and also this sakura flower that added. The special condition can be feel during the Chinese New Year. The place looks more beautiful than ever, thanks to the people that contributing their best efforts making the place comfy and spectacular. So, if you haven’t had any plan to go for the Chinese New Year, Jakarta will be a great choice.

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2. Bogor

The next city is Bogor, which is located not far from Jakarta. Just take a bus or your bike and go there with ease. Now, the Bogor may less crowded than Jakarta, and maybe you just can see a few people there and start guessing is this a good place or not. But don’t worry, all your negative thinking will be gone by seeing the best attractions during Chinese New Year in Bogor.

First, the people will do this interesting activity called Joli parade all the way to the Dhanagun Vihara. You can see the wonderful parade of Joli and maybe capture a moment or two to remember it forever. After that, you can see them doing their prayer in the Vihara devotedly.

They are really hoping that something good will come to this wonderful year. They wishing really desperately, wishing that their hopes will someday come true. After that, there’s usual Barongsai show at that very Vihara where many people will care to join in. It’s a really touching view, watching those people and us having fun in the Chinese New Year together.

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3. Semarang

From the West Java area, let’s go to the right side of it which the area of Central Java. Areas in here are already wonderful, especially the famous Yogyakarta. But, don’t forget another gems in Central Java, like Semarang for example. This location is strategic, located near Yogyakarta and Solo.

Moreover, the night life is beautiful in here, especially during the Chinese New Year. You can see the most beautiful fireworks in here, especially in the area of Sam Poo Kong and Tay Kak Sie. They also decorated the place with the charming red lanterns on all sides of the spot.

That’s why, visiting Semarang wouldn’t be a waste, at all. It’ll be a great and refreshing experiences in here for all time sake. Now, you can enjoy the Chinese New Year with all the fun things you’ll get in Semarang city. After that, you can enjoy some venues at Semarang which are look very cool. So, start packing, and enjoy your Chinese New Year in Semarang! Good Luck!

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4. Palembang

The next stop is Palembang city. You need to cross to Sumatra Island to reach it, then go to its province called North Sumatra. There, the Palembang city located. Now a little info about this city, there’s the famous dish called mpek-empek Palembang, which is so delicious. You should try it fi you want. That this is very good. Now, talking about the Chinese New Year in Palembang, there’s a thing you can do.

You can visit this central vihara in Chinatown Dempo Area. That area is like the main or the vital point in Palembang where people gather there and start having fun. It’s like the centre of Chinese New Year Celebration location in Palembang City. You can see many great things in there, have them yourself.

5. West Kalimantan

We save the best for the last. They did a really great job to combined the cultural aspects with the Chinese New Year itself. That’s why, the combination is bringing another life in the celebration. You can see the parade, the wonderful parade at this Singkawang city. Now, you may even wonder, what are the things you can and see in there, are those really worth the time and efforts?

Well like mentioned above, they are doing this parade but using their traditional clothes which is looks so spectacular. You might see one or two things you didn’t know before. This kind of experience is really worth all the things, and yes you’re not gonna regret this. The experience you’ll get at Singkawang City is one of those experiences that you’ll be glad to have in your entire life.

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After describing some of the best cities in Indonesia for having the Chinese New Year, now we’re gonna give you some informations about the things you can and you can not do while having Chinese New Year in Indonesia. Here are the things you should take care about :


All the wonderful things you can do are :

  1. First, having fun all the way. Enjoy the Chinese New Year with full happiness in your heart
  2. Gathering with family and friends, or visiting the others in this beautiful day of the year
  3. Clean and decorating your own house
  4. Buying the brand new clothes
  5. Giving “Angpao” to others, especially your kids and the others in the family
  6. Eating Chinese foods (Yes!)
  7. Watching Fireworks and Barongsai show
  8. Wearing red stuff for the good luck in the fortune

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But don’t forget to prevent these things too:

  1. Don’t disturb other people. Even though they have different religion than yours
  2. Telling ghost stories, this comes as the bad luck bringer in the year
  3. Don’t cry, it’s time to raise up and smile
  4. Sitting round in your bedroom is a false move, time to go out and having fun with all the people
  5. Don’t hit any bird, their sounds are the best accompaniment
  6. Don’t make your house more dirty than before

The information about the Chinese New Year celebration ends here. Now, we’ve already talked bout the locations and also the things you can and you can’t do during the CHinese New Year. So what do you think? Where is the location you want to go first? Tell us in the comment section below. Have a really good holiday experiences everyone!

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