Socio Cultural

10 Family Activities in Lombok You Can Do

Lombok is a small island located in the eastern part of Indonesia precisely to the east of Bali Island. The island is more or less likely to happen on the southwest side of the length of approximately 70 km. The island is an area of 4,725 km² (slightly smaller than Bali).

The main city on the island is Mataram City. Like Bali, Lombok has been crowned as one of the favorite tourist destinations both local and international. Every year, Lombok’s protesters are on the rise. If you are planning a family holiday to Lombok, it is a must to see these recommendations of family activities in Lombok you can do.

  1. Seeing the historical heritage inPura Batu Bolong

Tourist attractions of children and family Lombok is still struggling with history and culture is Pura Batu Bolong. Batu Bolong Temple which is one of the Tourist Places in Lombok is located in Senggigi area of West Lombok. This place is located at Jalan Raya Senggigi, Batu, Layar, Kab. West Lombok.

The uniqueness of this name is also taken from the condition of the temple itself which is located a stone with a large hole in the middle. This temple is on the edge of the ocean and mixed with the waves. This temple is related to the history of the entry of Hinduism to Lombok. Because it is on the edge of West Lombok, from there can also be enjoyed by the view of Mount Agung on the island of Bali if the weather is in support.

  1. Seeing the turtle conservation in Gili Trawangan

Conservation of Gili Trawangan Turtle There are many alternative children’s tourism while visiting Lombok. Even Tourist Places in Gili Trawangan can also be one of the recommended places. There is a turtle conservation for child education.

The location of turtle capture in Gili Trawangan allows children to see turtles from close range. In addition, children can also learn about the breeding of turtles. This breeding was formed by the local people of Gili Trawangan with a noble purpose. After the turtles become larger, the turtles will be released into the vast ocean.

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3. Getting more knowledge of Islam in Islamic Center of Nusa tenggara Barat

This tour is located in Dasan Agung, Selaparan Gomong, Mataram. If you want to introduce children closer to Islam, here is one place that can answer that desire. Come to the Islamic Center of West Nusa Tenggara. Islamic Center is one of the largest religious tourism and is also designated as a tourist attraction of sharia in Indonesia. In addition, the interesting thing of this attraction is free.

Tourists who come can enjoy the various facilities of sharia tourism presented there. You can bring the child closer to the Creator by visiting this Islamic center when traveling to Lombok.

  1. Playing sand and wave in Sire Beach

If you travel with family to Lombok and want to visit the beach, then Sire beach can be a safe beach tourism alternative for children.

The reason is because this beach has a wave that is not too big, so the children are free to play sand or swim in this beach without fear of drowning. This beach is located in the area of North Lombok and can be achieved quite easily. This location is also one of the best loaction to see the sunrise scenery.

  1. Hiking in Sembalun

Sembalun is one of the most stunning natural mountain areas. Located at the foot of Mount Rinjani is very beautiful, this area is also often targeted climbers Mount Rinjani to make the climb. There are many tourist areas suitable for children. Children can be free to breathe fresh air and also see firsthand the life of rural people with all the activities of existing plantations.

In addition, in Sembalun there are also strawberry fruit picking tours that are suitable for children. Children can learn about plants and planting procedures to harvest the strawberries there. Lodging in Sembalun provides many options. So, no need to be confused if you want to spend the night there.

  1. Having Picnic in Tanjung Aan Beach

Besides Sire Beach, there is another beach that is suitable for children’s playground is safe without worrying about the big waves. His name is Tanjung Aan Beach.

This beach is located in the area of Central Lombok and is currently one of the mainstays of nature tourism Central Lombok. The waves there are not dangerous for children, so parents do not have to worry if their children want to swim or play around. There is also a gazebo that can be used as a family picnic location while enjoying their food supplies.

  1. Serving your kids playground in Mayura Park

Still in West Lombok, there is one of the historical sights are also suitable for children’s tours in Lombok, the Garden Mayura. Mayura Park is also suitable for educational tours of children, namely to know the history of civilization in the past Lombok.

Mayura comes from Sanskrit. It means peacock. Peacocks in the past have an important role, one of them to repel snakes that often disturb the peace of the people. This park is now a historical and cultural sights. In addition, the natural impression is also still felt thick there so it will be very soothing. It is located on Jalan Purbasari, Mayura, Matara Town and open 8 AM to 6 PM.

  1. Hanging out in Nermada Park

Narmada Park is one of tamna located in the area of Lembuak Village, West Lombok. From the city of Mataram, the park is approximately 10 kilometers away. This park is suitable for family and children attractions in Lombok.

Narmada Park has an area of approximately 2 hectares. This tour is suitable for children who are interested in history, because this park is one of the historical evidence of the civilization of King Mataram Lombok in 1727 ago. The name Narmada is taken from the name of the Ganges river in India. This park is one of the historical relics of Hinduism in the archipelago. Now the park is used as a tourist attraction of education and historical tourism. this park is located on Jalan Raya Narmada, Lembuak, Kab. West Lombok.

  1. Learning how to make handicraft in Sukarara Village

There is a village that can also be used as a tourist attraction in Lombok, the village of Sukarara. This village is actually a small village, but has a beauty that will not make you disappointed.

This village is even one of the center of handicraft weaving in Lombok, more precisely in Central Lombok regency. This location can also be used as educational location of traditional lombok weaving arts to children. This woven fabric is made by women in Sukarara Village. These skills are inherited from generation to generation and have become taditional and cultural values that dance.

  1. Seeing the Sasak Tribe Activities in Sade Village

Sade Village is one of the tourism villages in Central Lombok which is very popular and its name is worldwide. In this village tourists can see directly the activities of the tribe sasak who live there. This location is one of the children’s tourist sites in Lombok that must be visited. There, children can see the custom house and also the simple life of the tribe sasak itself. In addition, tourists who come can also see a variety of handicrafts, such as woven fabrics and other accessories made by the community sasak tribe.

Those are the family activities in Lombok you might like to do. Don’t forget to prepare your stuff and belongings well since you will bring many persons for a vacation.

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