
7 Most Spectacular Waterfalls in Indonesia

Known for the rich and diverse nature across the islands, Indonesia possesses a lot of spectacular views of nature where people can enjoy sightseeing.

One of these breathtaking sceneries Indonesia has lies on the amazing waterfalls spread across the 34 provinces.

With the smooth and cool running water and green spaces surrounding it, many waterfalls in Indonesia have developed increasing potentials as travel destinations especially for its natural beauty.

Each has its own kind of unique and calming atmosphere, making it worth to be another tourism spot to visit.

Here is the list of seven most spectacular waterfalls in Indonesia you might not know yet.

1. Sendang Gile, Lombok

Sendang Gile Waterfall

Sendang Gile is a 31-meter waterfall located in the area of Mount Rinjani, one of the best mountain views in Indonesia.

The waterfall consists of two tiers of running water, where the first one flows into the cliffs and is continued by the second flow towards the valley beneath them.

This waterfall is located in Senaru, the north of Lombok, which can be accessible by travelling with a ferry to Lombok and continued with a taxi or motorbike to Senaru.

There will be a main road leading to the waterfall once you arrive in Senaru.

2. Dua Warna, North Sumatera

Dua Warna Waterfall

This massive waterfall called Dua Warna (two colours) is located in North Sumatera.

With its unique water color of mixed blue and clear, this waterfall is absolutely very beautiful to the eye.

However, the route needed to reach this waterfall may be a difficult journey, since you have to get through the forests and along a rocky and mountainous road.

Nonetheless, your tiresome will certainly be paid off once you successfully reached this destination.

3. Sri Gethuk, Yogyakarta

Sri Gethuk Waterfall

The other spectacular waterfall is located in one of the famous cities in Indonesia, Yogyakarta.

Sri Gethuk is located near another famous local travel destination, the Rancang Kencono Cave. It stands as tall as 80 meters beneath the Oyo River.

The waterflow branches into two cliffs—a unique aspect that adds up its beauty.

4. Nglirip, East Java

Nglirip Waterfall

East Java possesses the other spectacular waterfall in Indonesia. With a height of approximately 30 metres, Nglirip is located 36 kilometers from the city center Tuban.

A famous folk story surrounding this waterfall is that whoever takes a bath in this waterfall is said to be able to meet his/her soulmate sooner and easier.

Having a very clear waterflow added with the greeneries surrounding the waterfall, Nglirip is indeed another amazing waterfall to visit. 

5. Sekumpul, Bali

Sekumpul Waterfall

Sekumpul in Bali is another incredible waterfall and one of the interesting places in Bali to find inspiration which will really amuse your sightseeing.

Becoming one of the most popular waterfalls in Bali, this 80-meter twin-falls flow very rapidly into the valley that water vapor is formed in the air.

The access to this spot is again not a smooth journey—you get to pass through forests and the misty hills of Silangjana, and the walking pathway is slippery–make sure to check the tips to hiking waterfalls in Bali, Indonesia beforehand.

However, again, a spectacular view awaits you once you reach this waterfall.

6. Curug Citambur, West Java

Curug Citambur Waterfall

Curug Citambur is one of the hidden paradise in West Java located in Cianjur, and this waterfall stands as tall as 40 meters.

This waterfall is surrounded by mist and water vapor, making the area surrounding the place to be very cool.

However, this also means that you can easily get wet for standing close to the waterfall since the water flows very rapidly.

Located 65 kilometers from the city, your journey to this waterfall is surrounded by various tea gardens and beautiful villages which can add up your sightseeing before reaching this amazing waterfall.

7. Madakaripura, East Java

Madakaripura Waterfall

Located in Probolinggo, East Java, Madakaripura is a waterfall with a very cool and clear waterfall.

Becoming one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia with a height of 200 meters, the waterfall also has a cave which was believed to be the place used by the late governor Gadjah Mada to meditate, which is the reason why you will also find the statue of Gadjah Mada in this area.

The pathway to this waterfall is already adequate and accessible, and the waterfall is also a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

Hiding behind the cliffs, this beautiful waterfall will bring much relaxation and peace to the mind while enjoying the spectacular views of nature.

Those are the list of seven most spectacular waterfalls in Indonesia that should be among your must-visit travel destinations.

Enriched with the spectacular beauty of nature, let us preserve these waterfalls and hope that the accesses will be more adequate so that we can still witness the amazing views that Indonesia possesses.

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