Socio Cultural

15 Implementation of Human Rights in Indonesia

One of the basic things people socialize with each other is to provide a sense of tolerance, communicating, helping and providing a sense of security in behaving personally, religiously, and nationally. So that the creation of a safe and peaceful atmosphere.

In personal intercourse and with other people it is important to uphold the dignity and pride. It also affects respect and respect to create equal rights and human rights. In order to maintain well human rights, there needs to be concrete action to ensure that all violations do not occur and there is a container that oversees the issue of human rights internationally.

The following implementation of human rights in Indonesia is accustomed to occur in everyday life:

1. Human rights in the home environment

Human rights in the home environment can be done with mutual respect for each other as a parent, against brother, sister, and brother. It is expected to provide a strong example and foundation so that we can have a level of solidarity and sense of responsibility among our fellow family.

2. Human rights in the neighborhood

With a mutual respect between neighbors and can establish cooperation when things are related to the interests of the surrounding environment. Safeguarding security and avoiding all disputes can foster secure and secure human rights. At least RT and RW officers are able to work together to help deal with problems that occur in the environment, there is no debate that endangers the environment.

3. Human Rights Interfaith People

Interreligious rights must respect one another, to avoid disputes and to prevent actions that cause divisions to the people. Therefore, the role of religious leaders in maintaining religious rights is very important, and provide views on the good and bad. It would be very chaotic if there was a human rights violation because it affected the destruction of a country.

4. Human rights at school

One of the basic rights that must be applied in school is mutual respect, respect, honesty, responsibility, tolerance, and love for each other without distinguishing social status, religion and race. Counselor, in this case, the teacher must be able to play a role and give sanction if there is one violation that harms student and also good name of a school. The need for rules and discipline for students to understand the importance of safeguarding the rights of fellow students and teachers in schools.

5. Human rights within the organization

Implementation of human rights in Indonesia, for example in the organization environment, both of government and civic organizations. The goal is to uphold the attitude of mutual respect, respect, tolerance and also a sense of responsibility among members. By not playing fraudulently and maintaining a good attitude, it is expected that the organization grows healthy and safe for the life of other members.

6. Human rights in the political environment

Human rights in the political environment include the right to participate in elections such as the right to vote, the right to vote, the right to participate in the government, the right to establish a political party, the right to issue opinions, and related rights in relation to other areas of government. And all that is recorded in the legislation – the invitation, and there are firm sanctions in it.

7. Human rights in the economic field

Human rights in the economic field include the right of a person to undertake economic activities such as, opening a business, purchasing a living necessity, conducting a fair and honest sale, obtaining decent work, and the right to provide a good life to the worker who has been employed. In order for economic life can increase and become prosperous.

8. Human rights in the field of culture

Human rights in the field of culture may include the right to good education, the right to develop a culture compatible with aptitude, the right to determine well and proper education, the right to the protection of copyright, the right to a decent life, the right to communicate, the right to preserve and preserve the traditional culture, and other rights closely related to the national cultural customs which are the heritage of the state.

9. Human rights as a citizen

Human rights as a citizen as implementation of human rights in Indonesia include, the right to freedom of conscience, freedom of employment, the right to a better life, the right to life and to sustain life, the right to form family and to continue, the right to recognition, guarantee, protection and just legal certainty and equal treatment before the law, the right to participate in the defense of the state, the right to respect the human rights of others, participate in the defense and security efforts of the state and many others.

10. Human rights within the Pancasila state

Indonesia as a State of law highly upholds Human rights, and Pancasila as the basis of the state and the fundamental foundation contains the values that the state must uphold the dignity of human beings as civilized creatures in the life of society, nation and state.

Pancasila is the live view of the nation and the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia and feels that Pancasila is the source of the soul of society and the State of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian people make the practice of Pancasila as the main struggle in the life of society and statehood.

Therefore, the practice should be initiated by every Indonesian citizen, every state organizer that will widely develop into the practice of Pancasila by every state institution and social institution, both at the center and in the region.

11. Human rights in the social field

Human rights in the social field include the right to health insurance, the right to social security, the right to housing, the right to education and instruction, the right to protection and other rights relating to social life and a sample one of implementation of human rights in Indonesia.

12. Human rights in the field of health

Human rights in the field of health include the right to life and the right to preserve life and life, the right to form family and continue the offspring through legal marriage, the right to survival, growth, and development and is entitled to protection from violence and discrimination, and the right to life prosper born and inner, resides, and gets a good and healthy living environment and is entitled to health care.

13. Human rights in the field of law

Human rights in the field of law include rights that include the right to equal treatment in law and government, the right to legal services and protection, the right to obtain and have a legal defense of the judiciary, equal rights in legal proceedings, the right to fair treatment or same in law and other legal rights.

14. Human rights in the field of justice

Human rights in the field of justice include rights that include the right to obtain legal assistance, the right to claim reimbursement and gaze, the right of equal treatment before the law, the right to obtain a lawyer, the right to obtain the same in the course of a legal process such as investigation, raid, or detention and other rights relating to law and justice.

15. Human rights in the field of manpower

Human rights in the field of employment include the rights and protection of workers of both women and men, the right to equal protection of the law, the right to the enjoyment of decent work, the right to an adequate life, the right to receive treatment and the proper salary, health insurance, as well as other rights related to employment in life both in industry and in person.

Read also :

Such is the explanation of the implementation of human rights in Indonesia that you can learn in the life of society, nation, and state. Might be useful.

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