
Meet The Top 5 Richest Indonesians

In our beloved country, Indonesia, rich people will always be there in several regions of Indonesia.

From Sabang to Merauke, we are completely sure that there are so many rich people in Indonesia who have been struggling with their barricades and sacrifice a lot of their things to reach their goals: to be rich and beneficial for humanity. 

Actually, everybody knows that rich is such a fortune, so you can get in because you’re rich.

Each of them has different methods to be rich, has her/his own dream, has different obstacles, and everything.

Diversity in Indonesia is not only about the culture, but also about those people to get their wealth, such as having most expensive properties in Jakarta.

The important point to take is, if you want to be like them, you have to be brave to face all the barriers you may take in the future.

Here are the richest Indonesians who may inspire you to be rich, based on the Forbes version.

1. Michael Bambang Hartono and Robert Budi Hartono

Budi Hartono and Bambang Hartono are hardworking siblings.

Budi Hartono has his real name, Oei Hwie Tjhong, and his older brother, Bambang Hartono has Oei Hwie Siang as his real name.

They are sons of the founder of the Djarum company, Oei Wie Gwan.

Forbes Asia stated that the Hartono brothers take the first place in the list of the richest people in Indonesia for 11 years in a row.

The value of their net worth reached $37.3 billion or worth Rp525.32 trillion. How rich they are, aren’t they?

What makes them surrounded by a lot of wealth is, they are also the largest shareholders in Bank Central Asia (BCA) in addition to having Djarum as their own company.

They also have a 65,000 hectare oil palm plantation in West Kalimantan since 2008, as well as a number of properties including the owner of Grand Indonesia and an electronics company. 

And we know that one of Djarum Group’s businesses in this sector is operating under the Polytron flag which has been operating for more than 30 years.

The Polytron company now also manufactures cellphones that previously only produced air conditioners, refrigerators, video and audio products, and dispensers.

Through a newly created company namely Global Digital Prima Ventures, Global Digital Niaga (, they also bought Kaskus, Indonesia’s most popular site.

2. Eka Tjipta Widjaja

We are quite sure that you guys know Sinar Mas Group as well. Yes, that company was built by one of Widjaja Family, Eka Tjipta Widjaja. Their wealth value US$9,6 billion. 

As we have known, Sinar Mas Group is Group, which is one of the conglomerates the largest during the New Order era.

Its flagship bank, BII or the International Bank of Indonesia, funded many of its other businesses which made it the king of copra at that time.

And, in 2011, Eka Tjipta was ranked the third richest person in Indonesia according to Forbes, with a total wealth of US$8 billion.

Next, in 2018, he was recorded to have assets valued at US$13.9 billion or Rp201.5 trillion and was ranked as the second richest person in Indonesia according to the calculation of Globe Asia.

3. Prajogo Pangestu

One aspect of social hierarcy in Indonesia is having a well-known and enormous asset.

Well, you have to be amazed by him because Prajogo Pangestu has the biggest asset increase this year, which has major businesses in the fields of petrochemical and energy.

His wealth ranking rose seven ranks to third with a net worth of US$7.6 billion, from US$3 billion last year in line with investor optimism about the prospects of companies hoisting Barito Pacific’s stock prices.

What makes us proud of him is, he is really a hard worker person. From just being a public transportation driver, now he owns some companies which are developing so fast.

4. Susilo Wonowidjojo 

Have you heard about Susilo Wonowidjojo? Yes, this man with Cai Daoping as his real name is a successful Indonesian businessman.

His wealth values US$6,6 billion. You know that he is the third child of Surya Wonowidjojo, founder of Gudang Garam, a clove cigarette company in Kediri, East Java

In 2013, Forbes magazine named him as the 4th richest person in Indonesia.

His position is still sticking out until now. In 2000, he succeeded his older brother Rachman Halim or Tjoa To Hing (Surya Wonowidjojo’s first child) as the leader of Gudang Garam.

5. Sri Prakash Lohia

Our next richest Indonesian is Sri Pakash Lohia. With his net wealth worth of US$5.6 billion, he is success to be placed in the 5th position of the richest Indonesians.

We know it very well that he is the founder and chair of Indorama Corporation. Indorama Corporation is a petrochemical and textile company.

Lohia was born and raised in India, but has spent most of her professional life in Indonesia since 1974. Indonesian lifestyle makes him more hardworking than ever.

Well, that’s all for the richest Indonesians.

They seem so popular and full of prosperity, but we have to bear in mind that they reach their success with long hardwork. So, chin up!

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