
The 25 Indonesian Komodo Dragon Facts That People Don’t Know

If we look closely to some articles about the Indonesian fauna, you can se that there are so many beautiful things that inhabit the forest and some unique areas in Indonesia. Well, because of their beuty, they usually hunted down by the unresponsible hunters who want to sell their skin, leather, or parts of their physical body for the monetary purposes.

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But, even though there are some rare animals in every corner of Indoneisa, there’s one thing that only inhabits in one place, live in its own island called The Komodo Island. Komod Dragon, the living legend that blew our mind because of its findings years ago. If you look closely to its physical form,it looks more like a big lizard. A big, venomous lizard. For today, we want to specifically tell you about the facts that surrounding this magnificent creature. So let’s start with the first one :

1. Komodo Included As One Primitive Creature

As the first fact, maybe it’s not too surprising because all of us know that the Komod also included as one primitive creature. That means, the Komod is one dinosaur left on the world right now. Even though it fortunately came in small size than those dinosarus thta exist in prehistoric age, but its strength is still very much dependable.

Because of that fact, seeing this animal in the habitat of Komod island is one of the best thing and also remmended to be enjoyed at least once in a life time. It’s mind blowing thing to see a life dinosaur that left in this world.

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2. Only Eats Once Per Month

Because of the respitory system that is advanced and always changing to the environment and location, and also the size of the Komodo itself, the animal can eat one whole deer for a month. Not only deers, but they also east a buffalo.

They usually start chewing the meats and eat them in a bit long time. For the whole deer, it will take about an hour or two to be able to swallow all the meats.

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3. The Adults Eat The Meats, The Youngs Eat The Insects

Because Komodos don’t have much teeth in such a young age, they usually eat something that can be processed easily in the stomach. Because of that condition, the young Komodos will only looking for the insects that live around their habitat.

Plus, the insects are easy to eat. So, the youngs can only swallow them all in, and then the insects will automatically be melt out because of the saliva and also the inner acid of the Komodo itself.

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4. They Really like To Do Some Tanning

In the sunny day, they really like to get out of their hiding place to go getting the sun light. They can spend a whole day to do some tanning all day long especialy during the dry season. The sun light can help them to decrease the number of fumes on their body, also can help a lot for respiratory system.

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5. Undoubtedly the Biggest Lizard in The World

Of course, just by looking at its size, we can conclude that this Komodo is the king of lizards in this whole world. The usual lizard is like the size of the Komodo’s leg. Completed with the body that can reach about a meter, the title King of All Lizards is reasy to earn.

6. The Male Adult Can Live Up To 50 Years

Well, if you met a young Komodo in a zoo or conservation place, in several years later, when you got your own grand kids, you can see the Komodo still alive all these years. It’s because, their life span is really long. The male ones can have around 50 years of life. Because of his condition, the number of the male Komodos are way too many than the female

7. But The Female, Only Live Half of Those Years

Sadly for the female, they can only have half of those years, which is like 25 years of life. Maybe this is a reason, that the female always use the hermaprodhite system on their usual mating season to create another male Komodos.

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8. Included As Hermaprodhite ( In Several Occasions)

As said above, during come circumstances, the female Komodos always do the mating on their own. They will only create the male Komodo only. For the female, they must use the usual mating activity, when the male can finally meets the female komodo.

9. 3 Komodods Will Fight For a Female in Mating Season

Because the female is considered less in a group, when there’s  female one, some male Komodos will fight their best to be able to prove to the female that they are the strongest of them all. But because of that, some times they end up eating each other too.

10. They Can Lay Up to 15 to 30 Eggs

After the mating season, the female put their fertilized eggs inside a hole. They actually make two holes, one hole is a fake one, built for the predators like eagle or crocodile. But in the other hole, they put the eggs, which usually contain 15 up to 30 Komodo’s eggs.

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11. A Solitary Animal

If other animals like lions or tiger really like to hunt a prey in a group, and doing some strategic approach to hunt them, the Komodos don’t. They are solitary animal, creatures that like to go on their own for hunt or surviving. They even hunt their own species if they have to.

12. Can Run Up to 20km per hour

If you being chase by a Komodo, your best option is either attack them with a gun, or you can climb up the tree to be able to survive. Their speed reaches 20km/hour which can easily catch you even if you’re running away from them.

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Like usual, we do it half and half, so for the next one, it’s time for the small list that completing the informations provided above. So, to be able to undertand some more about this Komod Dragon, you should take a look at these useful informations below :

  1. If there’s no food, they will hunt each other
  2. Included as in the list of top 10 dangerous animals in the world
  3. The Saliva is extremly harmful
  4. One bite of it can kill you within hours
  5. It can catch you, even though you are using zig zag formation
  6. If one komodo hunt you down, others will follow
  7. Having a tangoue like snake’s
  8. The island of Komodo included as one of seven wonders
  9. And it’s a natural habitat of Komodo
  10. But, you can also find the Komodo in several islands around it, including Rinca
  11. Having ear holes, but they can’t be used
  12. They using their tongue to detect and smelling
  13. Placed in a top food chain in the environment inhabited

And the list of Indonesian Komodo Dragon Facts finally complete. Yep, there are 25 facts that can cover all informations about this unique creature that live in Indonesia. To seeing this animal directly, you should prepare some budget first to go to the island of Komodo. In there, you’ll by guided with a man that understand all the things inside the Komodo island, including the Komodos too. After going on the Komodo island, you can also explore some islands near it. For example there’s Rinca island, where you can also have a possibility to meet the wild Komodo in there.

Published by
Yoga Adi

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