
8 Worth Visit Indonesian Most Famous Landmark

A landmark in a city becomes a sign that figuring the characteristics of the city. That is why landmark in Indonesia commonly has the philosophy behind that contains with a great history or some iconic events.

Just like other countries, Indonesia also has its landmark that spreads in the most Indonesian city. Most of them become a sign of culture, important event, or historical places.

This time, we will bring you to the most famous landmark in Indonesia that worth visiting. You will not only find the beauty of them but also the greatest history behind them. Now check them out below!

1. The Monument of Indonesia’s 0 Kilometers

Are you ever wondering where are Indonesia’s 0 kilometers start? Well, it is pretty clear located in Aceh, specifically in Iboih village, Sukakarya regency, Sabang as one of the islands that popular with the best snorkeling places in Indonesia. As the western part of Indonesian miles point, the region becomes so famous as the sign of Indonesia’s territory built there.

In around September 1997, the government officially announce the monument as an Indonesian border territory by vice president Try Sutrisno. Moreover, president Habibie also makes the inscription about the definition of 0 kilometers Indonesia there.

The monument of Indonesia’s 0 kilometers built on the top of the hills with the Hindia Ocean view that contains the Weh islands and other islands. It has about 43,6 meters high, a Garuda Indonesia symbol, Rencong as the Aceh symbol for a weapon for freedom, and four pillars as the borderlands areas.

2. Ampera Bridge

Ampera bridge is located in Palembang that spreads along the Musi river. This bridge becomes the most iconic place for Palembang as they represent the Palembangnese when struggle to suffer against the Japanese columnist.

Ampera bridge builds in 1962 that connected the Seberang Ulu and Seberang Ilir areas. It has about 1.777 meters long, 22 meters wide, and was officially announced by Leutnant Ahmad Yani in 1965. It has three times of changes color as the first build it has a grey color, then change to yellow in 1992, and in 2000 up until now is red.

3. The National Monument

The national monument or well known as the Monas monument becomes the most popular landmark in Indonesia. It is located in Jakarta as the biggest metropolitan city in Indonesia and was built around 1961 then finished in around 1975. It has about 137 meters high that contains the cup design on the bottom of the monument.

The Monas monument becomes the symbol of the Indonesian struggle for freedom against the Dutch columnist. That is why inside the building you will find so many inscriptions about the struggle for Indonesian freedom.

4. Gedung Sate

Gedung Sate is a building in Bandung, West Java that becomes one of the most famous landmarks in Indonesia. It builds in around 1920 under the Dutch columnist and becomes the Indonesian governor building in 1980.

Gedung Sate has a unique building design that similar to the skewers in Sate. It has six pillars that presented the six million Gulden of the cost to build it. Nowadays, not only for the government building but also for education. The museum contains some digital and technology just like some of the common museums in Jakarta.

5. Tugu Jogja

Tugu Jogja becomes one of the most popular landmarks in Indonesia that located in Yogyakarta. It becomes the most iconic monument in Yogyakarta as the local villagers believe it has a mystical source. Some people believe that it has one line with the Merapi mount so which makes it more sacred of the monument.

Tugu Jogja was built around 1755 under Sultan Hamengkubuwono I with about 25 meters high. But, as time goes by, the monument has ever broken during the war in 1867. After that, the monument rebuilds with about 15 meters only, and the height still exists until now.

Besides, having some selfies in Tugu Jogja commonly becomes one of the reasons why you must visit Yogyakarta with its beauty and authentic cultures there.

6. Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Garuda Wisnu Kencana becomes one of the most famous landmarks in Indonesia located in Ungasan Village, Badung, Bali. It has about 121 meters high with two wings that spread around 64 meters wide on both left and right sides.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana becomes one of the Bali most popular tourist destination with some Balinese cultural festivals held there regularly. The altar around the monument is capable to accommodate more than 100 people to watch the Balinese exhibition.

7. Khatulistiwa Monument

Khatulistiwa monument becomes of the most famous landmark in Indonesia that located in Batu Layang, North Pontianak, Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Since the city becomes the only city in Indonesia that crossed by the Khatulistiwa line, that makes the monument special.

Khatulistiwa monument was built around 1930 with about 4.40 meters of high facing the Kapuas river. The monument becomes the symbol of the null degrees of Indonesia’s time towards Greenwich time. Besides, if you visit there between 21-23 March or 21-23 September, you get the amazing experience of the sun culmination that only happen there.

8. Time Capsule Monument

The time capsule monument becomes one of the most popular landmarks in Indonesia that located in Merauke, Papua. It has a unique size as the symbol of Indonesian freedom on 17 August 1945. The width is about 17 meters, 8 meters high, and 45 meters long of the building.

The time capsule monuments have five pillars that represent the five tribes in Merauke. It contains the Malind, Muyu, Mandobo, Mappi, and Auyu tribes. The whole building is inspired by the Dani tribe philosophy as the biggest tribe in Papua.

So, there are some of the Indonesian most famous landmarks that worth visiting. Have you ever visiting one of them?

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