8 Sacred Javanese Tradition after Childbirth

Have you ever wondered if is there any Javanese tradition after childbirth? Javanese is one of the tribes in Indonesia that is famous for its rich culture. Javanese tradition represents the sacred, hope, and beauty of locals. Not surprisingly, most Javanese held some ceremonies as part of preserving their tradition.

Javanese tradition contains so many wise pearls of messages that lead into wisdom. It spreads in so many activities, including Javanese tradition after childbirth. If you are wondering what kind of Javanese traditions after childbirth, here we have some of them on the list below.

Let’s check them out!

1. Mendhem Ari-Ari

Mendhem Ari-Ari is one of the Javanese traditions after childbirth that is commonly followed by most of the Central and East Javanese. This kind of tradition leads the family of the newborn to bury the placenta.

Mendhem Ari-Ari represents to say thank you from the family and the newborn to the baby’s placenta. Javanese believe that the placenta is the best friend of the baby while they are growing in the stomach of the mother.

The placenta needs to be buried within a specific ritual. The father of the baby should be the one who buried the placenta. It needs to be buried close to the main door of the house. The fence needs to be built around it. The light also needs to be lit for around 35 days.

2. Brokohan

Brokohan is one of the Javanese traditions after childbirth that is commonly followed by locals in Central Java and Yogyakarta. On the first day after the newborn, the family held the ceremony of Brokohan.

Brokohan represents gratitude towards god after a successful giving birth process. The ceremony also means to make a wish for good things not only for the newborn but also for the family.

Brokohan tradition commonly involves neighborhoods that closely live around the newborn. They will bring some gifts such as baby clothes, food stock for the family, and more.

3. Sepasaran

Sepasaran is one of the Javanese traditions after childbirth that commonly happen in Yogyakarta and some Central Java region. Sepasaran is a typical tradition to welcome the newborn that is held on the fifth day after childbirth.

Sepasaran represents a grateful to the god after a successful childbirth. The tradition also leads the family to make a wish for a healthier and more successful life for the baby.

Sepasaran tradition is commonly followed by announcing the baby’s name. The family will be inviting most neighborhoods to be involved in the ceremony.

4. Puputan

Puputan is one of the Javanese traditions after childbirth that commonly happen in Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java. This kind of tradition is a typical welcoming birth ceremony after the belly button is already stuck on the baby’s stomach.

Puputan represents thanks to the god. This tradition used to involve some offerings. As time goes by, the family only held Kenduri as they made a pray together to the god.

Puputan is commonly held in an instant with Selapanan and Sepasaran. The tradition becomes more flexible for youth generations that start building a family.

5. Aqiqah

Aqiqah is one of the Javanese traditions after childbirth that is commonly followed by most Muslims in Indonesia. This kind of tradition is started by slaughtering some goats or sheep. There is a specific number of goats that they slaughtered.

The baby boy needs two slaughtered goats or sheep. Baby girls need only one slaughtered goat or sheep. The lambs should be shared with the neighborhood. Commonly, they are following the rule of Islamic rules that have grown in Indonesia.

6. Selapanan

Selapanan is one of the Javanese traditions after childbirth that is commonly followed by locals in Yogyakarta and Central Java. This kind of tradition started with cutting the baby’s nails and shaving the head until completely shaved with no hair left.

Selapanan commonly held the 35th days after childbirth. The tradition is held for the health purpose of the baby born. Javanese believe that the nail and hair of the baby born can bring some germs that lead to danger to the baby’s health.

7. Bancakan Weton

Bancakan Weton is one of the Javanese traditions after childbirth that is commonly held together with the Selapanan tradition. This kind of tradition commonly starts from Kenduri as the family takes a prayer for the baby born successful life ahead.

Bancakan Weton also represents gratitude from the family for the successful childbirth. Not surprisingly, during this tradition, the family invites the neighborhood and relatives. It is a kind of celebration and a grateful ceremony as well.

8. Jagongan Bayi

Jagongan Bayi is one of the Javanese traditions after childbirth. This kind of tradition represents the social life manner that the new baby born should learn. The neighbor of the new baby born commonly visits the new baby born family every night on a specific day.

Jagongan Bayi is commonly done by the elders that visit the new baby born family. The elders will give some advice about the way to maintain the baby’s life until they are grown properly.

Jagongan Bayi commonly happens during the night once the elders gathered in the new baby born family. Some elders even sing a traditional song that contains good things in life. The song needs to be sung so that the baby will hear the meaning behind it.

All of those Javanese traditions after childbirth above commonly still pretty valid to apply up until now. The Javanese are famous for keeping their tradition and distributing it to the next generation.

Have you ever seen one of those Javanese traditions after childbirth around you? Let’s explore Javanese to get to know them better during your vacation in Indonesia.

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