
8 Major Historical Events in Indonesia

Have you ever heard that there are some major historical events in Indonesia? Most Indonesian believe that the country developed with a great history which makes everything come easier nowadays which is also different from the life of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia.

From so many historical books, some proofs record properly within many major historical events in Indonesia. The proof becomes a reminder for the next generations in Indonesia to honor the heroes before.

Education in Indonesia gives so much concern to spreading the story of some major historical events in Indonesia because not honoring the heroes are things that are considered rude in Indonesia. These stories would make the next generation of Indonesia understand the struggle of getting Independence from Indonesia at that time.

If you are wondering what kind of major events in Indonesia are, we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Sumpah Pemuda

Sumpah Pemuda is one of the most popular major events in Indonesia that becomes the first congress for youth Indonesian in around 1928. Congress made the Sumpah Pemuda a hope of the declaration of Indonesia’s independence would have come true.

Sumpah Pemuda makes an oath that contains three declarations to admit that Indonesian are united in one as an Indonesian with one language of Bahasa Indonesia.

The vow of Sumpah Pemuda is a pioneer of the declaration of Indonesia’s independence. Up until now, every 28 October, Indonesia celebrated the Sumpah Pemuda day to honor the vow and the struggle of Indonesian heroes before.

2. Proklamasi

Proklamasi is one of the major historical events in Indonesia, which represents the day of the declaration of Indonesia’s independence come to the nation. The proclamation was declared by the first Indonesian president, Sukarno on August 17, 1945, which come with a big celebration such as the ways to celebrate New Year in Indonesia.

Proklamasi is a sign of the end of colonialism from some countries that colonialized Indonesia which had been happening for more than three centuries. The torture of colonialism in the past make most Indonesian realize that they have to have struggled against colonialism. That is why Proklamasi becomes one of the biggest achievements so important for Indonesians.

3. Konferensi Meja Bundar

Konferensi Meja Bundar is one of the major historical events in Indonesia that was held at a round table. The conference was held around 1949 and discussed the real independence of Indonesia to get admitted by the world.

Konferensi Meja Bundar held because even the declaration of Indonesia’s independence had already been declared, Indonesia was not fully feeling independence. It was attended by the United Nations and some other countries, such as the US.

4. The Communist Coup

A few years later after the declaration of Indonesia was successfully declared, there are born so many parties that want to take a part of getting charge in the government. One of the most popular parties was the communist, which is popular for its brutality.

Based on the historical record, around 1965, the communist party become the most feared coup in Indonesia. The communist was brave enough to torture people, including kidnapping and killing them without warning.

The peak of the war against the communist party was held on September 30, 1965. Up until now, every 30 September becomes the day of G30S/PKI as a part to remember the saddest day and honor the heroes that were kidnapped and killed at that time.

5. The Presidential Decree of 1959

The presidential decree of 1959 is one of the most important major historical events in Indonesia that happened in 1959. During the time between 1950 to 1960, the government has an ambiguous governance system of the nation, which lead to the temporary constitution.

Indonesia wants the nation to come back to the constitution of 1945 as a republic country, so the president launched the presidential decree to suppress the chaos of the political system that failed at that time.

6. The Election of 1977

The election of 1977 is one of the major historical events in Indonesia that remark the era of New Order as it is popular in Indonesia with Orde Baru. The era was led by the second president of Suharto that replaced the first president of Sukarno before.

The election of 1977 is the first election in Indonesia to choose the people who will get in charge of the department of the government system, DPR. The historical record that there is manipulation politics because the people who are seated at DPR come from the Golongan Karya party, which reached nearly 75%.

7. The Financial Crisis of 1998

The financial crisis of 1998 is one of the most popular major historical events in Indonesia, which leads the Indonesian Rupiah as the legal money in Indonesia fell drastically towards the US Dollar. The incident even capable to make some of the most popular banks in Indonesia went bankrupt.

The crisis of 1998 happens between 1997 to 1998. It led to so much chaos because the inflation and make everything have a higher price than before. The condition triggered so many demonstrations everywhere because food supply and other things are hard to get.

The most important history that records the crisis of 1998 is the fall of Suharto as the second president of Indonesia for 32 years.

8. The Election of 1999

The election of 1999 is one of the major historical events in Indonesia, which becomes the first democracy after the era of Suharto fell. Right after the crisis of 1998 made Suharto fall from the position of Indonesia’s president, the election permitted about 48 parties to participate.

The election of 1999 was won by the PPP party, which lead Abdurrahman Wahid as the president who leads the country, and the vice president was Megawati Sukarno Putri from the PDI-P.

So, some major historical events in Indonesia become an important part of the development in Indonesia in any sector. Hopefully, those events are capable enough to influence the youth generations to do their best for Indonesia.

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