Socio Cultural

8 Most Isolated Tribes in Indonesia

Do you know that Indonesia contains so many tribes? Most of them even spread in different regions which makes the country has different tribe and culture. Some tribes are so popular among others but others one also isolated at the same time.

Have you ever heard that some of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia exist? Since Indonesia has so many tribes that are living in different regions, that is possible that some of the tribes are isolated.

Commonly, some of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia live around the forest which hardly gets easier access from the outside. That makes other common Indonesian tribes have difficulty way to reach them.

If you are wondering what most isolated tribes in Indonesia and where to find them, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Mentawai Tribe

The Mentawai tribe is one of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia which live around West Sumatra specifically on Siberut Island part of the Mentawai archipelago. The tribe lives with animism and faith with so many unique cultures and sacred ceremonies.

The Mentawai tribe lives around the deep forest of Siberut Island hardly knowing the best cafes in South Jakarta. They have a unique culture that you can only find them there, such as getting their body with traditional charcoal tattoos and sharpening teeth during women’s puberty.

The local shaman will hold the ceremony to do those rituals which most Mentawai tribes believe to be the symbol of getting closer and balance with nature.

2. Baduy Tribe

Baduy tribe is one of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia which live not too far from Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. The tribe has its own rule which avoid the development of technology come to their life.

That makes the village has no technology around even though they are living in a village that can be reached within four hour’s drive from Jakarta, specifically in Lebak regency. They have no electricity, no phones, and even television is banned.

Baduy tribe has their existing rule which would never welcome the modernization coming through them and avoid ways to celebrate the new year in Indonesia. They even reject using any education and healthcare facility from the government.

3. Korowai Tribe

The Korowai tribe is one of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia that live around West Papua. They are living in the deep forest specifically around Yaniruma Boven Digoel regency which has so many rules as things that are considered rude in Indonesia.

Korowai tribe lived with less knowledge about outside modernization and everything around them. They still live with cannibalism for specific sacred ceremonies. They believe in the existence of reincarnation by the spirit of their ancestors.

If you want to meet some of the Korowai tribe, you can visit West Papua at the Baliem Valley festival around August. The government makes them contribute to the festival which they will kindly be welcoming other people outside their tribe.

4. Asmat Tribe

The Asmat tribe is one of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia which live around the Asmat regency in Papua. They live within the sacred culture of cannibalism with specific tattoos around their body.

Asmat tribe live in deep forests and rivers with many crocodiles around that may not giving concerned about some of the Indonesian television station lists. They live mostly hunting animals for food supply, carving wood, and sculpturing. They have a perfect talent for art, which make their treasures unique from other tribes in Indonesia.

5. Dani Tribe

Dani tribe is one of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia which live around West Papua that may not know about some of the largest shopping in Indonesia. Along with their lives, the Dani tribe lives in the deep forest that has no different from the Asmat tribe.

Dani tribe commonly live with cannibalism for animal hunter they believe in pigs has the most sacred rule in their cultural ceremony. In any celebration, the pig becomes the main feast that should never be missed.

Dani tribe used to have an extreme ritual in which when one of the family members passed away, the women will cut one of their fingers. As time goes by, this tradition is banned forever.

6. Bajau Tribe

The Bajau tribe is one of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia which live around the sea of Sampela Bajau village on Wangi-Wangi Island. The tribe is living as nomads from sea to sea which make them have no place to stay permanently. They are living in ships that move around from sea to sea around Wangi-Wangi island.

The Bajau tribe lives with no modern life so they are not having any education from the government. The government is difficult to reach them with their lifestyle that moves faster without any warning.

7. Lamalera Tribe

Lamalera tribe is one of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia which live around the Wulandoni Lembata regency in east Nusa Tenggara. The tribe lives around the seashore that mostly living with hunting animal sea.

The Lamalera tribe has a unique ritual which commonly held from May to September. Mostly they will hunt the whale using their traditional weapon. Even hunting whales is banned in Indonesia, but the government especially grants their wish to legally hunt them to keep their tradition from their ancestor.

8. Abui Tribe

Abui tribe is one of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia which live around Alor regency in East Nusa Tenggara. This tribe is well-known for its traditional lifestyle which makes them become the happiest tribe in East Nusa Tenggara.

Abui tribe living with kindly helping each other and welcoming other tribes generously. They live with nature so that they believe if they are good to others nature will support them in a good way.

So, there are some of the most isolated tribes in Indonesia, and where you can find them. Have you ever met one of them so far?

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