
9 Papuan Traditional Musical Instruments that Sacredly Exist

Papua becomes one of the five largest islands in Indonesia which consists of so many cultures from the Papuan tribe. The island not only has a beautiful landscape but also the richest culture behind it.

Speaking of culture, just like other regions in Indonesia, one of the facts of the Papua, Indonesia has its culture such as traditional Papua culture, traditional song, traditional clothes, traditional musical instruments, and many more.

Most of Papuan loves the sound of music so much that describes in most of their ritual following by a song complete with their traditional musical instruments. That is why this time we will bring you into the most popular Papuan traditional musical instrument that sacredly exists from time to time.

Let’s see some of them below!

1. Butshake

Butshake is one of the most popular Papuan traditional musical instruments that come from Muyu village, Merauke regency. It is made from walnuts that arranged neatly and tied on the bamboo.

Butshake has a beautiful sound that comes from the friction between the walnuts. Commonly this instruments is using for the specific ritual, custom culture ceremony, and the following instruments for some traditional dance from Papua, Indonesia for celebrating party.

2. Fuu

Fuu is one of the most famous Papuan traditional musical instruments made from bamboo. It is the size of about half a meter long of bamboo that craved with some Papuan ornaments.

Fuu has a deep voice which should be played by blown the hole at a corner of the body. This instrument used to be a communication tool for gathering some villagers in one place. But, as time goes by it becomes one of the instruments that following some songs or dances.

You can find the Fuu in some traditional dances from Papua when the ritual was held. Commonly, it plays by the Asmat tribe in Merauke for celebrating some events such as the Indonesian naming tradition at Papuan villagers.

3. Yi

Yi is one of the Papuan traditional musical instruments made from bamboo or wood. It looks like the flute but has a unique form as the original Papuan flute. The sound of it also comes similarly to the flute but has a higher voice.

Yi commonly plays for following the Papuan traditional dances or songs at some custom cultural ceremonies. Nowadays, this instrument becomes rare in amount since the modern flute come to the region.

4. Triton

Triton is one of the most famous traditional music instruments that come from the sea. It is made from the shell that you can find on the common seashore of Papuan beaches. Most of them can be found easily at Biak, Nabire, Raja Ampat island, Yapen, and many beaches in Papua.

Triton should be played by blown the shell that Papuan calls the Bia. It has a deep voice that can be heard some miles away. That is why these instruments used to be a tool for gathering the villagers around.

You can find the Triton in some of the traditional custom culture, rituals, or other important events in Papuan festivals. You can also play it by yourself if you accidentally found it at the beach.

5. Pikon

Pikon is one of the Papuan traditional musical instruments that come from the Baliem tribe as the indigenous tribe of Indonesia. It is made from bamboo which has some holes in long and wide size at about 5.2 cm. It is commonly craved by the Papuan unique crafts that Papuan call it with Hite.

Pikon should be played by pick the strings that are attached to it. The sound commonly comes in a unique rhythm with a mix of do, mi, and sol. You can find the Pikon in most of the Baliem valley festivals which are almost held every year in August.

6. Paar and Kee

Paar and Kee become the unique traditional musical instruments that come from Kerom village, Papua. They are made from a pumpkin and cassowary bones which are tied properly in a circle. It has a sacred meaning of the instruments which always play in some custom cultural rituals.

In the Papuan tribe, Paar has a meaning of the cover for the specific men’s genital, and the Kee means for a belt to tie the Paar. The instruments should be played for the custom cultural ritual to following the songs or their dances.

7. Krombi

Krombi is one of the most famous Papuan traditional musical instrument that comes from the Tehit tribe in Seremuk village, Sorong regency. It is made from bamboo with a specific hammer that is made from the chosen wood.

You should pinch the Krombi with the wood hammer properly so that it has a unique sound.  Commonly it plays for the following traditional dances in Sorong festival or custom cultural rituals.

8. Amyen

Amyen is one of the Papuan traditional musical cultures that come from the Web tribe in the Keerom regency. It is made from the eucalyptus tree that forms as the trumpet so that the sound is similar to its.

Amyen should be played by blowing the whole part so that the sound comes in a high voice. These instruments used to be part of the communication tool as the sign for some dangerous warnings.

You can find the Amyen in some of the traditional custom culture, rituals, or other important events in Papuan festivals.

So, there are some glances about Papuan traditional musical instruments that popular from time to time. Most of them are related to the Papuan custom culture ritual that has a sacred meaning behind it. Have you ever see one of them before?

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