
8 Prohibited Medications in Bali

It is a must for someone to bring the personal medication during the traveling. However, if you are the people with special disease, you should bring some of them with you. It is aimed to keep your health during the trip. When you visit Bali, you will get the strict rule in the authorization of airport. Since Bali is the great place for the drug dealers, the government starts t tighten the rule of the medication that you may or may not bring to Bali. You would probably get caught as you bring the illegal medication there.

However, you could minimize to be caught by bringing the doctor prescription with your personal medication. Copy the prescription, and put it with the same package with it.  Make sure not to bring any illegal medications once you visit Bali. You could end your traveling in jail. For your information, you could notice 8 prohibited medications in Bali.

  1. PCC Pills

PCC  consists of Paracetamol, Caffeine, and Carisoprodol. In Indonesia, it is illegal medication. You should not bring this kind of medication once you visit Bali. This medication is categorized as the dangerous substance. Once you consume PCC, it could damage your brain function. It could make hallucination, emotional habit, and having a bad trip. Even PCC would cause the death overdose and death.

Recently, hundred of teenagers are indicated as the consumer of this medication. In Kendari,  more than 50 students of Elementary school and Junior High School were poisoning after consuming PCC. As the result, one of them is dead because of overdose.

See also:

2. Poppers

Poppers are usually found in liquid chemical forms sold in small bottles. This liquid is a group of chemicals called alkyl nitrite. Specific alkyl nitrite includes butyl nitrite, isopropyl nitrite, amyl nitrite and isobutyl nitrites. They dilate blood vessels and allow more blood to get to the heart.

Poppers would give the bad side effect once you consume it. It also may cause the death if you swallow it. However, free sexual in Bali I prohibited. Once you visit Bali with poppers, you may get a penalty from the control officer.

3. Dumolid

In the beginning 2017, a famous actor of Indonesia was caught by National Anti-Narcotics Agency. He was consuming Dumolid illegally and periodically. Although dumolid is not categorized as narcotics, it is included as the fourth class of psychotropic. The dumolid should be consumed by the recommendation of doctor.

The use of dumolid continuously could decrease the brain function and damage it slowly. The use of dumolid is actually to release insomnia problem. However, you should not bring doumolid illegally when you visit Bali.

See also:

4. Rheumastop

Rheumastop is a medication for uric acid and joint pain. If you use it illegally and in a high dose, you could be overdose.  The shape of the medication is like a tablet with a coat membrane. Rheumastop could be the dangerous medication if you consume it in a long period. Make sure not to bring any kind of rheumastop if you visit Bali.

5. Carnophen

Carnophen is a brand of medication that could make the consumer has the good euphoria and enjoy in high intention. The side effect when you use carnophen is you could be more aggressive, laughing, even screaming loudly. The more dangerous side effect is you would feel of flying, hallucination, and losing your control. Be careful of using this medication illegally. You could end up your vacation at jail in Bali.

6.  Carminofein

Carminofein has been revoked by the government in Indonesia since 2013. Once you bring the medication that consists of carminofein in Bali, you should declare that you take the medication under the control of doctor. Don’t forget to show the doctor prescription with it. Be careful when you take carminofein in much doses, you would get the really bad effect.

It can cause rapid heartbeat, agitation or confusion, dizziness and fainting, tremors and seizures, irritability, nausea, and vomiting, swallowing disorders, abdominal pain and diarrhea, numbness in the whole body or no taste, sense of drift, hallucinations and lost of consciousness.

7. Sleeping pills and medications for ADHD

Sleeping pills and medications for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is illegal in Indonesia. If you are pharmacist or doctor, it is okay to bring some of them with you. Don’t forget to bring certificate of medication. Wrap them into original package unless it would be considered as dangerous medication. However, if you are usually use sleeping pills to consume, you should bring the doctor prescription with it. Declare the medication toward the controller staff in airport as clear as possible.

See also:

8. Psychotropic substances

 All kind the medications that consists of psychotropic substance is banned in Indonesia. As you know there is a very strict control on the importation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances into Indonesia and nearby transit country. When you use the medication of psychotropic substance as your personal medication, don’t forget to bring the copy of doctor receipt on it. At the  airport, the custom inspector will check all the things in your luggage. Keep the doctor prescription in the same package with medication.

Almost of the harmful medications are prohibited in Indonesia. Be careful of carrying your medications once you visit Bali. Don’t forget to always ask the prescription to doctor when you take a medication. Remember that use the high dose of medication with illegal ways.

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