
8 Crucial Things Not to Bring in Indonesia

Have you ever wondered what kind of things not to bring to Indonesia? If you have a plan to visit the country, you may need some research about it. The government of Indonesia has officially announced this matter a long time ago.

That makes the rules clear if you ever bring some kind of things not to get Indonesia you may have some punishment by the law that applied in Indonesia. This matter commonly become one of the essential things you should concern about as a tourist which commonly share on some Indonesian television station lists.

If you are eager to know what kind of crucial things not to bring to Indonesia, this time, we will bring you in to put your concern for some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Narcotics and Drugs

Narcotics and drugs are two kinds of things you should be aware of. Those things are prohibited under Indonesian law within the serious punishment of the death sentence. Those are things not to bring in Indonesia because the government has no mercy about it.

Narcotics and drugs are two things that become serious concerns that are already prohibited in Indonesia. Not only illegal in Indonesia, but those things will lead both the user and the dealer to a death sentence in Indonesian law.

2. Alcohol

Alcohol is one of the things not to bring to Indonesia that you need to take concerned about. Indonesia has the largest Muslim community that believes in alcohol as a drink that is unlawful to drink. That makes sense that alcohol is banned in the country including in some of the best cafes in South Jakarta.

Bringing alcohol to Indonesia will not only freak the Indonesians, but also you will get some serious consequences. That is why you need to be aware of this kind of matter even if you have a reason to bring it as a gift. Indonesian government still won’t give you any permission to bring this kind of thing.

3. Pornographic Material

Any kind of thing that has pornographic material inside is prohibited under Indonesian law. Those are kinds of things not to bring because of serious reasons such as culture and religion in Indonesia. This makes a big deal moreover when the popular eid al Adha tradition in Indonesia happens.

Most Indonesian are Muslim, which is why any kind of pornographic material is prohibited. Since the country holds some religion of Muslim rule above other that makes the country prohibit this matter.

4. Things with Potentially explode

Any kind of thing that potentially explode is prohibited to bring in Indonesia. This includes any weapons, firearms, and fireworks that are things not to bring in Indonesia that you should aware of.

Any kind of thing that potentially explodes commonly prohibit in Indonesia, with serious consequences written under the law. That is why you need to be careful to take concern about this matter and never try to bring any of those things to Indonesia.

5. Tobacco

Tobacco is one of the things not to bring to Indonesia because of the concern of health care in Indonesia. Tobacco is commonly related to the prohibition of smoking in the public area in Indonesia.

Any kind of tobacco is prohibited to bring in Indonesia commonly not only relates to health concerns but also of the tobacco industry in Indonesia.

For some reason, cigarettes in Indonesia are allowed to sell even though the prohibition of smoking is sentenced in so many areas. That kind of thing becomes a serious matter that brings Indonesia has prohibited bringing tobacco into Indonesia.

6. Animal Skin

Animal skin is one of the things prohibited brought in Indonesia. Due to saving the animal to prevent them from the extinct, animal skin becomes one of the things not to bring in Indonesia for a serious reason.

Animal skin commonly relates to the art or even fashion industry which is taken from some types of snakes in Indonesia. The beautiful pattern of animal skin commonly took a high price on it. That makes sense that so many illegal hunters tried to get the animal skin for money.

Protecting animals become a serious concern for the Indonesian government for so many years such as the unusual animal in Indonesia. That is why there is no excuse if you dare to bring some kind of animal skin to Indonesia.

7. Pirated Material

Pirated material is a serious concern for Indonesian piracy that spread easily many years ago. The government of Indonesia tried its best to support any kind of work that need to be legally published.

Pirated material commonly relates to bringing any kind of videotape, DVD, or some things that are related to illegal reproduction of copyrighted material are prohibited. These kinds of things become serious things not to bring in Indonesia no matter the reason behind it.

8. Vehicle

If you come from a foreign country and want to bring your car to Indonesia, then you need to hold your wish. Commonly bringing your used car to Indonesia is not allowed except if you have a diplomatic mission that needs to be extended.

Bring a vehicle is one of the things not to bring in Indonesia that you need to be aware of it. The matter of this kind of thing can take you into the most expensive rate to pay extremely. You need to take it seriously before deciding to bring your car to Indonesia.

So, there are some of the crucial things not to bring to Indonesia that you need to be aware of. If you already bring one of those things, you need to get ready for the consequences made by the law under the Indonesian government.

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