
8 Protected Unusual Animals in Indonesia

Indonesia is surrounded by unique landscapes such as tropical forests, volcanoes, islands, and oceans. The benefits of those conditions make the country has so many different animals that spread from Sabang to Merauke.

By the conditions, those animals in Indonesia come with the rarest species from all around the world. Commonly they live in the middle of the jungle that needs some effort for people who want to watch them.

Speaking of types of animals in Indonesia, this time, we will bring you to the most unusual animals in Indonesia. Most of them were protected by the Indonesian government. You may rarely see one of them unless you come to the zoo pretty often.

Now, let’s see some of them below!

1. Komodo

Komodo is a kind of dragon lizard that becomes the iconic animal in Komodo island, East Nusa Tenggara. If you ever exploring the island, you may see one of them walking around the Komodo national park, Rinca island, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami.

Komodo island becomes the only living place for the dragon lizard of Komodo as the most endangered animal in Indonesia. The body can grow up to three meters long and 100 kg of weight. It has a dangerous poison that comes from their saliva. It is capable to make its prey being infected and dead within a day.

2. Merak

Merak is a type of bird that lives in Papua, Indonesia. It becomes one of the prettiest birds in the world. It has a combination color of blue, gold, and green through the body with a specific pattern.

Merak becomes one of the birds preserved by the Indonesian government because their population becomes less and less every year. Their habitat in an open forest of the Savana keeps decreasing drastically.

Moreover, there is also illegal hunter dan deforestation that causes the amount of the Merak to decrease from time to time.

3. Sumatran Tiger

Sumatran tiger becomes one of the unusual animals in Indonesia that comes from Sumatra island. Their habitat is around the Sumatran as a province with the largest forest in Indonesia. Because of deforestation, the habitat of the Sumatran tiger decreased from time to time.

Sumatran tiger has a specific color of gold-dark brown and black stripped. They only live in Sumatran forest with a maximum height is around 250 cm tall and 140 kg of weight.

Sadly, nowadays, the population of the Sumatran tiger becomes rare in amount. The illegal hunter becomes one of the highest problems for them. That is because their skin has a higher price in the black market for fashion needs.

4. Anoa

Anoa becomes one of the unusual animals in Indonesia that you can find around the South East of Sulawesi. It becomes one of the types of herbivores that are similar to buffalo. Even so, their body has a smaller size with only around 75 cm tall, comparing to the buffalos that can reach more than 100 cm tall.

Anoa has a slow breed cycle that is only capable to breed only one baby anoa once a year. Moreover, their long life only holds up to 30 years. That makes this animal becomes decreased come to the extinct, moreover in some places with the coldest temperature in Indonesia.

Outside of their natural habitat, illegal hunting also giving the highest contribution to their extinction. People commonly love their thorns so much for their antique collection. That is why the government keep Anoa as a protected animal and banned the illegal hunter strictly.

5. Orang Utan

Orang Utan becomes one of the unusual animals in Indonesia that you can find in Sumatra, East Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. Their natural habitat is around the rain forest, which is parted by three different species corresponding to their original habitat.

Orang Utan has a slow breed cycle that only giving birth once in around eight up to nine years. That is why this animal protects by the Indonesian government and lives in a forest conservatory area.

6. Badak Bercula Satu

Badak Bercula Satu becomes one of the unusual animals in Indonesia that you can find in West Java. The animal becomes one of the types of rhinoceros that only have one horn. Nowadays, you can only find them in Ujung Kulon national park in West Java.

The population of Badak Bercula Satu in Indonesia is preserved by the Indonesian government. That is why they live around the conservatory forest in Ujung Kulon. The officers keep trying to save their breeding cycle so that the population will not decrease easily.

7. Jalak Bali

Jalak Bali becomes one of the unusual animals in Indonesia that you can find on Bali island. The animal becomes one of the most beautiful birds protected by the Indonesian government.

Jalak Bali has a beautiful color of white over the body, blue around the eye, and black in all of their tail. The bird becomes the iconic animal in Bali island as the only native animal in Bali.

8. Halmahera’s Bird of Paradise

Halmahera’s bird of paradise becomes one of the unusual animals in Indonesia that you can find around Halmahera Island, North Maluku. The habitat of this kind of bird is around the Halmahera deep forest around Maluku island as one of the beautiful places in Eastern Indonesia.

Halmahera’s bird of paradise has unique colors of green-emerald, white stripe, and shining purple. Their beautiful movements look like that they dancing around the tree.

Nowadays the population of them is not more than 100 species that make this bird become preserved by the Indonesian government.

So, there are some of the unusual animals in Indonesia that are protected by the Indonesian government properly. Have you ever seen them all? Which one becomes your favorite so far?

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