Food and Beverage

8 Rich Flavor of Tropical Fruits of Indonesia

Tropical fruits of Indonesia has so many variants since the country has an amazing land to grow them all. Most of them have a rich flavor and good nutrients that are good for your body if you are consuming them regularly.

Commonly, tropical fruits of Indonesia have their unique feast time for their season. These kinds of seasonal fruits have much attention for both local and foreign tourists as well from time to time. The fruit commonly serves as a companion to some types of Indonesian salad.

Tropical fruits of Indonesia always become a favorite fruit to consume for every occasion. You can easily find them in most Indonesian fruits shop, traditional markets, and even modern markets such as the largest shopping malls in Indonesia.

If you are wondering what kind of typical tropical fruits of Indonesia are, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Mangosteen

Mangosteen or it is popular with Manggis for locals is one of the tropical fruits of Indonesia that has a delicious taste. It has a round shape with a purple color all over the skin. You need to ripe the skin properly before consuming the fruit inside.

Mangosteen has a sweet and a bit sour taste but contains a higher C vitamin and other nutrients inside. Not only inside the fruit has a delicious taste but the skin is also good for medicine. Commonly local people will be using the skin for some skin care nutrition or digestive medicine.

The season of Mangosteen in Indonesia commonly happens from December to March. As the country has a rainy season at that time, it is good for the mangosteen growth to the plant has the fruit.

2. Rambutan

Rambutan is one of the most popular tropical fruits of Indonesia that has a delicious taste. It has a sweet and juicy texture so that you can’t get enough to consume it in a much amount. The fruit has a hairy texture on the skin, but once you are ripe you will find the fruit in an oval shape with the seed inside.

Rambutan commonly has its season from September to April you can easily find them around these months in some of the famous markets in Jakarta and other regions. Commonly some typical Rambutan has a different taste from the delicious one to the watery type.

3. Durian

Durian is one of the most popular tropical fruits of Indonesia that is so popular for tourists. Commonly local tourists will hunt them during the Durian season, which happens between October to February.

Durian has a strong odor that makes local people love it the most. The fruit has a soft and creamy texture with a sweet taste inside. During the season of the Durian, local tourists will take whatever it takes to try the fruits.

In some regions such as Sumatra, the fruit becomes a popular Indonesian famous main dish that is worth trying. You can try this typical dish of Durian when visiting the island.

4. Jackfruit

Jackfruit is one of the tropical fruits of Indonesia that comes with a sweet taste. The fruit is all yellow with some crisp textures to chew. You can easily find this kind of fruit during its season between May to September.

Jackfruit in Indonesia is not a regular fruit that you can consume regularly. Outside the delicious taste, locals commonly use the fruit for some desserts and even traditional main dishes such as Gudeg in Yogyakarta the most popular food in Yogyakarta.

5. Coconut

Coconut is one of the most popular tropical fruits of Indonesia you can find them easily. The coconut tree can easily grow in most of the Indonesian land which makes it easier to find.

Coconut commonly becomes the typical fruit of a tropical country. Not surprisingly you can easily find them everywhere. The taste of the coconut water is so fresh with a type of ionic drink. The coconut flesh is even tastier when you take a younger type of coconut.

6. Pomelo

Pomelo is one of the most popular tropical fruits of Indonesia you can easily find them on Bali Island. Locals commonly call the fruit the Jeruk Bali which originally comes from Bali.

Pomelo is a unique orange fruit that can grow up to a coconut size. It has a thicker size than the skin and the flesh inside has a juicy texture similar to the orange fruit. The taste is commonly a bit sweet and sour which is perfect to make a glass of pomelo juice to consume during the dry season.

7. Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is one of the most popular tropical fruits of Indonesia that is worth trying. It has a delicious taste with the unique shape of the fruit. Local people commonly call it the Buah Naga which means a dragon fruit for locals.

Dragon fruit commonly is easy to find during its season from December to May. The fruit can be as big as a coconut tree as well. The texture is similar to Kiwi but has a sweeter taste on it.

8. Papaya

Papaya is one of the most popular tropical fruits of Indonesia and you can easily find them everywhere. It has a sweet taste with a soft texture which is so easy to chew. It is so refreshing to consume this type of fruit during the day of the dry season.

Papaya commonly can grow easily in the backyard, so that makes it easy to consume for every local in the neighborhood. It contains so many seeds inside that are inedible to eat. The flesh is a bit orange and red in the middle of the fruit which means its sweetness of it.

So, there are some of the most popular rich flavors of tropical fruits of Indonesia that are worth tasting. Most of them contain so many nutrients that good for your health concern. Have you ever tasted them all? Which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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