Food and Beverage

8 Types of Indonesian Salad From Any Regions

Types of Indonesian Salad can be one of the alternative ways of consuming a portion of healthy food. Most of them make using the vegetables as the main ingredients, which come from the local taste of Indonesia.

Most Indonesian loves to consume some types of Indonesian salad in their daily life, which came from any region. Not surprisingly that most of them offers a menu for their guest. Since the taste meets with Indonesian traditional food, it makes everyone never bored to consume it again and again.

Not only for self-consume but there are also so many types of Indonesian salad restaurants that are available in most Indonesian regions. The facts make the food becomes nationally well-known specifically for tourist.

Not only domestic but also foreign tourists would love to enjoy consuming some of those types of Indonesian salad that come from any region. Speaking of, here we have some of them that you can find around your neighborhood.

Let’s check them out below!

1. Lalap

Lalap is one of the types of Indonesian salad that you can find in most Indonesian culinary food. It contains some raw vegetables such as cucumber, tomatoes, green eggplant, carrots, sprouts bean, cabbages, lemon basil, long bean, spinach, and many more.

All of those ingredients are boiled properly, but some of them leave uncooked such as cucumber and tomatoes. The most popular way to consume Lalap is using the onion juicy Sambal, or it is popular with Sambal Bawang as one of the most popular Indonesian condiments.

Lalap is perfect to consume with fried or roasted chicken, fish, and catfish. Consuming it while lunch or dinner makes it more delicious with a bowl of warm cook rice.

2. Urap

Urap is one of the types of Indonesian salad that looks similar using boiled vegetables and coconut shreds as the main ingredients. It contains spinach, long bean, cabbages, sprout beans, papaya leaves, cassava leaves, basil, and many more.

Urap commonly uses shredded coconut that is grated properly. It mixes well with some Indonesian traditional spices such as tamarind, galangal, red or green chili peppers, and some kinds of garlic.

Just like the Lalap, Urap is also perfect to consume, with some Indonesian famous main dishes such as fried chicken, fish, catfish, and even salted fish with a bowl of warm cook rice.

3. Gado Gado

Gado Gado is one of the most popular types of Indonesian salad as one of the popular food in Yogyakarta. It contains cabbages, lettuce, long bean, sprout beans, carrots, potatoes, and eggs. All of them are left uncooked except the carrots, potatoes, and the egg, which should be boiled properly.

Gado Gado uses the main peanut sauce that contains chili pepper and brown sugar. It is poured properly all over the vegetables, and the taste of Indonesian traditional food feels more real to consume.

4. Pecel

Pecel is one of the most popular types of Indonesian salad that you can find it everywhere. It contains well-boiled spinach, long beans, cabbages, sprout beans, and peanut sauce.

Pecel is commonly served with Ketupat as the most popular type of Indonesian staple food. It also uses Peyek or Indonesian peanut prawns that have a crispy texture. It is so delicious to consume during breakfast or lunch.

Pecel is commonly popular around Central Java and East Java. Both regions have similar types of Pecel but have a bit different tastes in peanut sauce. Most East Javanese use more types of red chili on their peanut sauce than Central Javanese, who loves sweet food.

5. Karedok

Karedok is one of the most popular types of Indonesian salad that comes from West Java. It contains cucumber, bean sprouts, long beans, basil, green eggplant, and many more.

Most of the ingredients in Karedok use fresh vegetables that leave uncooked and poured properly with hot sauce of fried peanut. It has a delicious taste of the combination of fresh vegetables and juicy peanut sauce.

6. Asinan

Asinan is one of the types of Indonesian salad that is so popular in Indonesia. It originally came from the Betawi tribe, which had already existed for so many decades ago. It has the types of Asinan that come from vegetables and raw fruits.

Most of Asinan can be found in Bogor, and Jakarta as their main culinary food that is worth trying. Most of them use local fruits and vegetables including some types of mushrooms in Indonesia. It has a spicy and a bit sour taste which crunchy textures of the fruits or vegetables.

7. Rujak Cingur

Rujak Cingur is one of the most popular types of Indonesian salad that comes from East Java. It contains beef or buffalo muzzle that mixes properly, with some fruits such as raw pineapple, mangoes, sprout beans, and cabbages.

Rujak Cingur commonly uses the main shrimp paste and hot chili peanut sauce. Both of them poured and mixed properly over the vegetables, fruits, and beef on the buffalo muzzle.

Rujak Cingur has a specific taste of spicy and sweet from the juicy peanut sauce. It contains some browns sugar which makes it brown all over the plate.

8. Selat Solo

Selat Solo is one of the types of Indonesian salad that originally comes from Solo, Central Java. The food contains boiled egg, potatoes, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, and snaps.

The main ingredient of it is using a tenderloin beef that is cooked properly and then poured into a specific soup. The taste is so delicious with a combination of sweet and juicy tender beef.

So, there are some of the most popular types of Indonesian salad that come from any region in Indonesia. Have you ever tried one of those types? Which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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