
8 Popular Types of Companies in Indonesia

Have you ever wondered what types of companies in Indonesia exist up until now? As a developing country, Indonesia has so many typical companies that bring economic growth to the country.

Some of the types of companies in Indonesia commonly parted as the government companies and private companies. Most of them have a specific and different purpose but have the same perceived to make Indonesia has a growth economic rate from year to year.

Commonly, types of company in Indonesia has a specific purpose, such as the company made in for-profit and non-profit sectors. Both of them are generalized in common companies in Indonesia which have to be registered by the company law in Indonesia.

Speaking of it, this time we will talk about some of the types of companies in Indonesia that steadily stand up until now. Let’s check them on the list below!

1. Government Company

A government company is one of the most popular types of company in Indonesia. This type of company has its capital owned by the government, whether it is a full amount of it or just only a part of them.

A government company contains civil servants as its employees. This typical company has a service-oriented toward profit that contributes to economic growth for a specific reason. It can be a great contributor to the history and development of the Indonesian Rupiah from time to time.

2. State-Owned Company

The state-owned company is one of the most popular types of companies in Indonesia.  Many people believe it is the company that gives a larger amount of profit to the country.

The state-owned company is different from the government company type, which is focused on profit service. The employees of this type of company are also different, and everyone can join the company. It is a bit different which is a government company that only allows civil servants as their employees.

The report of the state-owned company profit dividend was even reportedly on the news making people realize which company gives the highest profit for the country.

This typical company always gives its best to economic growth in Indonesia. You can find these typical state-owned companies such as the most popular bank in Indonesia, oil and gas companies, and many more.

3. Private Company

A private company is one of the types of company in Indonesia that is run by a private organization. It can be run by only one person or the owner of the company. The employee that works with the owner commonly has a support rule that has no right to the stocks.

A private company only has the shares from one person as the owner. That is why the owner has full right to everything about the company that he or she runs in. You can find this typical company run by some richest Indonesian spread among the country.

4. Limited Company

A limited company is one of the most popular types of company in Indonesia. It is popular as PT in Indonesia which represents a company that has a legal entity under the company law in Indonesia. You can find the example of the company such as on the company of the Indonesian electronic brands.

A limited company has a sentence line of organization that contains a commissioner and directors. All of them unite to run for the company and gather the profit together. You can find these typically limited companies in some of the metropolitan cities in Indonesia.

The limited company has a specific characteristic that is capable to own the company asset and is responsible for the obligations (debt). This typical company has three types of shares that parted as the limited shareholders and open limited company.

5. Joint Venture Company

A joint venture company is one of the types of company in Indonesia that has the opposite way from the private company. This type of company contains two people or more who join the same company to make a profit.

Joint venture companies commonly make a specific company such as the limited company or commanditaire vennootschap (CV). Both of them have a similar purpose to make a profit the shares can be divided later as the agreement that they made before under the law.

6. Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV)

Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) is one of the types of company in Indonesia that is so popular after a limited company. Commonly this company is run by a private organization that unites into one company to make a strong bond in business to make a profit.

Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) has a similar organization line to the limited company but it has no commissioner and directors. The company only has a director which following by the manager, supervisor, and the staff of the employee.

7. Foundation

Foundation is one of the types of company in Indonesia that is so popular among institutions and other non-profit organizations. In Indonesia commonly the foundation has non-profit orient which only focused on social things such as social-humanity organization.

Foundations are commonly found in some private sectors such as private education, private health center, and many more. Most of them run under the law of the legal company, which can be operated by their employee to run the organization.

8. Firma

Firma is one of the types of company in Indonesia, which established by two or more persons. Every person in charge of the company which they have a similar response to the obligations that the company has.

Firma is a type of business entity in which the persons that contribute there have the right that already agreed by the member over the notary. Commonly everything will be explained in the agreement letter which is signed by all of the members in front of the notary.

So, there are some of the most popular types of companies in Indonesia that still exist up until now. Most of them run under the law of the Indonesian company, which is held by the business entity regulation in Indonesia.

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