Socio Cultural

9 Incredible World Heritage Sites in Indonesia

Indonesia has a lot of beautiful places completes with the unique history behind them.

It’s not a surprise for us as Indonesian, if most of that place become a UNESCO ‘s world heritage sites. That makes the sites so incredible to visit.

What Is a World Heritage Site?

The world heritage site intends for the place that has a reflection of the cultures and nature.

The place must be important for every human being. The site also represents an important culture through their descendants.

The world heritage sites is a program from UNESCO which intends to keep and protect the sites to be the heritage sites.

Terms and Conditions

To be the part of the world heritage sites that admitted by UNESCO, there are some conditions needed.

There are two types of heritage sites namely the cultural site and the natural site.

The Conditions for Cultural Site

  • The site must be the symbol of the masterpiece that shown a creative and intelligence of the human being. It also comes as well as the values that significantly influence the culture of the people and the environment around the site.
  • The site must be shown the consistency of the values that come from architecture, technology, monumental art, urban planning, or landscape design which will not be changed from time to time.  
  • The site contains the original evidence as to the part of the history that already existed from a long time ago. Not only has a unique design but also shown an amazing culture that linked to a historical story or cultural story behind it.

The Category For Natural Site

  • The site must have a rare phenomenon natural which has an aesthetic value. Besides, the site also must be the symbol of earth history.
  • The site must be a part of the development of ecology and biology.
  • The site must contain natural habitats that have an important role in conservation things.

Where Can We Find the Indonesian World Heritage Sites?

Since 1991, Indonesia has some places claims as to world heritage sites.

Here we have some of them as the most incredible world heritage sites in Indonesia.

1. Borobudur Temple

The Borobudur temple located in Central Java and it becomes the world heritage site since 1991 by UNESCO.

The temple claims as to the biggest Buddha temple in Indonesia as the legacy of the Syailendra dynasty which build in 800 AD.

The temple contains 1460 of the Relief and 504 of stupas with the biggest stupa is on the top of the temple.

There are also some strange rituals only in Indonesia held by local civilians in Borobudur.

2. Prambanan Temple

The Prambanan temple locates in Yogyakarta and builds as the temple for Yogyakarta Hinduism such as Hinduism in Bali.

In 1991, it becomes the UNESCO’s world heritage site.

The temple is so famous with the legend of Roro Jonggrang comes through the temple.

The beautiful design in every single detail of the temple, makes the Prambanan becomes the most gorgeous temple in South East Asia.

3. Komodo National Park

Komodo national park becomes the world heritage site in 1991 and located in Nusa Tenggara Timur.

The park has a unique island such as the Komodo island because komodo dragons live there.

Komodo is a big lizard with a very huge size such as the dragon size.

Besides the dreadful of the komodo dragons as the endangered animals in Indonesia, there also the natural beauty of the beach with the wealth of the sea on it which will make you speechless of the splendor.

4. Ujung Kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon national park claims as to the world heritage site by UNESCO in 1991.

The national park has a beautiful landscape and original animal that only find in Indonesia such as rhinoceros with one-horn type.

Such as the Sumatran rhinoceros facts, the one horn rhinoceros will only find in Ujung Kulon.

There are savanna, tropical rain forest, mangrove forest, and the freshwater swamp. Ujung Kulon becomes Indonesia wildlife because of that.

5. Primordial Man in Sangiran

Sangiran has the primordial site that claims by UNESCO as the world heritage site in 1996.

The site locates in Central Java, and it has a lot of fossils and ancient stones.

6. Lorentz National Park

The Lorentz national park is located in the East of Indonesia and becomes the world heritage site in 1999.

The site becomes the only place that has snow and glacier on the top of the mountain.

The floras and the faunas from the Lorenzt national park are so unique that only Indonesia has them all.

7. Sumatera Rain Forest National Park

In 2004, UNESCO claim to the Mount of Leuser national park as the world heritage site.

This national park located between the region of Aceh and North Sumatera.

It has a lot of animals which only find in Indonesia only and some unique floras.

Besides the mount of Leuser, there is also another rain forest claim as to the world heritage site.

There are the Sembilang national park and Kelinci Sebat national park.

8. The Ombilin Sawahlunto Coalmine

Located in the West of Sumatra, the Ombilin Sawahlunto coalmine becomes the UNESCO’s world heritage site in 2019.

The beauty of this architectural building made the place as evidence that technology improves very well in Indonesia.

9. Cultural landscape Subak, Bali

The beautiful landscape in Subak, Bali becomes a world heritage site since 2012. The beauty of rice fields extends in a beautiful landscape.

Combines with the culture of Balinese makes the Subak increase the local wisdom as their basic culture.

Those all are some glances about the incredible world heritage sites in Indonesia. Have you ever visit one of them?

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