Food and Beverage

8 Most Popular Arab-Indonesian Fusion Cuisine

Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisine becomes one of the most wanted culinary trends in Indonesia lately. Fusion cuisine is a mix of two types of food that comes from different cultures, such as Indonesian and Arabian food.

As Indonesia is dominated by the Muslim community, that makes sense that Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisine becomes so popular here. Moreover, the taste of the food has a similar taste as Indonesian food. That makes Indonesian love the most to consume the food.

This time we will bring you into some of the most popular Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisines in Indonesia. Let’s see some of them below!

1. Nasi Mandi

Nasi Mandi is typical of Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisine that is so popular among Indonesian society. It combines the type of Mandhi rice with the most common spices in Indonesian dishes. You can use a lamb or chicken as you want to complete the delicious taste of it.

Nasi Mandi has strong spices, which make it mouthwatering your mouth once you smell it. Since Indonesian love so much cooking with spices, this type of Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisine becomes most of everyone’s favorite from time to time.

If you visit Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Semarang, some restaurants offer Nasi Mandi as their main course there.

2. Samosa

Samosa is typical of Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisine that is so popular in Indonesia. It contains dumplings filled with some vegetables, chicken, or meat. It is perfect to become an afternoon snack to consume with a cup of hot coffee.

Samosa commonly can find easily during Ramadhan month. The snack becomes one of the most food to get for breaking the fasting. Most Indonesian love this type of snack because it is similar to some Indonesian traditional snacks. It is also perfect for some Indonesian traditional snacks in Eid Al Fitr.

3. Nasi Kebuli

Nasi Kebuli is typical of Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisine that is so popular in Indonesia. It looks similar to Nasi Mandi, but the Indonesian spices taste not as strong as Nasi Mandi. Even so, the deliciousness of it is perfect to give a try.

Nasi Kebuli is commonly consumed with lamb or chicken as your preference. The main spices of it come from the lamb soup which makes the rice has a stronger taste of lamb.

Most Indonesian know Nasi Kebuli as the traditional food from Betawi. The story of the Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisine of it is already popular since many years ago. As the Arabian used to live in Batavia for more decades, their culture has been adapted by Betawinese as well.

4. Kebab

Kebab becomes one of the most popular Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisines in Indonesia. It contains some roasted beef or chicken that mixes properly with some vegetables such as cabbage, tomatoes, and onions. Those ingredients are wrapped properly in a tortilla.

Kebab commonly can find easily in the most famous Yogyakarta street food. It has a delicious taste, with a combination of nutritious ingredients that are good for regular consumption. This type of fusion cuisine commonly becomes a snack to get in their coffee break in the morning or afternoon tea time.

5. Shawarma

Shawarma becomes one of the most popular Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisines in Indonesia. It looks similar to Kebab and a common Sandwich but contains roasted lamb inside.

Shawarma is commonly available in some Arab-Indonesian restaurants. It uses the unique Shawarma technique to roast the lamb which is different from any other roasted beef type.

Shawarma has a unique taste from the unique roasted technique. That makes Indonesian loves the flavor and the texture of the roasted lamb as well. It has a juicy texture which is perfect to consume for a snack.

6. Nasi Kabsa

Nasi Kabsa becomes one of the most popular Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisines in Indonesia. It looks similar to Nasi Goreng but has stronger spices combines with so many Indonesian chili peppers.

Nasi Kabsa commonly contains some beef or lamb, vegetables, with so many amounts spices. The spicy taste of it makes it perfect to consume on a rainy day so that makes your body a bit warmer.

Nasi Kabsa is commonly available for Eid Al Fitr or some important events. As it calls as the Indonesian food that only comes in Eid Fitr. Some Indonesian admitted that it is a bit difficult to make to produce the flavor of Arabian senses on their Kabsa.

7. Martabak

Martabak becomes one of the most popular Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisines in Indonesia. It contains some eggs, chicken, and leek that are wrapped properly in a dumpling dough. The taste is a bit salty with a combination of crisp and crunchy from both sides.

Martabak can be easily found in some Indonesian street food places. The delicious taste makes it becomes most of the Indonesian favorite snacks to consume. Every bite on it makes you want more to eat, moreover during the rainy season.

8. Saleeg

Saleeg becomes one of the most popular Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisines in Indonesia. It contains rice that mix with chicken shredded, ginger, onion, and some Indonesian spices as the characteristic of Indonesian cuisine. It looks similar to Risotto but has a stronger spice of taste.

Saleeg is commonly available on some occasions, such as Eid Al Fitr or Eid Al Adha. This type of food is perfect to consume in rainy seasons to warmer your body. You can find it at some Arab-Indonesian restaurants that spread in most of the Indonesian region.

So, there are some of the most popular of Arab-Indonesian fusion cuisine in Indonesia. Most of them contain strong Indonesian spices, which Indonesian love the most. Have you ever tried them all? Which one becomes your favorite?

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