
Top 8 Beautiful Forest in Indonesia You Deserve to Visit

Do you run out of your ideas for your next travelling destination? If it is yes, you should consider have a journey in some forests of Indonesia. You know that Indonesia has many lists of forest you deserve to visit. Forest is an area that is overgrown with trees and other plants. Such areas exist in large regions of the world and serve as carbon dioxide sinks, animal habitats, hydrological current modulators, soil conservationists, and are one of the most important aspects of the Earth’s biosphere. Here is the top beautiful forest in Indonesia you deserve to visit.

  1. Pinus Pengger Nature Tourism

Pinus Pengger Nature Tourism is located in Sendangsari Village, Terong Village, Dlingo District, Bantul Regency. From the area of ​​Yogyakarta City, this place is around 25 km and can be reached around 45 minutes using a private vehicle.

Like most pine forests in general, Pengger offers a natural and beautiful pine forest charm, complete with the distinctive aroma of pine resin. At Pengger, the visitors can walk into the forest filled with tall pine trees. Because of the density and height of the tree, the atmosphere here feels very shady, even at some points it is a bit dark because the sunlight cannot penetrate down to the bottom.

Topography of this Pine Forest is similar to the contour of the land at the hilly peak of Becici. To get to the center of the pine forest area, tourists must walk through the ground steps. If the rainy season arrives, this staircase will be very slippery. Because of that, you should use comfortable footwear when visiting here.

You can also enjoy the freshness and beauty of the pine forest, tourists who visit the Pengger can also take pictures in some interesting locations that have been built by the manager. The location of the selfie includes tree houses, wooden bridges from trees to trees, art installations in the form of giant hands of wooden braids, and giant holes that face the city of Yogyakarta. When night falls, tourists can watch the flicker of city lights from this place.

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  1. Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting

Tanjung Puting National Park (TN) is located on the peninsula of Central Kalimantan. Here is the largest orangutan conservation in the world with an estimated population of 30,000 to 40,000 orangutans scattered in national parks and also outside this national park. In addition Tanjung Puting National Park is also a designated biosphere reserve in 1977 with a core area of ​​Tanjung Puting covering an area of ​​415,040 ha which was established in 1982.

Tanjung Puting National Park is managed by Tanjung Puting National Park, one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA) of the Ministry of Forestry.

With the status of Tanjung Puting National Park and biosphere reserve, its sustainability can be preserved and is an attraction for one of the tours in Indonesia, in contrast to the orangutan conservation found in other parts of Kalimantan, we see orangutans in man-made habitats. not in Tanjung Puting National Park we can directly see the natural habitat of orangutans directly and see their lives directly in the wild. Here, you will both see the green nature of Borneo and play with the hundreds of orangutan.

  1. National Forest of Juanda Bandung

It is located in the Dago Pakar Hutan area which was originally a protected forest prepared as a tourist forest or botanical garden since 1963. After that this forest was inaugurated as a recreational forest by Ir. H. Djuanda whose name is enshrined until now. People around Bandung usually call it Tahura Juanda.

One of the tourism forests in Indonesia has approximately 2500 trees, including forest teak, cypress Sumatra, Javanese teak, Uganda mahogany, pine, and Kaliandra. Not only are the trees that are lush here, you can also see various types of animals such as eagle, monkey, and so on.

Tahura Juanda is a conservation area combining secondary nature with plantations. The attraction of this Juanda Tahura is to treat the atmosphere of its unspoiled forest and the many interesting attractions that can be visited.

You can explore Goa Belanda (Dutch Colonialism cave). This cave is a testament to the remnants of the Dutch colonial era in Indonesia which can still be witnessed directly from close. In addition, this cave is believed to be used as a military headquarters, communication center, storage warehouse, hydropower and prison.

Not only Goa Belanda, there are also Japanese Goa here. This cave is the result of sweat, blood and the lives of our fighters who are forced to work, aka Romusha.  There are also at least 3 waterfalls or waterfalls namely Curug Dago, Curug Omas and Curug Lalay. Curug Omas is better known as Curug Maribaya because its location is indeed in the tourist area of ​​Maribaya. This waterfall has a height of about 30 meters with very cool air around it.

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  1. Jawatan Benculuk Banyuwangi

At first, the Jawatan Benculuk Banyuwangi was an old building that was used for the management of Railway Transportation. However, at this time the Department of Tourism has changed its function as a tourist place. Benculuk Bureau, besides being functioned as a tourist attraction, is also functioned as a water catchment area and stockpiles of quality teak wood managed by Perhutani Banyuwangi. Now, an exotic forest is formed that is very beautiful to the see.

This place offers the charm of a good view, it is suitable to be used as a photo hunting place or pre-wedding background with the theme “Nature”. The right time if you want to enjoy the cool breeze and panoramic view of nature, the Bureau is in the afternoon. Because in the afternoon the sun rays that enter through the cracks of the trees make this place look amazing.

  1. Moss Forest in Gunung Singgalang, West Sumatra

Have you ever watched the movie The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings? The background of those films uses exotic green forests. You might not believe if in Indonesia there is also a beautiful spot that is similar to the setting of these Hollywood films. It is Gunung Singgalang Lumut Forest that located in West Sumatra. I would like call it a charming natural area due to the uniqueness of the trees.

As the name implies, the unique thing about this forest is moss. From the circulating photos, it is seen that green age is sticking all over the body from the tree. Not only on the trunk, but also on the branches to make all the big and tall trees in the forest seem exotic like edits. I don’t know where it came from. This moss also sticks to all corners of the forest including rocks and soil. All are green except the footpath that climbers always use to climb the mountain.

Moss forest is actually not a natural tourism. This area is one of the pathways for climbing to Mount Singgalang through the Pandai Sikek village. But here also some climbers decide to take a break some time while taking pictures with moss trees. Even here you are not only on the set but also feel like you are in a fairy tale world.

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  1. Keputih Bamboo Forest Surabaya

The location of this bamboo forest is in a former landfill, but now it has been managed and planted with various plants, one of which is this bamboo plant. Bamboo is quite shady & quite a lot of garden area planted with bamboo, so it attracts many people, especially for those who like photography. Even pre-wedding photos are also starting to take place in this bamboo forest.

This forest area of ​​more than 8 hectares makes you more relax if you want to take pictures. There are 4 lanes in this forest, so if one of the lanes is crowded, your visitors have 3 alternative pathways. A line of bamboo trees planted neatly on each track is as beautiful as the bamboo forest in Japan. The color of bamboo leaves will also change according to the changing seasons. When the dry season will be dominated by the brownish color of the dried leaves while at the end of the rainy season will be dominated by a beautiful green color.

You just choose to take a photo of the fall or spring concept. Next to the forest area there is also Taman Harmoni with a variety of children’s toys such as swings and slides which can be one of your photo property choices as well.

  1. Laurentz National Park in Papua

You will never be disappointed after visiting the natural beauty of the Lorentz National Park a forest in Papua. This forest is representative of ecosystems from the most complete biodiversity in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

This forest extends from the snow-capped peaks of Mount of Jayawijaya to the coastal waters with mangrove forests and borders the Arafura sea waters. In the central part of this forest, it became a place for birds to live so amazingly like long-tailed birds of paradise, snow quail, cassowary and black elder brother.

This forest also has some uniqueness with the presence of glaciers on the peak of Mount Jaya. In the mountains of Jayawijaya, there are also three large lakes, namely Lake Dyscovery, Larson, and also Lake Hoguyugu. In addition there are about 34 types of vegetation in this forest. Because of the abundance of beauty and wealth that exist in the forest of Lorentz National Park, it is designated as a world natural heritage site by UNESCO and an Asean natural heritage by ASEAN member countries.

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  1. Savanna Flores of Baluran in Banyuwangi

This savanna forest area is included in Baluran National Park conservation, located north of the city of Banyuwangi, East Java. In this savanna forest you can see a herd of bulls in the savanna expanse. Nearly 40 percent of the forest area is dominated by savanna vegetation, and the rest consists of coastal forests, lower mountain forests, swamp forests, seasonal forests and mangrove forests. This forest is also the conservation of some wildlife such as leopards, coyotes, mangrove cats, deer, deer and bulls.

Baluran National Park covering an area of ​​25 thousand hectares has several types of forests, animals and plants. It is not wrong if Baluran is called a miniature of Indonesian forests, because almost all types of forests are in this national park. Baluran is a representative of forest ecosystem consisting of savanna vegetation types, mangrove forests, monsoon forests, coastal forests, lower montane forests, swamp forests and evergreen forests throughout the year. About 40% of them are savanna vegetation.

Those are the recommendation of beautiful forest in Indonesia. Once in a life, you should try to get lost in the middle of forest then you know that you are the great survivor of life.

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