
5 Breathtaking National Parks in Indonesia You Should Visit

It’s not a secret at all. Yes, you know it very well and everybody in this world knows the fact; Indonesia is an awesome archipelago, right? There are a lot of breathtaking natural scenery that would make you cry with happiness.

Those beautiful sceneries are spreaded into many regions, starting from Sabang to Merauke. One kind of them is a national park, where you can hide yourself for a while from your automatic daily life. National park is one of examples of ecotourism in Indonesia.

We know we are being trapped in this pandemic, but one thing that you have to bear in mind is, you have to take a trip to these 5 breathtaking national parks in Indonesia. You better watch out.

  • Komodo National Park

Yeah, who doesn’t know this national park, right? This national park is one of famous natural landmarks in Indonesia.

Komodo National Park is located between Sumbawa Island and Flores Island. This is one of the best places for wildlife in Indonesia.

On 6th March 1980, this area was confirmed as the Komodo National Park. Next, in 1977, this area was confirmed as a Human and Biosphere Reserve and also as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1991. How wonderful it is!

Komodo National Park has a very large area, approximately 173.300 ha. This area consists of land and sea areas with five main islands, Komodo Islands, Padar Islands, Gili Motang, Nusa Kode, and Rinca Islands. Even, this area has more small islands that you have to visit, too!

This area was declared as a conservation area for Komodo and to save natural resources in this area. Besides, the marine park was formed to protect the diverse marine life that exists around the islands, including the richest on earth.

  • Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

The next one of the national parks in Indonesia is Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. For you, who had experienced hiking onto the top of Bromo, maybe you have heard about this breathtaking national park before.

This national park is located in Pasuruan, Malang, Lumajang, and Probolinggo, some regencies in East Java. Bromo Tengger Semeru has an area of 50.276,3 ha and confirmed as a national park since 1982.

What makes this national park unique is, there is a caldera of sea sand of approximately 6290 ha. The boundary of the caldera is a steep wall with its height between 200-700 meters.

  • Gunung Leuser National Park

Next, there is a national park which is located in Aceh. How cool is it! That is Gunung Leuser National Park, which has an area of approximately 1.09 million hectares. Very large, isn’t it? Besides, this national park is also one of world heritage sites in Indonesia.

Actually, the name of this national park is taken from the Mount Leuser with a height of 3404 meters above sea level in Aceh. This breathtaking national park also consists of native ecosystems from the coast to the high mountains which are covered by dense forests typical of tropical rain, managed with a zoning system that is utilized for research, science, education, supporting cultivation, tourism and recreation. Yes, this national park is really cool!

Mount Leuser National Park has three different functions, such as life support system protection, preservation of diversity of plant and animal species including their ecosystems, and sustainable use of biological natural resources and their ecosystems.

  • Ujung Kulon National Park

Well, who doesn’t know Ujung Kulon National Park? This national park is located in the Province of Banten. Ujung Kulon National Park has an area of 122.956 ha, which starts from the Ujung Kulon Peninsula to the Indian Ocean.

Ujung Kulon is the oldest national park in Indonesia which had been inaugurated as one of the World Heritage protected by UNESCO in 1991. Amazingly, there are 50 to 60 rhinos that live in this habitat. How wonderful, isn’t it?

Ujung Kulon National Park is a farmland at first several times ago. But, in that period the farmland was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Krakatau in 1883. Because of that destruction, that farmland changed into a forest area.

Don’t be hesitate to visit this national park, because this national park provides lodging facilities in Tamanjaya Village. Enjoy the trip!

  • Karimunjawa National Park

Well, this national park majority is covered by the sea. Actually, Karimunjawa National Park is a group of 22 islands. This national park is located in the Java Sea and has an area of 111,625 Ha.

You can also enjoy scuba diving in here. As you know, one of tips to choose scuba diving trip in Indonesia is determining a great location to do this sport, and Karimunjawa National Park definitely is the right choice for you.

The main concern to manage this area is to build a conversation for the marine ecosystem. It’s caused by the fact that states this area is one of three reliable fisheries centers in Central Java and the fact that most of the population of more than 8,800 people are fishermen who depend on fishery resources. 

Now, Karimunjawa National Park is managed by the Karimunjawa National Park office to carry out ecosystem management of the Karimunjawa National Park in the context of conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems based on applicable laws and regulations.

So, that’s all 5 breathtaking national parks in Indonesia. Which one is your dream destination?

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