Food and Beverage

8 Best Coffee in Lombok with Good Taste

In recent years, Lombok is widely known as the most beautiful marine tourism destination in Indonesia, even to foreign countries. as well as Senaru Village, Bayan District, North Lombok Regency, known as one of the Tourism Villages because it has many beautiful tourist destinations, call it Sendang Gile Waterfall, Tiu Kelep Waterfall & Mount Rinajni located in North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia . However, unfortunately, the diversity of culinary in Lombok is still less well known. Most Lombok people respect the guests who come to their residence by providing coffee.

  1. Sembalun Coffee

This is one of the most popular coffees because it is already well known. It has a different character from the others because it is famous for its cold areas that are very close to Mount Rinjani which is increasingly convincing that coffee must be calculated.

In addition to the taste of arabica, coffee is also famous ketengun coffee gahenya because I often visit to the most often drunk my suguhkan is served ginger coffee that gives a very warm effect of the body because of the cold ketalung atmosphere and coffee ketal this you can find directly in the area of origin villages sembalun lombok or already sold in stores that are around the Mataram.

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  1. Sasak Liseng Coffee

In East Lombok, there is one very popular coffee that is Sasak Liseng coffee. For coffee lovers, may have heard this typical coffee East Lombok. However, it may never have tried it. This coffee can be called one of the most delicious coffee in Indonesia. Maybe his name is not as famous as Aceh coffee, Malabar coffee, and others. However, the taste and aroma has no doubt.

Although Sasak Liseng coffee is very popular in Lombok, it does not mean that this coffee can be found in all areas in Lombok. For this coffee-producing region, the most famous is the Kerumut. Kerumut is a village located in East Lombok, precisely in the district Pringgabaya.

  1. Lombok Prabe Coffee

For coffee lovers, enjoying a glass of local coffee from Prabe Village, West Lombok, can not be missed. Coffee powder comes from seeds that are processed naturally with a typical blend of the Sasak community.

At a glance, Coffee Lombok Prabe looks like black coffee in general. But when you sipping, the coffee will taste quite bitter and has a strong aroma. If you want to buy it, you can find Coffee Lombok Prabe in various places by-by. This coffee has been packed interesting in the form of boxes and sachets, so you do not have to worry to take it on a long journey.

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  1. Kopang Coffe

Coffee kopang is also quite famous coffee in the region lombok. This coffee is much preferred by the people of Lombok because this coffee has a different bitter taste. This is because the coffee is planted with other tenaman such as cocoa, pineapple, durian, banana which makes coffee kopang have very different taste. Coffee kopang is still maintained the great benefit. Coffee kopang usually often served when the traditional event and when a visit in the village of central lombok kopang.

  1. Lombok Utara Coffee

The northern part of Lombok is one of the areas of Lombok which produces the most coffee because it is supported by gorgrafi and climate there. North Lombok is close to Rinjani mountain and has a cool and sizzling atmosphere. In addition there has enough water so that coffee here in the plant side by side with cloves, durian, cocoa, bananas, and much more. This is what resulted in the coffee of north lombok has a taste so delicious.

The areas that produce coffee are Gangga, Santong, Bayan, and still many remote villages that produce coffee from north Lombok. This coffee is a lot to sell out of the region.

  1. Lombok Coffee

Kopi Lombok originated from the village of Prabe is famous for its quality. It is made with a typical blend of sasak people. According to coffee farmer and owner of the coffee license Prabe, Mr. Tirte said that, Prabe Village located in West Lombok Narmada District has been since 1977 became one of the best coffee producing villages.

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  1. Luwak Lombok coffee

Kopi Luwak lombok is the best type of arabica coffee or coffee because it is located in the highlands. Civet coffee lombok is only found in the area of Mount Rinjani Lombok West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia.

Kopi Luwak is the highest selling coffee in the world. The process of formation and its unique taste is the main reason for the high price of this type of coffee. Basically, this coffee is a type of coffee arabika.Biji coffee is then eaten by a mongoose or a kind of weasel. However, not all parts of these coffee beans can be digested by these animals.

  1. Robuska Senaru Coffee

Coffee Robuska Typical Senaru is a coffee that has a Vanilla aroma and delicious taste and contains low caffeine so it can be souvenirs typical of Senaru, especially for climbers of Mount Rinjani who crossed Senaru line, Cofffe Robuska Khas Senaru in Production By Ameeelyna Senaru.

Now present a typical coffee powder Senaru ready for food for coffee lovers on the island of Lombok Especially For Senaru Village Community, Coffee robuska typical senaru comes from the best quality coffee beans from the village of Senaru, Bayan District, North Lombok. The coffee beans are then processed into powder with different processing techniques from other ground coffee, because the processing is done carefully to get a good quality of coffee powder.

Those are some best coffees in Lombok. It is not easy to find the popular coffee since it is the small island. However, some coffees from Lombok are really well known for foreign tourist. It is good to know that the coffee from Lombok is categorized as the top ten delicious coffee in Indonesia.

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