Food and Beverage

10 Amazing Indonesian Famous Coffee

Beside the thousand cultures and arts, this beloved country has so many things still to discover. One of them, is the coffee. There’s so many kinds of coffee in Indonesia, starting from the traditional coffee in the west side of Indonesia to the east Indonesia in Papua. All of them have different taste and speciality, also the methods to produce the coffee are also different. So, for you the coffee lovers, this article is really fit you.

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Anyway, this traditional coffee in Indonesia also became a famous ones in the world’s eyes. So many people looking after them in their nearest coffee shop, but to find them, they really need some serious effort to ask some people or gather some informations about the existence of Indonesian coffees in their countries. Bu lucky for you, if you happen to be an Indonesian or the tourists who taking some vacations in here, then you can try to visit some of the coffee shops and try your favorite traditional coffee of Indonesia. You can pick one of all the coffee, or two if you strong enough. The kinds of coffee in Indonesia are described in the informations below :

1. Luwak Coffee

The first one on our list is of course, the Luwak Coffee. The original Luwak coffee is actually the most expensive coffee of them all. You can find them exclusively only in the country of Indonesia. The coffee is produced in such an unique way using the fermentation process inside the body of a mongoose.  Because of the way it’s produced, the taste of it is also different from the other coffee out there.

For the coffee lovers, this one is a must to try. Some tourists even start to come to Indonesia just to try and buy some for them self. Many people love it. As an alternative, you can consume the sachet form sold in several mini market in Indonesia. But they taste less good than the original of course.

See also :

2. Gayo Coffee

Not just the Luwak Coffee that famous in the eyes of coffee lovers in Indonesia, but this Gayo coffee is also a must try. You can find this special coffee in the land of Aceh, Sumatra. They serve this coffee with the best coffee in those high lands. Created in a way to make it tastes so rich and wonderful.

The Gayo coffee is already famous in the year of 1908, in the colonial era of Indonesia. The characteristic of this coffee is so strong and thick, or you can call as a full body coffee. This coffee is resembling the character of Sumatra island so perfectly.

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3. Toraja Coffee

Another one is Toraja Coffee, the most natural coffee from the fertile land of South Sulawesi. This famous Toraja coffee is also the favorite one for Japanese and Americans out there. Usually they like on of the type of Toraja Coffee, which is the Arabica Toraja.

Well, you can find it in the coffee shop in the area of Indonesia, but the original Toraja Coffee is of course the best. You can order the roasted Toraja coffee bean, for the maximum result. Also, the taste of this coffee is not too strong, perfect for those who just want to try it.

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4. Java Coffee

After going to Sulawesi, we go again to the Java island of Indonesia. In this island, we can find the most delicious one of all the coffees in Indonesia, Java Coffee. The Java coffee was created during the colonial era, when the deutsch command Indonesian people to produce the seeds of coffee.

Because of that, Indonesia became the number one coffee producer in the 17th century. Usually the people love the arabica type of Java Coffee, which has the taste of a mid level of acidity and with medium body. You should try this too.

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5. Wamena Coffee

The next one is the Wamena Coffee, the best natural coffee in Indonesia. This one is very good for the people who new in the world of coffee because it has the non sour and really light taste. It’s also the healthy one because it’s produced in such an original way of the farmers.

Also, the condition of the green and fertile land of Papua make this coffee is so wonderful to taste. Even some people give very good review about this coffee. They even said that this one is the premium coffee of Indonesia.

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6. Kintamani Coffee

In the sixth place we have the traditional coffee of the island in Bali, Kintamani Coffee. They making this coffee with the traditional method of Bali, by using the Balinese water system. That’s why, you can feel the fresh taste inside that very coffee.

Many said th this coffee is so different from the other coffee you’ve known. If you still don’t know about this coffee, well it has the fruity taste of a coffee. That’s something else for a cup of coffee, you can get the more exclusive one in the Bali island. Just imagine that you can taste the orange flavor in a coffee, isn’t that wonderful?

See also:

7. Lanang Coffee

The next one is Lanang coffee, originated in the land of East Java Indonesia. You ca easily find them in many cities around that area. Even though it’s affordable for some people, the Lanang coffee is really famous for the benefit to increase the men’s vitality.

That’s why it’s called as the Lanang coffee, which means the coffee of the men. So if you’re a true man, you must try this one too. You can get some in your nearest coffee store. Don’t worry, the coffee is already go international, spread around the world including America and Japan.

See also:

8. Sumatran Coffee

Then, we have the Sumatra coffee with us. Like the name implies, the coffee is created in the area of Sumatra Island, just like the Gayo coffee. This brother of gayo coffee has the similar aroma of tobacco and soil that very strong.

Many people usually prefer this coffee than the other ones because of that speciality plus the good taste is has. This coffee is really something else, like the refreshing coffee of them all. It’s really good to consume it during work or your relaxing session, because of it’s mild taste.

See also:

9. Sidikalang Coffee

Straight to the next one, we have the Sidikalang Coffee. This one is also came from the high land of Sumatra in West Indonesia. The very good taste is even can overcome many kinds of coffee around the world, especially the famous Brazilian coffee.

You can have it at its best forma full body coffee. The taste is so wonderful and refreshing,just like the Sumatran coffee. The reason of why it has such a natural taste, because of the land used to plant this coffee seeds contains a lot of good mineral.

See also:

10. Malabar Coffee

After those coffee mentioned above, we save the best one for last. The name is this coffee is of course very familiar in the ears of coffee lovers. This one is very famous around the world of coffee. If you claim yourself as a coffee lovers without trying this one, it’ll be a true shame.

Well, this special coffee of Indonesia is came from the West Java province Indonesia. Usually they use many kinds of process to produce the coffee seeds. But the best one is of course, the natural process which many people like.

Read also:

Those are the 10 traditional coffee of Indonesia. Which one is your favorite? Let us know by your comment below. Then that’s it from us today, and see you on the next informations about the other facts of Indonesia!

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