Socio Cultural

7 Do’s and Dont’s While Traveling in Indonesia That You Should Follow

Indonesia consists of thousand islands so that every place has its beauty which can be triggering for foreign tourists to visit. Every year, foreign tourists that visit Indonesia increase highly. That is why during the pandemic of COVID-19 Indonesian government make a regulation to avoid their visit temporarily.

If you already have a plan to visit Indonesia, you should know the do’s and don’ts while traveling in Indonesia. In some Indonesian cultures, the tribe commonly have their own rule that you should follow.

Here we have some of the lists of the do and don’ts that you should follow. If you avoid them, you may ruin your traveling this time. So, be careful about it!

7 Do’s While Traveling in Indonesia

Here we have some do’s that you better follow. If you dare to avoid them, you have to get ready that your traveling ruined by you!

1. Smile

Smile to others is an important thing in Indonesian cultures. It means friendly and kind. You can simply give your smile while passing the local Indonesian in the street or everywhere you are. You can be adding a little nod as the sign of giving some respect to them.

2. Right Hand is Better

Using the right hand when giving or receiving something wherever you are. Indonesian believe that using the right hand is better than the left one. It means for great things in life as they believe the left hand is the evil hand.

3. Handshake

Handshake is important when you meet someone. On most of every occasion, Indonesian love to handshake their colleagues, friends, family, and even stranger. Handshake is the sign of your respect for welcoming them.

4. Take Off Your Shoes

While entering some holy places like a mosque, temple, or another place for prays you should take off your shoes. Praying places is the holiest places such as Buddhist temple in Indonesia so you need to take off your shoes before entering them.

Besides, while entering someone else’s house you should take off your shoes too. Every house in Indonesia must have its cultures.

5. Dress Like Local

Usually, Indonesian dress normally likes others but they don’t like to expose their body. It means a simple shirt and pants can be enough for you. But, remember while entering some holy places, you are not allowed to wear hot pants, tank top, short pants/skirts for women, and some things like that.

6. Bring Your Toilet Paper

Most of Indonesian never use toilet paper while they using a bathroom but water as the unique facts of Indonesian cultures. That is why toilet paper in a public place is not available. You need to bring them by yourself so that you are not having some trouble while using the bathroom.

7. Keep Your Credit Cards

Most transactions in Indonesia still using cash, so you better don’t rely too much on it. Keep your credit card for certain payments such as for hotels or well-served restaurants. Some souvenirs market still using the traditional method in cash payment only.

7 Don’ts While Traveling in Indonesia

Here we have the list of some don’ts that you better follow. Don’t dare to avoid them or you will get some trouble while traveling in Indonesia.

1. Bring Too Much Cash

Crime or any kind of scam in Indonesia is at a high rate specifically for foreigners. Be careful that the scammer may be following you so that you will get in trouble. This is important since so that your traveling will come easier to enjoy.

2. Disturb Someone Else’s Pray

Most Indonesian are Muslims and they have to pray five times a day. That is why if you stay near the mosque you may find it noisy. But, don’t dare to disturb them or you will get kicked out from your place.

3. Avoid The Driving Rules

You can simply put the helmet on if you are renting a motorcycle and remember to follow the driving rules. Once you avoid the rule, the police will haunt you and if you are not lucky enough they may scamming you.

4. Showing Romance Activity

Kissing someone you love in public can be the most romantic thing, but don’t dare to do that in Indonesia. Indonesian regard these things as the rude and not respecting others so that you should avoid them.

5. Joke about Race, Tribe, or Religion

Races, tribes, and religions in Indonesia become the most important in Indonesian cultures. That is why it is important to never joke about them. if you dare to do that you may get in trouble with Indonesian law.

6. Drink the Tap Water

Commonly Indonesian boil the tap water first before they use it for consumption. We have no idea if the water is clean enough to drink before boiled. Just buy some galloon waters or bottled water to ensure that the water is proper to drink. Or you may be interested to try the traditional alcoholic drinks in Indonesia while visiting Bali.

7. Do Drugs

Drugs are the most things that you should never do in Indonesia. If you dare to do that you may get in trouble with Indonesian law. The Indonesian regulation keeps the death penalty to them who dare to do drugs in Indonesia.

So, there are some 7 do’s and don’ts while you are traveling in Indonesia. Remember, that everything you do and doesn’t is a better way to do to yourself. So that is better to follow them. And the most important thing above all of them is don’t forget to say Terima Kasih in the Indonesian language instead of Thank You.

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