
10 Wonderful Buddhist Temple in Indonesia

Indonesia comes with any tribes that give the beauty of diversity. It brings so many different languages, foods, or even religion such as Buddhism.  Most Buddhism is Chinese and they are living in most of every region in Indonesia.

The total Chinese in Indonesia at about 4-5% of the total Indonesian. It believes that they came from some districts in China to Indonesia for a long time ago. The history said that in the 7th century, they were already on Java island to learn the language of Sanskrit.

Back then, the Chinese came to Indonesia to learn about Buddhism in India. Some of them stopped by in Indonesia then decided to live here. The community becomes larger from time to time, and now they become the part of Indonesian tribe.

The regulation about Chinese mentions in Indonesian regulation from article 2 UU No. 12, 2006. Since the Chinese become legally the part of Indonesian and so does their religion. Most of them become Christ, Muslims, or Buddhism as the part of the religions in Indonesia.

Speaking of Buddhism, every Buddhist commonly has to pray in the temple. That is why there are so many wonderful Buddhist temples in Indonesia. Here we have some of them.

1. Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple becomes the biggest Buddhist temple in Indonesia. It also becomes one of the most wonderful world heritage sites in Indonesia by UNESCO. The architecture of Borobudur brings the theme of Buddhism.

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple builds by Mahayana Buddhists in about 800 AD in the Syailendra dynasty. It contains 1460 Relief and 504 stupas. It located in Magelang, Central Java, and always crowded by tourists daily as the famous temple in Magelang.

2. Kalasan Temple

Kalasan temple is located in Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. It is not far from the famous Prambanan temple and Adi Sucipto Airport as the Best Airport in Indonesia. It claims as to the Buddhist temple since the architecture is full of Buddhist themes.

Kalasan Temple

Kalasan temple has 52 stupas which mean as the great honoring towards Bodhisatva Wanita and Tarabhawana. This temple claims as to the conquering sign of the Syailendra dynasty from the Javanese and Sumateranese.

3. Mendut Temple

Mendut temple located in Magelang, Central Java, and not far from the Borobudur temple. It is not as large as the Borobudur temple. It is also not has a great story such as the history of Borobudur temple but has the same meaning for the Buddhists as their place to pray.

Mendut Temple

The Mendut temple has three big sculptures as the symbol of Buddhism’s greatness. They are Dhyani Buddha Wairocana with a hand attitude (mudra) Dharma Cakra Muda and flanked by the statue Awalokiteśwara (Padmapāņi) on the left side and the statue of Wajrapāņi on the right side.

4. Pawon Temple

The Pawon temple located in Magelang, between Borobudur and Mendut temples. The temple is quite small but the meaning of the greatest Buddhism is very strong. The detail of the Relief and the statue shown Buddhism the most.

Pawon Temple

Pawon temple claims as the place of the ash of king Indra from Syailendra dynasty in around 812 M. King Samaratungga build the temple to remain his son’s tomb who will remain by every Buddhist.

5. Brahu Temple         

Brahu temple located in Mojokerto, East Java. It has a unique architecture but the detail of the Relief shown Buddhism there. The material comes from red bricks which are rarely found in every temple in Indonesia.

Brahu Temple

Brahu temple builds in around Majapahit kingdom and has a written inscription by Mpu Sendok. People believe that the temple is the place of most kings ash as their tomb at that time.

6. Banyunibo Temple

Banyunibo temple located in Sleman, Yogyakarta. The temple area is large with some of the temples build there, but the icon is the Banyunibo temple. It has the Buddhism temple with the meaning of tears of water.

Banyunibo Temple

Banyunibo temple builds in around Mataram kingdom in the 9 century. Every detail of the Relief of its are shown as the greatness Buddhism.

7. Muara Takus Temple

Muara Takus temples located in Kampar, Riau islands. The temple builds from red bricks and stones. The color is mostly like the Brahu temple, but it is bigger and larger. The landscape is quite alike with a Borobudur temple but smaller.

Muara Takus Temple

Muara Takus temple builds in around the Sriwijaya kingdom for the Buddhist that time. it shown as most of Buddhist live there in that time.

8. Bahal Temple

Bahal temple located in Padang Lawas, North of Sumatera. It claims as to the biggest Buddhist temple in the North of Sumatera. It builds at about 11 century under the Panai kingdom.

Bahal Temple

The Bahal temples contain by some temples that call as Bahal I, Bahal II, and Bahal III. It dedicated to the great god for Buddhist in Sumatera at that time.

9. Jabung Temple

Jabung temple located in Probolinggo, East Java. It builds at around 1354 AD under the Majapahit kingdom. It claims as to the Buddhist kingdom member’s tomb. Many Buddhism still take a prayer there until now.

Jabung Temple

10. Plaosan Temple

Plaosan temple is the temple area that contains some Buddhist temples. It has the two biggest temples on both sides of the temple. It calls as Plaosan Lor and Plaosan Kidul.

Plaosan Temple

Plaosan temple located in the Plaosan sub-district in Yogyakarta. It is not far from the Kalasan temple. Stupas and the detail Relief on its shown the Buddhism a lot

So, there are 10 wonderful Buddhist temples in Indonesia that you should know. As the Indonesian philosophy of the Bhineka Tunggal Ika is including the Buddhists, you better know about their holy places to pray.

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