Socio Cultural

8 Tips For Visiting Indonesia For The First Times

Exploring new country such as Indonesia can be so challenging. You will find so many different people, foods, drinks, cultures, landscapes of the place you visit in Indonesia, some world heritage sites in Indonesia, and many more.

Raja Ampat, West Papua

As a new traveler going to explore Indonesia, knowing some basic needs while you explore the country is better than nothing. At least, you will know such different weather as well.

If you are having a plan to travel to Indonesia for the first time, here we have some tips for you. Let’s check them out below!

1. Entry Requirements/Visas

Before going to visit Indonesia, make sure that your passport is still valid for at least six months upon your entry date. Check everything at your original country days before is better rather than checking at the last minute.

Make sure about the entry requirements for a foreigner to visit Indonesia on the Indonesian immigration online site. That makes you will not miss any single detail requirements for your visa.

Check through, which becomes the only legal site for immigration needs for your visas. Everything is written there, so you need to follow the needs of every detail for your visas.

2. The Best Time To Visit

Knowing the best time to visit Indonesia for the first time is important. You have no idea how crowded the place you will visit during peak seasons of holiday or so. Moreover, some places in Indonesia have some traditions that avoid tourism visits in a certain month. You also need to check those days.

Commonly, during the holiday in the dry season will crowd with people not only from foreign but also local. During the rainy season, some places are not so crowded as the dry season.

3. Weather

Indonesia is a tropical country with two seasons of dry and rainy seasons. Both of them change twice a year. That makes you should prepare the best for what seasons that up to during your visit.

The dry season in Indonesia can be so hot during the day, so you better put some sun protection. In that conditions, you can explore some places with the coldest temperatures in Indonesia.

In some certain months, it can be so hot during the day, and very cold during the night. That makes you need to be aware of the changes in weather, or else you will catch a summer cold.

During rainy seasons, it can not be predicted easily. It can be sunny in the morning, but then suddenly rain hard with thunder during the day. You need to prepare more while visiting Indonesia during this season.

4. Currency

The Indonesian Rupiah is well known with so many zeroes that make the amount looks so big. Please be aware of the current currency before you visit Indonesia. The calculation sometimes will fool you by the number of zeroes behind.

Exploring Indonesia is better by having some cash in Indonesian Rupiah. Remember, to only change yours in the legal money changer. It can be one of the safest ways for you to avoid some scammers.

Don’t forget to ask the small denomination such as IDR5,000, IDR10,000, and IDR20,000. The usual range of prices in Indonesia, such as for food and drink, is under IDR50,000 so that you need those small denominations.

5. Use Transportation App

Nowadays, there are so many transportation Apps that will help you to explore the area you visit in Indonesia. Moreover, they can be used in a different province as well.

So if you are going to different cities or islands, the App is pretty helpful. Moreover, while you try to explore some cities in Indonesia with beautiful night views.

You can even download some of the transportation Apps in the App store as well. The Gojek and Grab App become the most popular Apps that Indonesian use. You can download and learn the app first before you visit Indonesia.

6. Picking Up a Local SIM Card

Most Indonesian hotels are offering free wifi as well. But if you exploring the city, you need your internet data on your phone by yourself. That is why picking up a local SIM Card is necessary so that you can browse some best snorkeling places in Indonesia.

You can buy it once you arrived at the airport or ask the hotel reception for help. Commonly, they know the place better to get the best price for your Indonesian SIM card shop.

7. Bring Toiletries Bag

Most Indonesian are not using tissues in their toilet. Instead of tissue, they using water to clean. That is why you need to prepare your tissues by yourself. Put them in your toiletries bag will help you the most.

Pack your toiletries things in your pouch bag so that it will be easier for you to bring. Not only tissue but hand soap also not available in every place. That is why you need to prepare more.

8. Learn the Indonesian Language

As you visiting Indonesia, learn a basic Indonesian language can be helpful. At least you know how to say Thank You to them, or even asking where the toilet is in Indonesian.

Thank You – Terima Kasih

Sorry / Excuse me –  Maaf

Yes – Ya

No – Tidak

Help – Tolong

How much/many – Berapa?

Where is the toilet? –  Toilet di mana?

Most Indonesian are so kind to foreign tourists. They will kindly help you if you ask them for help. They will also not expecting some tips by helping you. Unless you will give them, it is your choice.

So, there are some of the tips that help visit Indonesia for the first time. Doing some research before visiting Indonesia by those lists above is better than doing nothing. Are you ready to explore Indonesia now?

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