
9 Ethnic Groups in Bali that Harmonically Exist

Bali island contains so many people inside that living there from time to time. They are not only come from the original Balinese tribe but also other ethnicities from Indonesia as well. If you are lucky when has the best time to visit Bali, you may meet one of them.

Even though Balinese contains most of Hinduism, but there are so many of them that come from other ethnic too. As the following cities and villages come bigger on the island, it seems that the economic and development things in Bali trigger by people that come differently there from time to time.

This time we will bring you into some of the ethnic groups in Bali that living there from time to time. They live harmonically safe among each other in Bali without any hardship relations. Let’s see some of them below!

1. Balinese Tribe

The Balinese tribe fulfills the island in the amount of more than 70% of the total people that living in Bali. As the main Balinese, commonly they call as the Anak Bali or Krama Bali. Most of are Hinduism which hereditary live in Bali for a very long time ago.

Balinese tribe has so many traditional cultures that become part of the richest culture in Indonesia which becomes one of the most famous tribes in Indonesia. They are so kind to other people even towards the tourist around and mostly helping them.

2. Nyama Selam Tribe

Nyama Selam tribe is one of the most popular tribes outside the Balinese as part of the Indonesian tribes that exist in Bali. Most of them are Muslim which commonly still doing some of the Balinese rituals as the main Balinese culture.

Nyama Selam tribe mostly lives spreads around Bali island. They live happily around other ethnicities and even have a specific ritual custom culture that held together with the Balinese.

It calls the Ngejot tradition that becomes the symbol of unity and harmony between Balinese and Nyama Selam tribe by giving food to each other during important days such as Galungan or Ied Al Fitri.

3. Bayan Tribe

Bayan tribe becomes one of the ethnic groups that live in Bali which comes from the North of Lombok island. They migrated from the island to Bali since very long time ago which becomes casually part of the Balinese people under the Balinese custom culture.

Bayan tribe commonly are Muslims with their faith of Islam Wetu Telu. They follow the Islamic rules properly and do some prayers just like other Muslims in Indonesia. Even so, they have a sacred custom culture that commonly held and lead by the chief most of once in a year.

4. Sasak Tribe

Sasak tribe becomes one of the ethnic groups that live in Bali that comes in a small number of people. Most of them are similar to the Bayan tribe which comes from the North of Lombok and migrated to Bali since very long time ago.

Most of the Sasak tribe are living near the border of Bali island and Lombok island. Commonly they held their customer culture which particularly different from some Balinese custom culture.

5. Maduranese Tribe

Maduranese tribe becomes one of the ethnic groups that living in Bali which originally comes from Madura Island, West Java. Most of them are Muslim and Hinduism who migrated to Bali for business reasons.

You can find the Maduranese that sell some souvenirs and foods in Bali as well in most tourism centers. They live in Bali for a very long time ago and some of them become a part of Balinese as well under the law and popular with their beautiful words in Madura.

6. Melayu Bali

Melayu Bali becomes one of the groups ethnics that live in Bali for a very long time ago. They come to form the Melayu tribe which partially becomes the Balinese since around the 17 century. Most of them live in the Jimbrana region which using Balinese as their mother language.

Melayu Bali commonly calls as the Loloan tribe which becomes parted as Muslim, Hinduism, and even atheist. Even so, they live harmonically in Bali without any hard fight among other ethnic groups.

7. Dompu Tribe

Dompu tribe becomes one of the group ethnics that live in Bali in a small amount. They originally come from West Nusa Tenggara which migrated to Bali for some reasons such as works and so on.

Most of the Dompu tribe are Muslim but they still following the Ngejot tradition with Balinese around them. They live happily in Bali around the neighborhood of the Balinese or Nyama Selam tribe.

8. Alor Tribe

Alor tribe becomes one of the ethnic groups that living in Bali that comes from Alor Island, East Nusa Tenggara. Most of them living around in Bali in a small group that has a popular farming style that capable to make some beautiful Indonesian best rice terraces in Bali.

Most of the Alor tribe are atheists which pray to the sun. Some of them believe in deities but not less than them are Christian and Muslim. they are very plural because migrated from one place to another in a long time before their stay in Bali.

9. Mbojo Tribe

Mbojo tribe that lives in Bali may not as much as the Nyama Selam tribe. They look similar which most of them are Muslim but in Bali commonly they are Christian. Mbojo tribe originally comes from the Sumbawa island, East Nusa Tenggara which migrated to Bali for some reasons.

Mbojo tribes specifically come from Bima which similar to the Sasak and Bayan tribes. They have a farming and fishing specialty which perfect for living around Ubud and some of Bali’s seashores.

So, there are some of the ethnic groups that live in Bali harmonically since a very long time ago. Have you ever meet one of them?

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