Socio Cultural

8 Etiquettes While Visiting Temple in Bali

Bali is well-known with so many temples that have a sacred value of the spiritual Balinese religions. Most of them are using for pray as Bali has the most Hinduism community. That is why you need to be careful while visiting them which becomes one of Bali’s most popular tourist destinations.

As the most sacred places for Balinese Hinduism, they still allowed tourists to visit some temples in Bali. As long as they obey the rule while entering those places, it doesn’t matter though.

Speaking of that rule, this time we will bring you into some of the etiquettes while visiting the temple in Bali. Most of them should be obeyed or else you will get into some trouble. Let’s see some of them below!

1. Wear Some Proper Clothes

Most of the Hindu temples in Indonesia are located in Bali which made to pray towards Hinduism gods. That is why when visiting there some people will warn you about the clothes. Some of them have some signs to wear some proper clothes, some of them only say directly to the visitor.

That is why if you have a plan to visiting some temples in Bali, with or without a guide you need to make a little research on how you should dress there. the basic rule is simple which you are not allowed to wearing some sexy clothes.

Long pants and shirts are allowed to wear while visiting the temple in Bali, but a short skirt and sleeveless shirt are not improper. Some temples also have a rule to their visitors to wearing shawl while entering them.

2. Step Away From Offerings

Most Balinese are Hinduism which offerings become the most precious things towards their gods or deities. That is why you are not allowed to step on them. If you accidentally took the step on them you have to apologize to the Balinese around there.

Commonly most offerings in Bali are put on the ground with some flowers such as the jasmine as one of the native flowers of Indonesia, fruits, and incenses. You should be aware while seeing one of them around your way. It is better to take a view steps backward them so that you will not step on them.

3. Don’t Disturb the Praying time

Some Balinese have their specific praying time which you have no idea when it would happen. If you get the temples are using for prayer then don’t dare to disturb them. They need to take some time to get more sacred time to pray to their gods as one of the facts of Hinduism in Bali.

Moreover, most Balinese are praying solemnly on the temple so it is better not to touch their pray. Give some tolerance to them is much better than disturb them. On most of Nyepi day, Galungan day, or Kuningan day is the most precious time to pray for them which you need to know while visiting Bali.

4. Special Case for Women

Balinese believe that women that have their period day are not allowed to enter the temple. They believe that time is a sacred place to pray so that they don’t want their place to get dirt. Some people believe that the blood from period times are dirt that needs to be clean after they have done their period times.

5. Always Using the Right Hand

Just like in other regions in Indonesia, using the right hand is better than using the left one. Some of them believe that using the right hand whether when you receiving or giving something, you will get more blessing from God.

It is important for tourist that using right hand wherever they are even though they are already head out from the temple. right hand represent the kindness of your heart that warms people around you.

6. Behaving Over the Sacred Trees

Balinese has so many sacred trees that you are not allowed to touch them because they pray towards them. That fact becomes one of the differences between Balinese and Indian Hinduism. You need to well behave towards those trees and obey what’s teh guide there told you. Balinese believe that if you doing some rude things you will get some troubles following you around.

Some Balinese believe that the visitor is not allowed to do rude things such as littering, pee over the tree, or even doing some vandalism on the tree. That is why you need to take a note while visiting some sacred trees in Bali.

7. Watch Out Over Someone Else’s Head

In Bali, the head becomes the most precious thing that you should not disturb whether for real or jokes. That means that you are not allowed to touch it roughly or else you will get into some trouble. The rules have become so popular in Balinese culture which commonly some tour guides will let you know about it.

If you accidentally touch them, you need to make a proper apology so that the Balinese will welcoming you heartedly. These rules apply both inside and outside the temple which you need to take serious concern about it.

8. Respect the Nyepi Day

Outside the praying time on the temple, there also Nyepi day which Balinese will choose to remain silent the whole day. Commonly they took about three or four days to celebrate Nyepi day.

During Nyepi days, the Balinese will not turn on their electricity at the night and keep silent on their house. You need to respect them at least don’t make some loud sound that will disturb them whether inside or outside the temple.

So, there are some of the glances about the etiquettes while visiting some temples in Bali. You better follow the rule or else you will get some troubles during your vacation.

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