
8 Native Flowers of Indonesia that Beautifully Exist

Indonesia has tropical weather that makes most of the area covered by the sun as well. A large amount of tropical forest, great water supply, and good air to breathe make a great combination. The condition makes Indonesia capable of growing some plants, trees, and flowers pretty well.

That’s some kind of great benefit for those Indonesian plants include the flower to grow in most of the Indonesian areas. Some of them even granted to become the national floral that natively comes from Indonesia.

Speaking of the native flower, this time we will bring you into some of them that beautifully exist in Indonesia for a very long time ago. Let’s check them out below!

1. Jasmine

Jasmine becomes one of the native flowers in Indonesia that granted becomes the Puspa Nasional or the national flower in Indonesia. It has a white color that for Indonesia represents the purity, elegance, and charming symbol.

Jasmine can be found easily in most Indonesian regions and even becomes one of the most popular flowers in Bali. The flower becomes an important part of the custom culture ceremony. In some religions, the flower even becomes the precious offering that should be fulfilled to send to god such as in some Buddhist or Hindu temples in Indonesia for pray needs.

More than that, Jasmine has a beautiful color of white with a good smell that makes you never easily forget. It even becomes one of the main ingredients for fragrance in soap, perfume, shampoo, and many more.

2. Moon Orchid

Indonesia is well known for its beauty of orchids including the types of moon orchids. It becomes one of the native flowers of Indonesia that granted to becomes the Puspa Pesona. It means that the flower becomes the symbol of the Indonesian charm.

Moon orchid has a white color on the petals and yellow at the right of the pistil. In Indonesia, the flower becomes represents love and greatness that makes Indonesia so proud to have it.

Moon orchid commonly has a higher price than the regular flower which lives in most common types of Indonesian wood. The beauty of it makes everyone’s love to own it. Moreover, in some religions such as for Chinese-Indonesian, they believe that having the moon orchid at their house can giving them some great opportunity of luck.

3. Rafflesia Arnoldi

Rafflesia Arnoldi becomes one of the native flowers of Indonesia that granted to becomes the Puspa Langka. That means that the flower becomes the symbol of the rareness flower in Indonesia that truly exists with its beauty.

Rafflesia Arnoldi couldn’t live as well in most Indonesian regions which makes it difficult to cultivate them. The flower can only live in some forests with great humidity such as in rain forest.

You can find Rafflesia Arnoldi in some of the Sumatran forests such as in Bengkulu, South Sumatra as it becomes the symbol of the province as well. In another region, you can find in some Kalimantan forest on Borneo island.

4. Titan Arum

Titan Arum becomes one of the native flowers of Indonesia that similar to Rafflesia Arnoldi. It becomes teh rarest flower not only in Indonesia but also around the world. The flower can grow up to as height as human height which becomes the most magnetic tourism visit not only for local but foreign tourists.

You can find the Titan Arum flower around the Sumatran forest and Bogor botanical garden. The fact of Titan Arum as the most unique thing about this flower is it only blooms every 20 up to 40 years at once. So that makes it so special to see while its bloom beautifully.

5. Javanese Edelweiss

Javanese Edelweiss becomes one of the native flowers of Indonesia lives in some mountains. But, not every mountain in Indonesia is capable of growing it well which needs the lowest temperature to grow. You can find it in Bromo mount, Dieng plateu, Papandayan mount, and Rinjani mount.

Javanese Edelweis is popular with the heaven’s flower for some mountain climbers. That because to get the flower, they have too through some difficulty climbing to the peak of the mountain.

6. Kantong Semar

Kantong Semar becomes one of the native flowers of Indonesia that commonly lives in tropical areas. In most Indonesian regions, nowadays the flower becomes rare because it comes difficult to cultivate. It is a kind of Insectivora plant which consumes some insects around.

Kantong Semar has a beautiful color in yellow and a bit orange with a bag look. It is a kind of Insectivora plant which consumes some insects around.  It has a good smell that makes some insects naturally come to their trap.

7. Black Orchid

The black orchid becomes one of the native flowers of Indonesia which you can find in Papua and some Kalimantan areas. It has luxurious black petals with a bit of pink at the pistil.

Black Orchid has an expensive rate that makes it so popular not only for Indonesian but also around the world comparing with the common flowers in Indonesia. Some Papuan commonly makes it an export commodity as well as the government demanding them properly.

8. Green Orchid

Green Orchid becomes one of the native flowers in Indonesia that originally comes from East Kalimantan. It has a green color which makes it different from the type of common orchid in Indonesia.

Green Orchid becomes one of the flowers preserved by the Indonesian government. That because the population becomes rare from time to time and highly get some robbery to sell illegally.

So, there are some of the native flowers of Indonesia that beautifully exist. Have you ever saw one of them?

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