
Fascinating Moments From The 8 Facts Of Hinduism In Bali

Bali island not only becomes the most beautiful city in Indonesia, but also the most living of Hinduism. It claims that almost 1.7% of Indonesian is Hinduism Balinese. That is why if you visiting Bali, you will see Hinduism temple everywhere.

Hinduism was existed since along time ago in Bali. It brought by Indian at about the 15 century. People believe that Hinduism brought the change about their faith before. Balinese have some faith to their God such as Javanese Buddhism before Hinduism come.

As time goes by, Hinduism was acculturating the local culture of Balinese. People believe that Hinduism was replaced the Buddhism from Javanese culture. That is why the concept of their god is referring to Buddhism.

Commonly, for Indonesian, Hinduism is the most unique religion in Indonesia. That because most Indonesian having their faith to become a Muslim, Christian, or Catholic. Now, we have some other unique facts of Hinduism in Bali that you should know. Let’s check them out!

1. Balinese Hinduism Deities

Hinduism in Bali has unique deities than differences in other Hinduism country. There are three of the traditional God such as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Besides, there also the one God of Balinese Hinduism calls as the Sang Hyang Widhi.

Sang Hyang Widhi also is known as the Acintya as the symbol of Hinduism god, the Brahma. Balinese Hinduism believe their greatest Brahma as the greatest God among Vishnu and Shiva.

2. Pura

Pura is the Hinduism temple that you could find at most of every corner of Bali. Pura becomes the place to pray for Balinese Hinduism. Many of them are so religious, that is why Pura spreads everywhere with some histories of Bali architecture behind.

In Bali, you will see the Pura not only at the backyard of everyone’s houses, but also in schools, hospitals, hotels, and some other public spaces. Some of them become the most places to visit for tourists such as Pura Ulun Danu, Pura Uluwatu, Pura Tanah Lot, etc.

3. Nyepi Day

Nyepi day is the biggest and most sacred moments in Bali. For Hinduism, Nyepi is a sign of the new year. There is a unique way for Hinduism in Bali to celebrate their new year in silence way. They will have almost six days of Nyepi day which the top of it is on the third day.

Commonly, people in Bali will stop their usual daily routine activities such as business, school, or other activities. Bali’s government will instruct every people in Bali to shut their lamps, closed their windows, and closed their business as long as for Nyepi days.

4. Galungan Days

Galungan days are other Balinese Hinduism feasts as they celebrate the victory of Dharma (virtue) over Adharma (sleaze). They will celebrate the Galungan within 10 days as the sign of their prayers to their ancestor spirit.

Galungan Day

In Galungan days, every Hinduism in Bali will wear traditional clothes and brings some fruits, flowers, and traditional snacks. Along the road will be shown some Penjors, traditional craft from the coconut leaf. If you visiting Bali in Galungan days, you will feel some spiritual experiences in Bali.

5. Kuningan Day

Kuningan day is the sign of the last day of Galungan. Hinduism believes that at this time, their ancestor spirit leaving the earth to go back to heaven. Every Hinduism in Bali will offer yellow rice calls as Nasi Tumpeng with some flowers and fruits as their worship to God.

Kuningan day

Balinese Hinduism believes that their worship is a symbol of their gratitude to God. They receive all of happiness, wealth, and healthiness are because their ancestor spirit keeping them in a good way.

6. Lontar

Lontar is a holy book for Balinese Hinduism which has the most sacred things in their religion. The book is printed in a traditional way that scripted on the palm leaf. Before Hinduism recites the Lontar, there is some ritual that they should follow.


The ritual is simply as Balinese Hinduism activity to worship their God. They should bring the Lontar into a special place. Then, the priest should recite it in a sit position.

7. Tri Hita Karana

Tri Hita Karana is an old philosophy in Bali that made by Balinese Hinduism from along time ago. The words mean as three reasons for prosperity which come from the harmony with people calls as the Pawongan, harmony with environment calls as the Palemahan, and harmony with God calls as the Parahyangan.

The Priest Recite The Lontar

Tri Hita Karana is so useful to apply in daily life. Balinese believe that Tri Hita Karana is the way they have a great life. By having a great harmony with people keep them to solve every social problem easily.

Having a great harmony in the environment keeps their life spared from any natural disaster. If something bad happens to come from the natural disaster, that means that they are not having a great harmony with nature.

8. Trikala Sandhya

Trikala Sandha means as Balinese Hinduism time to worship the sun in three times a day. This ritual is commonly known as the Gayatri Mantra that should recite for every Balinese Hinduism. Ever since they are in elementary school, they practice reciting the mantra every day.

Trikala Sandya, worship the sun

Most of the radio stations in Bali commonly reminding the Trikala Sandhya three times a day. This ritual means the form of a grateful day for Balinese Hinduism that living in the most popular island in Bali.

So, there are some fascinating moments from eight facts of Hinduism in Bali that you should know. Everything of Hinduism in Bali is so unique that not every country has it. That is why, as Indonesian, we should keep it as a great culture that would never extinct.

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