13 Ways How to Make Friends in Jakarta

Making friends can be fun especially when you are living in Jakarta. Jakarta is the capital city in Indonesia. It’s a huge city, packed with a lot of people. Having many people in the area may seem like a good thing because there are more potential friends. But the truth is that it can get confusing as you don’t know where to start.

If you are a foreigner, you may also feel a bit out of place but you don’t have to worry as this article will help you out. Here are 13 How to Make Friends in Jakarta. These 13 things will make it easier for you to make friends in the city. They may give you an idea on what you should do first.

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1. Learn the Culture

Before you start to make friends in Jakarta, you should learn the culture in Indonesia and specifically Jakarta. By learning the culture, at least you will have a certain knowledge about the country as well as the city. Culture is highly related to how the people behave in Jakarta. There are cultural habits that might help you understand your future friends.

2. Understand Social Norms

Besides learning about the culture in Jakarta, try to know the Social Norms in Indonesia. Understand the basic social norms that people do in Jakarta. Learn the reason why they do what they do. This way, you can also try to follow along the social norms in Jakarta. It is a great way to blend in with the people and you will get friends easily.

3. Talk to Natives

Talk to the natives or the local people in Jakarta. Mingle with everyone you meet. Use your knowledge on the culture and the social norms. Initiate conversations with the people. Most people in Jakarta are very social and like talking to strangers. While you talk to the people, throw in some jokes every now and then. Humour will help people become more friendly with you. Knowing Communication Etiquette in Indonesia might also help you to have smooth conversations.

4. Go to A Forum

If talking sociably with the local people is not what you want then there are other ways to make friends. You can use your internet and search for forums. Look for forums that specifically focus on finding friends in Jakarta. Make a polite post about who you are and what kind of friends you are looking for. People in Jakarta will reply to your post and you’ll get to have more potential friends.

5. Use Social Media

Using social media is also another way to make friends in Jakarta. Before meeting your potential friends in Jakarta, you can start a small chat with them. The small chat can then turn into long conversations. Once you feel that you know this person well enough, you can arrange to meet him or her.

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6. Visit Places

What better way to spend your time in Jakarta than going to the various places it offers. Go to the museums, historical buildings or even the small street vendors along the roads. When you expose yourself to the public, you may find people that you want to be friends with.

7. Come to Meetups

Jakarta is a big city that is full of exciting events. Try to look for information on upcoming events or big meetups. You can try using the internet for faster access. Once you have found an event that you are interested in, you should go and try to socialise with the people. Learn Indonesian Greetings so you know how to approach your new friends.

8. Join Clubs

Joining clubs is another way to find new friends. Find activities or clubs that suit your hobbies or passion. It’s a fun way to spend your time in Jakarta. What makes it even better is the fact that you might end up making friends with similar interests with you.

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9. Host A Party

If you already know some people in Jakarta but not close enough to call them friends yet, try hosting a party. It could be an small house party. Invite these people to come to your house. Serve them food and drinks then start getting to know more about them so you can call them friends.

10. Invite People to Eat

Other than hosting a party, you can also invite some people out to eat. Treat them to lunch or dinner. Indonesians love eating out and they will be grateful to you for treating them. Eating out also sets out a relaxed setting for socialising with one another. Brush up on your Dining Etiquette in Indonesia so you know how to behave in the best way possible.

11. Learn the Language

If you don’t really know how to speak Bahasa Indonesia then start learning it. Not knowing the language might create a barrier between you and the local people. But once you know a little bit of Bahasa Indonesia, it will be easier to start conversations. Moreover, people will appreciate your effort for learning the language. A bonus point would be if you also learn the local language which is Bahasa Betawi.

12. Be Friendly

Remember to always be friendly in Jakarta. Being friendly to people will show others that you are approachable. They will less hesitation to try talking to you. Friendliness attract new friends. But always be wary of the ones with ulterior motives or bad intentions. Listen to your guts. Always be careful of the Tourists Scam in Jakarta as there are plenty of them.

13. Have an Open Mind

Have an open mind when you are looking forward to make friends in Jakarta. It’s a big city containing many people with different backgrounds. Try to understand that not everyone is the same. Adapt as much as you can to your surrounding. When someone invites you out, give the invitation a chance. You might end up becoming friends with them.

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People in Jakarta are mostly friendly and you will realise this as you spend more time talking to the locals. When you begin to make friends, you will also start to learn new things about the city. Moreover, your friends will also help to guide you while you are living in Jakarta.

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