Socio Cultural

Indonesian Rain Shamans That Unbelievably Exist

In this modern era which everything comes in the evolution of the newest technology so that people adapt to it. But, believe it or not, Indonesian still using their mystical way specifically to stop the rain. And yes, they are using the rain shaman.

There are common issues for Indonesian to believe with the rain shaman to stop the rain. Commonly, in the connection with the advancement of technology, people change their way into a scientific way such as to make the rain stop. But, it is different in Indonesia in which the rain shaman has existed from the Indonesian strongest monarchy eras.

Most Indonesian still believe in things that are beyond human reason such as the shaman. If China tries to manipulate the weather with the rocket, Indonesia uses the rain shaman. That is why now we have some explanation about the rain saman that unbelievably exists in Indonesia until now.

What is Rain Shaman?

In Indonesia, a rain shaman is a specific shaman that has the specific duty to stop the rain or move the rain to other places. During the rainy season, Indonesian need the rain shaman the most than other things while they held some events.

Most Indonesian believe that the shaman rain’s ritual will work properly through the way they move or stop the rain. Believe it or not, the rain shaman is using in most of every event such as Indonesian cultural activities in rainy seasons, even the national event like the national Olympic games or so.

What is Rain Shaman for?

Commonly the rain shaman needs to prevent the rain during some important events. It can be to prevent the local event or even the national event. For the national event, commonly will need two or three rain shaman depends on the event.

Most Indonesian use the rain shaman during the wedding day or pre-marriage rituals in Javanese culture, independence festivals, some unique death rituals in Indonesia, for local or national festivals. The rain shaman not only works in one region but also in most of the regions in Indonesia.

What the Spell?

Most Indonesian believe that during the duty day, the rain will shaman read the spell. In the Javanese tribe, the spell and the rules were written on the Primbon book so that the shaman needs to follow them. But, people believe that not all of the people can follow the rules and becomes successful rain shaman.

In the Primbon book also written some various spells to move or stop the rain. The spell believed to be an agreement between Javanese ancestors and otherworldly creatures, especially natural spirits.

The Primbon book commonly uses in the Javanese tribe and the Betawinese tribe. Not only in the Betawi or Javanese community, in other regions in Indonesia do the same thing rituals in different names. For example in Bali, people use rain shaman calls as Nerang Hujan. On the other hand, in Riau, the rain shaman is known as Bomoh.

How it works?

The shaman rain commonly works with the specific ritual so that they can stop or moving the cloud like the one causing the rain. There are some rituals that they should follow before the duty day that happens in about seven days.

First, the shaman rain is not allowed to sleep under the roof. They have to sleep under the sky. If during this ritual the rain happens, they have to sleep under the rain and not allowed to move or take shelter.

Second, the shaman has to do the unique fasting ritual for four days long. On the first day of fasting, they have to follow the rule to eat and drink only three spoons of rice and three gulps of drink during the breakfasting time.

On the second day of fasting, the rain shaman should take only two spoons of rice and two gulps of drinks during the breakfasting time. On the third day, they have to take only one spoon and one gulp of the drink. Then, on the last day before the duty day, they have to fast for 24 hours.

During the fasting time and other rituals, the shaman has to read the specific spell every day. They also do the specific pray and have to take a bath from the seven different springs after the sunset until the sunrise before the duty day.

On the duty day, the rain shaman should cleverly read the cloud movements. If the cloud is moving slowly, they can easily move the cloud to other places. But, if the cloud is too heavy moving into their place they have to surrender.

The rain shaman needs about 15 minutes to hold the rain to stop or moving them away if the rain falls suddenly during their duty day. They have to plant the incense during the duty day and read the spell regularly.

Where You can Find Them?

Commonly, the rain shaman comes from the Javanese tribe. That is why you can find them in most of Java island. Even though most of the Indonesian regions have their rain shaman, but people believe that the rain shaman from Java island is more worth it to use.

From time to time, most of the Javanese keep their Javanese tradition so that the rain shaman still exist until now. Even though there is modern technology, but when Indonesian held specific events such as the wedding ceremony, they will prefer to use the rain shaman that comes from Java island.

So, there are some glances about the Indonesian rain shaman that you should know. Even though the modern era is coming to Indonesia, but the spirit to keep the traditional custom in Indonesia is timeless. That is why the rain shaman are unbelievably existed until now.

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