
8 Indonesian Strongest Monarchy, from Glory to Become a Great History

Once upon a time before Indonesia declares independence to become a republic country, there was an Indonesian monarchy which stood up strongly. That because there were so many kingdoms that in powering Indonesia at that time.

At that time the kingdom is spread in most of the regions in Indonesia as if every region has its kingdom. Not only be functions as the central government in every region, the kingdom also uses for the religion campaign to spread the religion such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.

Based on the historical record, the Indonesian kingdom existed between the 4th century up to 15 century. Right after Hinduism and Buddhism stepped down, the Islamic kingdom was growing properly. But, at the same time, Netherland come to Indonesia and started the invasion.

There are so many proofs that still exist until now from the Indonesian kingdom such as temples, inscriptions, and old holy books. Every kingdom has a great influence on Indonesian to become a great country.

Now, here we have the list of Indonesian kingdoms from the strongest monarchy until they stepped down from the glory but bring a great history to Indonesia. Check them below!

1. Majapahit

Majapahit becomes the strongest kingdom in Indonesia is about 12 century up to 15 century. Majapahit is a kingdom based on Hinduism that was established from 1293 to 1500. It was established by Raden Wijaya and becomes stronger under Hayam Wuruk’s governance with his famous governor Gajah Mada.

Majapahit being the most influential kingdom so that capable of controlled so many regions not only in Indonesia but also in South East Asia. In Indonesia, Majapahit managed to conquer Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Sumbawa, Lombok, and East Timor. The kingdom even gave the most influence on some facts of Hinduism in Bali.

2. Mataram

Mataram kingdom has the strongest monarchy in charge of Java island. Founded in the late 16th century and its rule lasted until the 18th century. Ruled by king Senapati or known as Adiwijoyo, the Mataram kingdom became an influential kingdom on Java island.

Throughout history, the Mataram kingdom had a very developed agricultural and trade sector. Because of these 2 things, this kingdom has a very large and prosperous population. Located in Central Java, the Mataram is a Hinduism kingdom under governance by the famous king who was called as Balitung.

3. Kutai

The Kutai Kingdom is the strongest in powering East Kalimantan. Built-in the 4th century making the Kutai kingdom the oldest kingdom in Indonesia. Based on Hinduism, the kingdom of Kutai was one of the most influential kingdoms in East Kalimantan. They were even capable to make the most sacred traditional dance from East Kalimantan.

Kutai kingdom was close to the upper reaches of the Mahakam river. The first king who leads Kutai was named Kudungga, but under the Mulawarman leadership, the Kutai kingdom reached the peak of its glory.

The kingdom was destroyed when the king at that time led by Maharaja Setia Dharma, that was killed in a battle. The death of Maharaja Setia Dharman also marks the end of the Kutai kingdom.

4. Singosari

Singosari is a kind of Buddhism – Hinduism kingdom located in the north of Malang city, East Java as one of the most beautiful cities in Indonesia. The kingdom was established in around 1222 by Ken Arok as the first king of the kingdom. The kingdom leads the strongest monarchy in between 1222 up to 1292.

Based on history, Ken Arok became a king after dispatched Tunggal Ametung. That is why the drama of revenge that occurred in the descendants of Ken Arok and Tunggul Ametung continued.

Along the periods of the kingdom, the Singosari king keeps changing the king until finally fell to Kartanegara. Under his governance, Kartanegara achieves the peak of Singosari’s glory.

5. Sriwijaya

Sriwijaya kingdom leads the strongest monarchy in around Sumatera island with its Buddhism. The kingdom is even capable to spread the religion up to other countries such as the South East of Asia.

Sriwijaya has the highest power in trading where it has a strategic location. The kingdom even has a good relationship with Malaysia, China, and India to spread the business about some different types of agriculture in Indonesia. The kingdom first led by Sri Jayanaga but reached the peak of its glory under Balaputra Dewa.

6. Kediri

Kediri kingdom which famously known as the Panjalu kingdom is a Hinduism kingdom in East Java. The age of the kingdom of Kediri is quite long, which was established from 1042 to 1222 which was standing and running side by side with the Sriwijaya kingdom.

The Kediri kingdom was located close to the Brantas river so that it has a great location for trading. At that time, China and India having the best trading relationship with the Kediri kingdom. The king who was famous at that time was Jaya Baya which leads from 1135 to 1179.

7. Demak

The Demak kingdom was the first Islamic kingdom on Java island. The king who established Demak was Raden Patah in 1478. Raden Patah occupied the seat of the king of Demak until 1518. Before built the kingdom, Raden Patah was a duchy in Majapahit.

The Demak Kingdom is so famous for being the birthplace of the Wali Songo or nine guardians. The Kingdom became a more advanced kingdom when the Majapahit kingdom began to collapse.

8. Samudera Pasai

The Samudera Pasai is the first Islamic kingdom around Sumatera island as part of the 5 largest island in Indonesia. The first king that leads the kingdom was Sultan Malik Al-Saleh in the 13th century.

Under the leadership of the king Sultan Malukul Dhahir, Samudra Pasai became a place of advanced trade. The port is always busy with traders from Asia, Africa, China, and Europe.

So, there is a glance about eight Indonesian strongest monarchies that exist in powering Indonesia throughout history. They come from a stronger kingdom then bring glory and make a great history that timeless. Every kingdom brings the most influential cultures that imply in daily life for Indonesian until now.

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