Food and Beverage

9 Indonesian Snacks for Break the Fast at Ramadhan Near You

Break the fasting after a whole day starving becomes the most important moment for most Indonesian. That is why usually they prepare so many snacks and foods to break their fasting properly.

Since Indonesia has so many traditional sweets and desserts, that makes you can easily find them to break your fasting. Most of them have a delicious taste with the most unique Indonesian taste that you can’t find them anywhere but in Indonesia.

Speaking of snacks for break the fast, here we have some of the lists of the most popular Indonesian snacks for break the fast during Ramadhan near you. Check them out below!

1. Kolak

Kolak is one of the most wanted Indonesian snacks that becomes everyone’s favorite for break the fast. Kolak contains the coconut milk soup that is filled with some fruits such as banana, cassava, and palm fruits. The sugar makes it sweet which is perfect to meet the Pandan leaves and vanilla powder.

Kolak can be found in most Indonesian snacks seller at Ramadhan market before the break the fast time comes up. Moreover, with those simple ingredients and easier cooking makes this kind of snack becomes the most favorable homemade Indonesian snack for break the fast.

2. Rissoles

Rissoles becomes one of the Indonesian snacks for break the fast at Ramadhan that you can easily find in most Ramadhan snack sellers. It contains the mayonnaise inside mix with some vegetables that wrap properly with the batter of wheat flour which becomes one of the most buy snacks in Indonesia during Ramadhan.

Rissoles has a chewy texture in a bit salty and creamy from the Mayonaise which perfect to serve at the break the fast time. Besides, it is perfect to consume with the hot sweet tea which Indonesian usually choose to drink when breaking the fast time instead of some ice.

3. Green Beans Porridge

Green beans porridge becomes one of the Indonesian snacks for break the fast during Ramadhan for those who love sweets. It contains green beans that cook properly with coconut milk and some sugars. You can also add some vanilla powder so which makes it more delicious to eat.

Green beans porridge can be served cold or hot as you pleased. So many youths commonly choose the cold ones so that the sweet will melt properly through the ice so that the sweet on it will perfectly fine to consume.

4. Any Kind of Frying Snack

Frying snacks become one of the most wanted snacks for break the fast during Ramadhan. There are so many types of it such as fried Tempe with wheat flour, Tofu, purple cassava,  Bala-Bala, types of Indonesian fishcake Pempek, and many more. It is perfect to consume with Indonesian local chili pepper and hot or ice tea.

Any kind of frying snacks seller commonly has a long queue at Ramadhan before the break the fasting comes up. That is why you need to prepare before trying to get them. If you are too lazy to getting the line, you can cook them by yourself since the process is easier than you though.

5. Banana Fried

Banana lovers must be excited with banana fried on their fasting break. It is similar to some kinds of fried snacks but it using the banana as the main ingredient. Commonly, Indonesian using the Kepok banana which has a solid texture outside but softer inside.

Banana fried is not only healthier to consume but also can make you feel more full in a long time. Comparing to another Indonesian snack, this type of fried snack becomes the most popular to consume for break the fast at Ramadhan.

6. Roasted Sausage

Roasted sausage becomes one of the modern Indonesian snacks that perfect to consume for break your fast. You can find the roasted sausage in most Indonesian markets towards the fasting break time as one of the most popular Indonesian streets food.

Roasted sausage contains one huge sausage that is roasted properly over the roaster and greased properly with some chilly ketchup or soy sauce. The taste is so unique and capable to make your stomach full after getting one sausage. That is why this type of snack is perfect to break your fasting.

7. Fruits Soup

Fruits soup becomes one of the most popular Indonesian snacks for break the fast after gone through starving the day. It contains so many fruits that are put into one bowl that full of coconut milk ice.

Commonly, fruits soup using some bananas, papaya, grape, orange, apple pear, apple, and many more. It brings the freshest feeling once you take a bite of one of those fruits. The soup is perfect to drink so that you will full once you finish one bowl of it.

8. Date

Just like in Mecca, Indonesian also love to consume the date to break their fast. Commonly, Indonesian makes it for cookies, deserts, or even drinks that perfect to consume as Indonesian snack for break their fasting.

You can find so many Indonesian snacks during Ramadhan that contain the date as one of the most popular snacks in Indonesia. Commonly they will also put some honey and raisins to give an Indonesian vibe over the date.

9. Nagasari

Nagasari cake has become the most popular homemade cake that perfect to consume for break the fast at Ramadhan. It contains rice flour that is steamed properly and filled with some bananas that become one of the homemade most legendary Indonesian snacks of the 90s.

The taste of Nagasari is soft and sweet which you can add some sugar as you want on the rice flour paste. If you are too lazy to cook, you can buy them at the Ramadhan market that available everywhere.

So, there are some of the glances about Indonesian snacks for break the fast at Ramadhan that has the most delicious taste of Indonesian near you. Which one your favorite snack?

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