Food and Beverage

9 Types of Indonesian Fishcake Pempek

Have you ever heard about the delicious fishcake Pempek? Pempek becomes one of the most popular Indonesian traditional foods that come from Palembang, South Sumatra. It is made from mackerel which becomes the most iconic food in Palembang outside the Ampera bridge as the Indonesian most famous landmark.

Fishcake Pempek is not only well known in Palembang but also in most of the Indonesian regions. If you ever visit most of the metropolitan cities in Indonesia you will find at least one fishcake Pempek seller around the city.

Speaking of fishcake Pempek, there are so many types of it that have a different shape but almost taste the same. Most of them are served using the Cuko as the main paste over them.

If you wondering what types of Indonesian fishcake Pempek, here we have some of them. Check them out below!

1. Kapal Selam

Kapal Selam fishcake Pempek becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian fishcake Pempek. It has an oval shape with the egg inside of it which has a bigger size than the usual Pempek. Just like the common fishcake Pempek, it is made from some specific mackerel.

The nutrients expert mentions that one portion of Pempek Kapal Selam contains about 500 kcal. It is a bit higher than the usual Pempek because the fish has a higher calorie plus the calorie on the egg inside.

If you are on a diet, you may think twice to consume the Kapal Selam Pempek considering the calories inside. Since the taste is so delicious, it still becomes the most favorable ones for Indonesian.

2. Lenjer

Lenjer fishcake Pempek becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesia fishcake Pempek after Kapal Selam. It has a long shape of cylindrical beam type in about seven or eight centimeters long. It is plain with only the Pempek type so that the calory is lower than the Kapal Selam.

Lenjer commonly perfects to consume as a snack because of its size which comes smaller than another fishcake Pempek. Even so, some Indonesian would prefer to take within two or more pieces of it.

3. Kulit

Kulit fishcake Pempek becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian fishcake Pempek that becomes the most favorable traditional food from Sumatra. It has a flat size but wider than the usual Pempek. That makes this type has a crispier taste comparing with another fishcake Pempek.

Kulit fishcake Pempek is commonly fried directly without the boiling process like the Kapal Selam. That makes this type has a simple method to cook rather than the Kapal Selam types which you have to boil them first.

4. Adaan

Adaan fishcake Pempek becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian fishcake. It has a round shape just like a meatball but has a harder texture than the meatball. It looks like the fishball cake but the chewiness is different because it using the fish as the main ingredient.

Adaan fishcake Pempek is a lot similar with Kulit and Lenjer types of fishcake Pempek. It should be fried directly without boiling it before to consume. Even so, the taste is delicious with the chewy texture on the inside.

5. Lenggang

Lenggang fishcake Pempek becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian fishcake made by fresh mackerel. This type has a different fishcake Pempek based on the cooking process.

Commonly Lenggang fishcake Pempek is roasted over the hot charcoal or modern roaster. The taste feels different and similarly look like the Otak-Otak fishcake as one of the popular Indonesian snacks.

6. Keriting

Keriting fishcake Pempek becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian that has a unique shape. It has a wrinkle type of fishcake Pempek just like noodles but rounded just like the meatball as the most iconic Indonesian street food.

Keriting fishcake Pempek has a softer texture comparing with another type of fishcake Pempek. Commonly, it serves with only steamed it over the steamer with a perfect temperature. That is why the texture is softer than you can imagine.

7. Telor

Telor fishcake Pempek is one of the common types of Indonesian fishcake Pempek that contain egg inside. It looks similar to the Kapal Selam type but has a smaller size with the egg small inside.

Telor fishcake Pempek types should be boiled first before you cooked them. The process needs more time to consume compared with the Lenjer or Kulit types. Even so, the taste has delicious with a combination of soft and chewy on it.

8. Pempek Panggang

Pempek Panggang is one of the types of Indonesian fishcake Pempek that should be roasted before consumption. It sounds similar to the Lenggang but has a different type. If the Lenggang type should using the egg to roasted, Pempek Panggang doesn’t need it.

Commonly, Pempek Panggang contains some Ebi or local shrimps inside. You can also add some Indonesian chili peppers there. Commonly Indonesian prefers to consume it with some Indonesian local chili peppers on the Cuko.

9. Pastel

Pastel fishcake Pempek is one of the types of Indonesian fishcake Pempek which shaped properly just like the Pastel cake. The basic ingredient is similar to the Lenjer type but it has something inside such as the grated papayas or so.

If you don’t like papaya, there also a plain Pastel Pempek which has the same delicious taste like the usual Pastel types.

So, there some glances about so many types of Indonesian fishcake Pempek that you can find in most Indonesian regions. Have you ever take a bit of one of them?

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