Food and Beverage

9 Indonesian Traditional Drinks That Contains With Indonesian Spices

Indonesia contains so many riches of traditional foods and traditional drinks. It made Indonesia has so special with all of these traditional things which becomes the most unique character of the nation.

Speaking of it, now we have some of the Indonesian traditional drinks that you should know. Some of them are spread in most of the Indonesian regions but almost rare in most of metropolitan city.

Commonly, when the rainy season comes through the city, most Indonesian loves to have some traditional drinks. It will give them a warm feeling while enjoying the drink. Besides, most of them are made by some traditional recipes of Indonesian spices which similar to the most common spices in Indonesian dishes that make you healthier.

Now, check some of them below so that you can feel it for real!

1. Wedang Jahe

Wedang Jahe becomes one of the most popular traditional drinks in Indonesia a very long time ago. It is made by the ginger that is roasted properly then poured with some hot water on it. You can add some sugar to it so the taste will hot but sweet inside.

Wedang Jahe is perfect to consume in rainy seasons which commonly the weather becomes cold combines with some types of Indonesian rice dish. Besides, it has so many benefits for our body such as lower the sugar level, prevents nausea, healing some bone diseases, and many more.

2. Wedang Ronde

Wedang Ronde becomes one of the most popular traditional drinks of Indonesia that you can find around Yogyakarta. It is made by the Wedang Jahe that fulfill with some peanuts, sugar palm fruit, and white glutinous rice flour.

Wedang Ronde comes from a Chinese culture drink that used to be presented at the lantern festivals. Nowadays, not only on lantern festival but it also available daily which the Wedang Ronde sellers always exist in Yogyakarta every night.

3. Wedang Uwuh

Wedding Uwuh becomes one of the most popular traditional drinks that you can find in Yogyakarta or around Central Java after Wedang Jahe. It comes with the Secang tree which contains some of the spices of leaves.

Wedding Uwuh has an authentic taste that differs from other traditional drinks in Indonesia. The spices become the most important part of the drink which makes it tastier to drink in boiled water. People believe that consuming it regularly can regain some muscles strains and bring back your energy.


STMJ stands for Susu Telur Madu Jahe which means it contains milk, egg, honey, and ginger. It is a famous traditional drink which you can find easily in Central Java and East Java.

Some people believe that consuming STMJ regularly can boost your energy. That is why it becomes so popular in so many men to drink it daily. Commonly they preferred using the duck egg on the drink rather than the chicken egg.

5. Talua Tea

Talua tea is one of the most popular traditional drinks in Sumatra that comes from West Sumatra. It contains hot tea that adds some sugar, egg and a bit of lime. That makes it has a great taste with the combination of sweet and a bit sour.

Talua tea used to become the most favorable drink for farmers in West Sumatra. They would love to drink it after came from the ricefield which they believe can boost their energy back.

6. Air Guraka

Air Guraka is one of the most popular traditional drinks that comes from the Halmahera island, Maluku. It contains the Guraka or local Malukunese’s ginger that mixes with hot boiled water, palm sugar, walnuts, and pandan leaves.

Commonly Air Guraka is consumed while the rainy season comes through the island. That makes your body warmer than before from the ginger inside. Besides, people also believe that the drink is useful for your recovery after sick.

7. Lahang

Lahang is one of the most popular traditional drinks in Indonesia that comes from West Java. It is made by the filter of palm sap which properly took from the palm tree.

Commonly, the Lahang’s farmer will have some technique to make the water becomes drinkable which almost the same as the Tuak but has different types from some traditional alcoholic drinks in Indonesia.

Lahang is not only found in West Java but also Central Java and East Java as well. But they come with different names such as in Central Java it’s called the Legen. It contains some electrolyte from the palm tree which similar to some isotonic drinks on the market.

8. Bajigur

Bajigur becomes one of the most popular traditional drinks in Indonesia that come from West Java which also you can find in some best Sundanese restaurants in Bali. It contains hot black coffee that mixes with some sugar palm fruit, coconut milk, some slices of bread, and palm sugar.

Some people believe that consuming Bajigur can effectively recover from flu, keep your immune health, prevent obesity, good for your skin, and many more. That is why these drinks become so popular not only for elders but also adults.

9. Sarabba

Sarabba is one of the most popular drinks in Indonesia that comes from Makassar, South Sulawesi. It contains some coconut milk, palm sugar, ginger, pepper, and yolk.

People believe that consuming Sarabba is capable to heal your stomachache and keep your immune healthier than before. That is why this drink become so popular while the rainy season come through the city in Makassar.

So, there are some Indonesian traditional drinks that you should know. most of them are made with natural ingredients containing some Indonesian spices that give the best benefit to your body. Have you ever try one of them?

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