Food and Beverage

10 Indonesia’s Local Brand Of Tea

Tea becomes so popular in Indonesia since along time ago. Drink a cup of tea daily is a must for them who love it the most. Usually, Indonesian love to drink it in the morning with hot serves before they start to do their activity. It is so good to serve with an Indonesian soup at lunch.

Tea becomes everyone’s favorite in Indonesia after food or snack. People believe drink a cup of tea when they feeling sick is better than medicine. It becomes a habit for Indonesian, so that makes it is easily found everywhere other than some world heritage sites in Indonesia.

Indonesia’s Local Brand of Tea

Tea comes in Indonesia since about 1684 that suspected come from Japan.  Someone names Sir Andreas Cleyer brought it to Batavia. Then, in the year 1800, the tea company was held supported by VOC. At the first time of 1827, tea becomes larger with a tea farm starts in Purwakarta and Banyuwangi.

In 1828, Jacobus Jacobson, a tea master at that time start to widen the tea farm not only on Java island but also in every region in Indonesia. The method unexpectedly becomes larger. In 1835 for the first time, Javanese tea comes in Amsterdam.

In 1877, tea farms becomes popular and make a larger plantation so that the tea company run well. It becomes spread almost in the Indonesian area up to Sumatera island in 1910. Since then, there are a lot of local brands of tea that loves by every Indonesian and foreigner.

Speaking of the local brand, here we have some tea local brands that originally come from Indonesia. The Indonesian tea taste comes in an original way that becomes favorite for Indonesian in most of the ages.


The Dandang Tea is an Indonesian local brand that comes from PT Kartini Teh Nasional. Its claim held since 1951 in Pekalongan, Central Java. The scent of this tea smells so good and becomes everyone’s favorite since along time ago.

Dandang Tea

In 1976, some of the regions in Wonogiri, Central Java transferred to Sumatera island. Because, people already fell in love with Dandang tea, the company keeps sending the tea there. That is why this tea becomes spread around the island for the first time.

2. Tong Tji

The Tong Tji is so popular with a combination of tea and jasmine. The tea comes from the company to start in 1938 and it becomes popular until now. It comes with a good flavor that makes everyone love to drink it. Whether is hot or cold in service, people still love the good smell on it.

Tong Tji Tea

3. Gopek

The Gopek tea is a local brand that comes from Slawi, Tegal, Central Java. The company was held by Bambang Eka Jaya (Kwee Pek Joe) in 1942. The company is consistent to make its brand originally comes from natural tea leaves. That is why it is so tasteful and becomes everyone’s favorite to drink.

Gopek Tea

4. Jawa

The Jawa tea comes from Pekalongan and becomes the most popular tea in Central Java. The tea was made by the combination of the best tea leaves with jasmine. It produces a taste of tea and has a lot of benefits after drink it.

Jawa Tea

5. Poci

The Poci is a tea brand that comes from Guci, Tegal, Central Java by the PT Gunung Slamat company. The taste of Poci tea has a unique taste than different from other tea. The best service of this tea is with a traditional Javanese pot with a rock sugar.

Poci Tea

The Poci tea becomes so popular with the slogan Wasgitel (Wangi, Panas, Sepet, Legi, Lan Kentel). It means that the tea has a good smell, hot, sour, and thick taste.

6. Prendjak

Prendjak tea comes from Melanesian tea and originally comes from Riau, North Sumatera. The taste of this tea is tasteful with a good smell that you will never forget. The taste is different from most of the Javanese tea. It has more sweet taste because of the mix of vanilla on it.

Prendjak Tea

7. Tjatoet

The Tjatoet tea comes from Tegal, Central Java in around 1938. The company was consistent to make a traditional tea with a great taste since along time ago. That is why the taste of this tea has an original flavor with a great taste on it.

Tjatoet Tea

8. Cap Kepala Jenggot

The tea of Kepala Jenggot becomes popular with its cover about the old man. This is kind of a traditional tea in Indonesia that comes from Karang Anyar, Central Java. It is so popular since 1950 by the PT Gunung Subur Sejahtera company.

Kepala Djenggot Tea

The taste of Kepala Jenggot tea is so original with a combination of sour and sweet. It makes the taste more succulent to drink. People love it to drink by hot or cold serve. The taste will never change and keep the original taste.

9. Bendera

The tea of Bendera comes with a unique taste that different from any Javanese tea. It comes from Medan, North Sumatera. The taste becomes so popular because it is so tasteful to drink. It becomes an iconic famous local brand after the Sumatran rhinoceros facts.

Bendera Tea

10. Gardoe

The Gardoe tea comes from Pekalongan, Central Java. It has a tasteful tea with a great smell on it. This tea will fix you a great companion after snack or so. Whether hot or cold in service, the tea still has an original taste that you can never forget.

Gardoe Tea

So, there are 10 Indonesia’s local brands of tea that you should know because of the variation of natural resources of Indonesia. This tea existed since along time ago that makes Indonesia have a lot of tea flavor. That tea comes with an original tea or the mix of the tea leaves and jasmine or camomile. The original taste has not aged so that everyone loves it

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