8 Most Common Indonesian Names

Names preferences in Indonesia have so many types, and it becomes so important. People usually take it personally with something related to or someone that closer to them. That is why you will find that the Indonesian name commonly has some typical names as the unique facts about Indonesia.

This time, we have some of the lists from the most common Indonesian names that you should know. Most of them are timeless, and people love them the most. They also still using the name even though there are so many same typical names. Even though they are Indonesian most well-known model.

So, let’s check those most common Indonesian names below. May your name has already become one of them.

  • Muhammad

In Indonesian names, Muhammad becomes the most popular first name. Even though people with Muhammad’s name do not usually call them Muhammad, this first name gets the first place of rank names in Indonesia.

Muhammad Iqbal

For Indonesian, the name of Muhammad is related to the prophet in Islam. Since Islam becomes the highest religion chosen by Indonesian, they believe if giving the name for their children with Muhammad will bring more hope to their children.

Parents usually wish that their children have at least one good thing from the prophet attitude or other aspects.

  • Putra

Putra commonly uses specifically for those who have male gender. Indonesian so concerns about their children’s names and they will name it by their gender. That is why you will not find Putra’s name in every girl or woman.

So many Indonesian perceived that Putra’s name was given by parents that so lazy to think about their baby boy’s name. Putra has a specific meaning with a boy so that Indonesian parents will think it is the easiest name for their sons.

But, if you see the deep meaning of Putra, you will find that some people consider the names with the crown prince. You may discover that Putra names in most of Javanese with have the greatest kingdom history in Indonesia.

  • Putri

Putri is the opposite of Putra, which usually use for daughter names. Common Indonesian parents are love this name so much. They even relate the name with the hope that their daughter can be such a beautiful princess by using it.

Putri Titian

You can find Putri names in most of the Indonesian region such as in Java island. Based on the kingdom history in Java island, Putri is referring to a princess in the kingdom. That is why Javanese loves this name so much.

  • Eka

Eka in Indonesia refers to one, and Indonesian parents usually refer to it for their first daughter or son. These names become more common in use for both daughter or son and have no specific gender rules. The most important to use this name has to be used for the first child in the house.

Eka Tjipta Wijaya

You can find these typical names of Eka in most Indonesian religion. But, if you see closer, in Java island you can find it the most than other islands. Even though it is not a typical common Indonesian surname, this name still becomes special for the firstborn in the family.

  • Dwi

Dwi in Indonesia refers to two, that is why Indonesian parents usually refer to the name for their second children. There is no specific gender for using these names as long as its use for the second daughter or son. Just like the Eka name, Dwi also becomes the most popular name in Indonesia.

Dwi Sasono

You can find Dwi’s name in most Indonesian regions such as Java island and Sumatra island. If you find it in other islands such as Bali, Lombok, Kalimantan, or Sulawesi, that may because they have the Javanese family as a part of the history of migration in Indonesia.

  • Tri

Tri in Indonesia refers to three, which are considered the third child in the family. Just like the Dwi and Eka names, Tri also has no specific gender in use. People usually using it for both daughter or son in the family as long as they are the third child.

Tri Rismaharini

You may hear most of Tri names in the Java island than other islands in Indonesia. Specifically for Javanese, this name becomes so popular in Central Java.

  • Nur

Nur in Indonesia refers to the light or something brighter. Parents love this name the most in Indonesia. They put the hope for their children to giving a brighter light not only for their selves, but also the environment around them and the whole family.

Nurul Arifin

You can find the typical Nur names in most of the Indonesian regions. This name has no specific gender and the sequence for their child in the family. That makes people can use this name as their wants without following some specific rules.

Just like Muhammad’s name, Nur also becomes so popular with the Muslim community as the biggest religion in Indonesia. That is why you may hear that most of the people with Nur names is a Muslim in Indonesia.

  • Dewi

Dewi becomes the most loved name by Indonesian parents, specifically for their daughters. In Indonesia, Dewi is related to the beauty of the angel from the sky. It is commonly like the angel from the Greece myth but adapts to the beauty of Indonesian culture.

Dewi Lestari

You can find these typical Dewi names in most Indonesian regions for the west part of Indonesia. Even though most of them are Javanese or specifically living on Java island, that doesn’t mean that you can’t find the names in Sumatra or Kalimantan.

So, there are some of the popular most common Indonesian names. If you take a look closer to them, you will find that those names can be found easily in most of Java island’s regions.

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