
8 Common Balinese Names That Still Exist

Bali becomes the region in Indonesia that has the busiest tourism visit than other regions. Because the region has a beautiful landscape and unique culture. The culture is influenced by Hinduism that exists from time to time.

As the biggest living place for Hinduism, Balinese has its Hinduism culture that influences most of daily life from the traditional dances from Bali includes their name. Commonly, Balinese names were taken by Hinduism culture by using the caste system.

Even though the naming tradition for Balinese by caste was written off a long time ago, but some Balinese keep their name for some reason. Their name has unique phrases that commonly you can only find these names in the fact of Hinduism in Bali.

Let’s see some of the list below about common Balinese names that still exist until now.

1. Ida Bagus

Ida Bagus dedicated for them who was born as the descendants of Brahmana caste. This caste becomes the highest caste in Hinduism culture that applies to their descendant’s naming tradition such as for the folktales from Bali. Balinese which include the Brahmana caste has to be a religious person such as the priest or so.

Balinese that has a name Ida Bagus means that they are a handsome person that perceived as a respectable person around their environment. That is why commonly this name used to be a name for a priest or a religious leader.

Nowadays, the Ida Bagus name is commonly used for Balinese’s son. Balinese parents may have a hope that their son will grow up as a man whose not only has a handsome face but a religious person with an honorable manner.

2. Ida Ayu

Ida Ayu was dedicated to them as Balinese who was born as the descendants of the Brahmana caste. This name has almost the same meaning as the Ida Bagus name but for girls only. If every son naming by Ida Bagus in the Brahmana caste, so that the daughter will have a name with Ida Ayu.

Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai

Commonly Balinese will call the Ida Ayu with Dayu which has the meaning of a kind person with a wise deliberation while making a decision. That is why this name used to suitable for the women religious leaders since people commonly come to them for asking a recommendation.

3. Anak Agung

Anak Agung is dedicated to the Balinese who was born as the descendant of the Ksatria caste. Ksatria caste is the caste that comes from the kingdom family such as the king and all of his descendants and the whole family. That is why this caste commonly calls as the nobility caste since the name should be placed at the first name and it is different from the common Indonesian surname.

Anak Agung Ayu Puspa Aditya Karang

Nowadays, the name of Anak Agung from Balinese parents has the meaning of the people who can be leading others in society. That’s can be part of a government locally or globally. That is why commonly this name commonly referring to the firstborn of a son.

4. Dewa Ayu

Dewa Ayu is a version of the daughter name from the Anak Agung name. Just like the Anak Agung name, Dewa Ayu’s name also comes from the Ksatria caste. Some people also using the Anak Agung Istri, but rarely use it since the Dewa Ayu name becomes more popular now.

Dewa Ayu Made Sriartha

For Balinese parents, Dewa Ayu means a hope that just like their ancestors they will become one of the people that capable of leading the governance system. It can be the ministry, military official, mayor, regent, and many more.

5. Wayan

Wayan dedicated for them in Balinese names who was born as the first child in the family. Whether they were born as a son or daughter, Wayan’s name will appear in their name. Wayan’s name used to come from Balinese that comes from the Shudra caste that different from the most common Indonesian name.

As time goes by and the caste tradition was written off, most Balinese use their naming tradition by the following born in the family. Wayan’s name comes from the word Wayahan in the Balinese language which means the older one. That is why this name is suitable for the firstborn.

6. Made

Made dedicated for them in Balinese names who was born as the second generation on the family. This name also can be used for both son and daughter, as long as they come from the second born. The made name comes from the word of Madya in the Balinese language which means the middle part.

I Made Wirawan

Another word that uses for the sign of the second born in Balinese name can be Nengah, which means as the middle. They’re also a Kadek name that means a little brother or sister.

7. Nyoman

Nyoman dedicated for them in Balinese names who was born as the third child on the family. This name also applicable both for son and daughter in the family which refers to the younger one. Since the name comes from the word of Anom and Nyeman.

Nyoman Nuarta

Anom means as the younger or little one in the family, while Nyeman word referring to the banana tree in the layer of the outer shell. Another word that commonly uses for the third child in Balinese name is Komang. It comes from the Uman word which means as the remainder.

8. Ketut

Ketut is the Balinese name that refers to the fourth born in a Balinese family. The name comes from the word Ketuwut which means as the follower. Commonly this name indicates the last generation of the family.

Ni Ketut Mahadewi

So, there are some of the Balinese names that still exist until now. Commonly, Balinese using all of those names and adding some honorific words for shown their genders such as I for son and Ni or Luh for daughter.

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