Socio Cultural

8 Things That Are Considered Rude in Indonesia

Have you ever wondered what kind of things that considered rude in Indonesia? As you visit the country, you may have been aware that there are so many things in Indonesia that come different from your culture.

Visiting another country will bring you so many different experiences compared to your culture in your country. This matter also happens when you visit Indonesia which found that there are so many things that are considered rude in Indonesia. It also includes some of the crucial things not to bring to Indonesia.

As the archipelago contains so many islands that make so many things that are considered rude in Indonesia come different from one region to another. These things make you should be careful while visiting the country.

If you are wondering what kind of things are considered rude in Indonesia, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Using Left Hand

Indonesian are very strict with their manner, which represents how others will figure them. In Indonesia, using the left hand is one of the things that are considered rude in Indonesia. They believe that the left hand should be used for bad things.

For so many years, Indonesian culture always holds the principle to respect for others. Using the left hand is considered rude others will preserve you as a people with no manners and not respect another.

2. Dishonor the Elders

Being dishonored by the elders is one of the things that are considered rude in Indonesia. In Indonesia, elders mean the ones that you should give the best respect for so many reasons.

Whether it is about asking or rejecting the opinion, you better need some suggestions from the elders. That becomes a rule that is never written in Indonesian culture but is always done by everyone.

3. Ignore the Proper Clothes

Ignoring how you should wear your clothes is one of the things that is considered rude in Indonesia. For so many reasons, Indonesia has the largest Muslim community, and their rule expands to the manner of how they should wear clothes as shown in when eid al Adha tradition held in Indonesia.

In the most common of clothing rule in Indonesia, it represents Muslim wear which has to be covered for leg, shoulders, and chest. If you are visiting the country and wearing such open-shoulder clothes, a mini skirt, or even shorts are considered rude.

4. Offensive Behaviour

Offensive behavior is one of the things that are considered rude in Indonesia such as pictured in some of the cultural performances in Bali. Since the country believes in always living in harmony, showing offensive behavior such as confronting your anger, slamming doors, harassing others, or even shouting at others counts as rude.

Many years ago, Indonesian have their faith to always be kind towards others and should be capable to manage their anger. That becomes a part of growing their patience which they believe would bring them good luck.

5. Glaring Others

Glaring at others is one of the things that are considered rude in Indonesia. This kind of behavior represents arrogant behavior. Moreover, if you are staring at the elders, Indonesian will judge you as a rude person with no respect for their elders.

Glaring at others in Indonesia should be avoided so that you will be treated kindly by Indonesian in feedback. Commonly Indonesian believe that glaring at others means impolite behavior that brings bad luck.

6. Showing Affection in Public

Showing affection in public romantically is one of the things that are considered rude in Indonesia. In most Muslim communities showing affection in affection is a part of impolite behavior towards others. Moreover, if you are not having a legal marriage relationship under the law.

In the most common Indonesian culture, physical contact in public such as in the best cafes in south Jakarta should do in a minimum content. Even if you have a relative relationship, men and women are considered to have minimum physical contact.

Showing affection in public romantically will bring so bad luck such as gossip that easily spreads among Indonesian. Most of them are close to each other in a group which makes them easily gossip about you which will make it so hard to ignore.

7. Careful While Addressing People

Avoiding Indonesian culture when addressing people is one of the things that are considered rude in Indonesia. Whether you are getting close to your friend or colleagues in Indonesia, you should never avoid addressing them properly.

You need to learn about Indonesian culture when you should call them Bapak (Sir), Ibu (Ma’am), or just call their name. It is important to avoid calling the elders by their name directly, which represents impolite, rude, and no manners in Indonesian culture.

8. Rejecting an Offer

Rejecting an offer is one of the things that are considered rude in Indonesia. Rejecting an offer in Indonesia represents an impolite manner. Even for food, if you are rejecting the offer they will be cursing you to have a piece of bad luck because they believe in that way.

In most Indonesian cultures, rejecting an offer means you are rejecting gratitude from god that will lead you to bad luck. That is why it is better to receive the offer politely so that they will kindly behave towards you such as receiving some Indonesian deep-fried dishes while they offer you.

So, some things are considered rude in Indonesia. Instead of having a negative sense of their unique culture, you better learn to adapt so that you can enjoy your visit to Indonesia happily.

Have you ever faced that familiar behavior while visiting Indonesia? Tell me how’d you react to these attitudes toward you.

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